
Stranger, will you leave an address

author:Su Shu Book

Just accidentally flipped to the Jianyou Dynamic Square, the first time I saw the existence of this Similar WeChat Circle of Friends, I casually clicked, and saw the following message in the first article in the essence column:

"If you want to write ✉️ to a stranger, if you want to receive a letter please leave your email address,

If you want to write to me please remember this email :..."

Inexplicably moved in an instant.

I think that only people who are particularly soft in heart, full of curiosity and desire for human nature, and who have great love and expectation for life, will take the trouble to launch such a cute and chic activity!

I remembered a time in junior high school when I was a penpal with a long-distance friend, and I had to correspond almost every week. The content of the letter is nothing more than the careful thinking of the adolescent love sinus.

I miss the busy nights when I carefully described and analyzed the inner world word by word with a pen.

I also miss myself when I was a student, who loved to pass on notes and write a diary, and that kind of clumsy and honest down-to-earth seriousness, in my opinion, has always been a bright spot in a person.

In the year of high school graduation, I can't remember whether I was influenced by Daiyu's funeral flowers or stimulated by the fact that I had to separate from the people I liked, and I was particularly arrogant to carry those diaries, letters and notes with memories to a corner pavilion on the mountain and buried them...

After a year, I regretted it, but it was already overwhelmed, and those words could never be found again.

Since then, I have cherished every note I received, even a simple "Happy Birthday" that has survived to this day.

I only hope that when I miss someone again in the future, I can have a medium. I can't even remember the man's handwriting.

Suddenly remembering the frequent correspondence between Li Yinhe and Wang Xiaobo when they were in two places during their love affair, you come and go, you and I are not romantic!

At that time, I was very envious of the delicacy and tenderness conveyed between the lines of these two literati words. Hate the carrier pigeons that can't be preached when they preach.

Nowadays, will anyone still express their emotions and feelings by writing letters?

At this moment, I suddenly wanted to write a letter that I did not know whether it would be sent or not.

Stranger, will you leave an address

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