
Discuss the affairs of the village and twist them into a rope

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

Discuss the affairs of the village and twist them into a rope

——Henan Shangqiu built a platform for "dry group night talk" to promote rural revitalization

Guangming Daily reporter Ding Yan

"Everyone is very busy during the day, let's take advantage of the evening time to see what problems you need to solve, I want to hear from you." Recently, Jiang Jian, secretary of the party committee of Miaoqiao Town, Shangqiu Yongcheng City, Henan Province, and the villagers sat around the table and opened a new "night talk for cadres and groups" activity.

Since 2021, Shangqiu City, Henan Province, based on the "I do practical things for the masses" activity, has opened up a new platform for "cadres and groups talking at night" to discuss and handle affairs, and promote the solution of grass-roots problems and the implementation of various work.

Find the right way to communicate and build an interactive platform

In the past, cadres could not find villagers during the day, and villagers could not find cadres at night; when meetings were held, cadres spoke on stage and the masses listened offstage, and there was no interaction between the two sides; the relationship between cadres and the masses was not harmonious, and they petitioned without a word...

In response to this situation, in August 2021, Shangqiu City extensively carried out the "Dry Group Night Talk" rural revitalization activity in the city. The activity takes the rural party and mass service center as a platform, and cadres, party members and the people in the jurisdiction have a night talk and discussion to solve problems and difficult problems and seek common development prospects.

From sitting and waiting for the masses to come to the door during working hours to actively serving the masses after work hours, this change has promoted party members and cadres to adjust their thinking in a timely manner, discover problems, and bring the relationship between cadres and the masses closer.

As for the family routine with cadres, many masses are not accustomed to it and always refuse to tell the truth. Town and village cadres have a different strategy: do not take the book, do not bring people, "single-handedly", straight forward. One after another, the people felt that the cadres did not regard themselves as outsiders. The masses dare to speak up and speak out, and they no longer hide it.

The "night talk" of cadres and groups talked about "major events" such as rural revitalization, environmental improvement, epidemic prevention and control, and also the daily affairs of villagers.

"The road in front of the gate is potholed, as soon as it rains, the road surface will be filled with water, can it be repaired?" Liang Bingjian, a villager in Huayuan Village, told Jiang Jian, secretary of the party committee of Miaoqiao Town in Yongcheng City.

In the Yanglou Village "Dry Group Night Talk" activity, villager Sun Qizhen grabbed the microphone: "Secretary Jiang, you helped the village and the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences to jointly build a Runnong Planting Demonstration Garden." Now, more people come to visit and learn, and more merchants come to pull vegetables, can you build a toilet for the demonstration garden? ”

Jiang Jian recorded one by one at the scene, and then held a leadership team meeting, set up a special work class, applied for special funds, designed a construction plan, and in less than a month, repaired the 1.8-kilometer damaged highway in Garden Village and built three new high-standard public toilets for Yanglou, Wumiao and Caolou.

Whatever the masses need, the party members and cadres will talk about

Shangqiu City has established a menu-based service mechanism of "fixing supply according to demand", and party members and cadres will talk about what the masses need. Focusing on the role of the rural revitalization strategy and the grass-roots party organizations as fighting fortresses, the masses talked about the development of industrial projects, said the construction of rural customs and civilization, came up with ideas for epidemic prevention and control, provided strategies for grid management, and put forward opinions on the collection of the two insurances.

The masses of Liu Xinzhai Village, Qiaoji Town, Yucheng County, reported that the water in the field affected wheat sowing, and Qin Jinghua, first secretary of the Shangqiu City Discipline Inspection Commission in the village, carefully analyzed the causes and found a solution.

The people of Qiaonan Village, Huqiao Township, Xiayi County, reflected on the housing problem of poverty alleviation households, and Han Feng, the first secretary of Shangqiu Mobile Company in the village, used special funds to help The two families of Meng Guangxuan and Meng Zhaogui to solve the housing problem.

The people of Zhuzhuang Village, Huayuan Township, Minquan County, reflected on the children's education problems, and Ma Jinxing, the first secretary of the Shangqiu Municipal Finance Bureau in the village, raised funds to set up a village education incentive fund to reward children who were admitted to college.

"The 'night talk of cadres and groups' rural revitalization activity carried out by Shangqiu City has enabled the masses to solve problems and cadres to solve problems, and has realized changes in work style, ability and governance." Luo Jun, member of the Standing Committee of the Shangqiu Municipal CPC Committee and director of the Organization Department, said.

When life is good, spiritual civilization must also keep up

On winter nights, the cultural square of Liulou Village in Minquan County is bustling with activity. Wu Zhenfeng, first secretary of the Shangqiu Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, and members of the two village committees are carrying out the "Five Good Civilized Families" commendation activity in the village, and awarding honorary certificates and medals to the 20 families who were commended. This is the result of repeated discussions in the village a few days ago.

After the meeting, the village carried out a series of activities such as "Dumpling Feast for the Grateful 80-year-old". Through neighborhood round tables, thanksgiving dumpling banquets, singing dramas and other forms, promote neighborhood harmony, help each other, let the elderly feel warm, and create a good family style, civilized rural style, simple folk style.

Zhang Yongtao, secretary of the party branch of Mahuazhuang Village, Wangqiao Town, Minquan County, said: "Now that everyone is living well, spiritual civilization must also keep up, so as to boost the spirit of the masses!" ”

No, night fell, and the lights of the Dream Butterfly Garden in LaoYan Ji Township of Minquan County were lit up again. After dinner, many villagers gathered around to sing, dance, and clap, and Cheng Zhonghua, secretary of the township party committee, led the members of the team to come here and have a long talk with the villagers.

"Secretary Cheng, can you see how well you twisted?" The hard days have passed, and now the policy is good, I don't have to worry about eating, wearing, and living, and I have to dance and sing. The words of Shi Fanling, an old man from Chen Zhuang Village who was dancing, made everyone laugh.

Truly achieve the people's call, I have to respond

Instead of singing a one-man show, bao village cadres and village party branch secretaries took the lead in speaking, and the masses changed from "one-way listening" to "two-way speaking" and from "passive learning" to "active doing." In the "Night Talk of Cadres and Groups", the party members and cadres of Shangqiu City actively publicized policies and regulations to the masses, introduced the work situation at the grass-roots level, and invited party members to become rich experts and "five old personnel" to preach practical breeding techniques and red stories in rural areas to the masses. Let the villagers know what the cadres are doing, let the cadres know what the villagers are thinking.

Nowadays, participating in the "night talk of the cadres" has become the habit of the villagers after dinner, and everyone gathers together to discuss the affairs of the village and twist it into a rope.

Zhou Guangzhi, the first secretary of Xiaowutun Village in Sunfuji Township, Liangyuan District, introduced a yam planting project for the village, 800 mu of 1113 mu of cultivated land in the village were planted with yam, and 32 new yam storage cold storages were built in the village, generating an income of 10.5 million yuan. He also helped villager Pang Jiachang rent 100 acres of land to develop the under-forest economy, generating an annual income of more than 3 million yuan. Under his encouragement, Zhu Zhaoxue, secretary of the village branch, planted 90 mu of "Shanghai Qing", generating an income of 32,000 yuan per mu, employing a total of 14,400 workers, and enabling the villagers to earn 1.44 million yuan.

In order to make the "night talk of cadres and groups" continue to carry out and solve big problems with small incisions, Shangqiu City takes the quantitative assessment of party building as the starting point, takes the lead in implementing and tracking the service model for specific problems, keeps an eye on the responsible person to promote the commitment work as scheduled according to the time node, and timely follows up to solve the problem, forcing the relevant departments to perform their duties. At the same time, we regularly organize the masses, town and village cadres, and so on to evaluate and evaluate the results of the "night talk to cadres and groups" activity, so as to truly ensure that the people have a call and I have a response.

As of December 20, 2021, Shangqiu City has carried out more than 3,100 "dry group night talk" activities, with a total of more than 100,000 participants, collected more than 5,500 opinions and suggestions in 89 categories, and solved more than 2,500 problems.

Guangming Daily ( 2022-01-05 10th edition)