
After the end of the ancient war, how to deal with the large number of female prisoners? There are several ways to be amused

After the end of the ancient war, what happened to the large number of female prisoners? These few ways make people can't help but be funny!

In ancient times, a war would be launched from time to time, many people may lose their lives in the war, and some people may be separated because of the war, so many people hate the war very much. However, many people may also sympathize with these people who have lost their families and lives in the war, but everyone should also wonder why a large number of female prisoners are captured in the war, and what is the use of them in wanting these female prisoners? Let's analyze it together.

After the end of the ancient war, how to deal with the large number of female prisoners? There are several ways to be amused

Many women will not fight on the battlefield, but their husbands and sons will, so when the husband and son heroically kill the enemy, their hearts are actually very worried, they are praying every day for the safe return of their families, if they win well, if the final outcome is defeated, they may also face the situation of being captured by the enemy, such a fate can be said to be worse than death, once captured, their final end is only the following, if lucky, Maybe they will live a prosperous life and marry a family with status, but if they are unlucky, they may be devastated by many people, and eventually suffer humiliation, and then hate their own lives.

After the end of the ancient war, how to deal with the large number of female prisoners? There are several ways to be amused

In ancient times, there were many men who believed that the symbol of defeating a person was to possess his woman, so at that time they would not regard women as people, completely take them as a tool to show off, many women were forcibly possessed by these rude men after being captured, and suffered all kinds of humiliations, and some people may give them to others to be humiliated after they have been occupied, and many female prisoners cannot bear this humiliation and can only die.

After the end of the ancient war, how to deal with the large number of female prisoners? There are several ways to be amused

There is also a more common situation, that is, after these female captives are captured, the first thing is to be selected by their leaders, if the chief is not satisfied, it will be given to these generals, if the generals are not satisfied, they will eventually be sold in the market, so the previous female status is really low, everyone treats them as a commodity to buy and sell, some people may be bought by others as wives, some people may be bought back as a maid, so their fate is quite miserable.

After the end of the ancient war, how to deal with the large number of female prisoners? There are several ways to be amused

However, there were also some female captives with good luck, such as Cai Wenji, she was a very famous talented woman, in fact, her husband also died in the war, so he was given to the Xiongnu as a concubine, of course, this is also because she looks beautiful, otherwise who will look up to her, so in the end her ending is already very good compared to other captured female prisoners.