
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?

author:Happy Planet happy

Before I always looked at the Internet, some people said: Star Ye is the memory of the post-90s.

For me as a post-00s, the same is true...

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?

When I was young, I didn't know what star chasing was, nor did I know what was "handsome", only that there was a person on TV who was very "pleasing to the eye"

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?

When I grew up, I learned that this person's name was Zhou Xingchi.

He is also an era!


What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


Love has no ability to climb high, only love and no love.

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?

"Daddy, you see, there's a shredded meat in it!" "This is shredded meat, this is meat!"

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?

It's not that I like to fight, there are a lot of people who like to be beaten by me.

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?

People laugh at me for being crazy, and I laugh at others who can't see through it. There is no Wuling Haojie tomb, no flowers and no wine hoes for the field.

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?

I want to be a messenger of peace, preaching love to the mortal world on behalf of the Heavenly Palace.

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


I am talking about the private affairs of my children, and the country will talk about such a small matter another day.

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?

When I was a child, I made a wish and wanted to be a good official, but when I grew up, I realized that a good official is not easy to do. The worst thing is that even corrupt officials can't do it, and they can't get anything in the middle.

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?

It turned out that the girl had left a tear in my heart, and I could fully feel how sad she was.

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


As long as you say I can do it, even if people all over the world say I can't do it, I don't care.

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


You can say that I am a dragon runner, but you cannot say that I am a "stinky running dragon set".

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


If you don't have any dreams, what is the difference between you and salted fish!

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


It is good not to remember, and to forget is also a kind of happiness.

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?
What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?


Although we are poor, we do not brag, do not fight, as long as we have backbone, we will be respected.

What are the classic works of Stephen Chow?

In fact, Star Ye's time in the film industry is not long, but he has left us many classics, so that every year during the holidayS, I have to revisit it.

Winter vacation is coming, let's relive the classics together [a flash of inspiration]

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