
Looking back on 2021, looking forward to 2022 New Year and New Wishes

The past 2021 has drawn a heavy stroke on the axis of time. Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, for everyone what have been gained in 2021, what are the happy things and regrets, and what wishes and new goals are there in 2022, let us follow the reporter's lens and listen to the voices of the general public and friends.

Looking back on the 2021 that has passed, everyone can say the small happiness they have gained, and in the face of the 2022 that has been opened, everyone has made a wish early and set a goal.

Beautiful moments are frozen into eternal memories; the brush of struggle, sprinkling the brilliance of dreams. We bid farewell to 2021 and usher in a new beginning for 2022, and everything starts from scratch. Finally, all the cadres and workers of the Tianchang County Rong Media Center wished the audience and friends in front of the TV set a sunny road, and all their wishes came true!

Reporter: Shen Wenqiong Nongli

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