
In fact, the "lone swimmer" did not smear Uzi but achieved Uzi! He is the real loner!

Recently, the topic of Uzi is getting hotter and higher, and the popularity of Uzi is indeed an adaptation of the song "Lone Swimmer", this video came out and caused a heated discussion in the e-sports circle, many netizens blindly followed the trend, regardless of three seven twenty-one, directly step on a foot and then say, and personally think that the lone swimmer adaptation is too failed, he chose the wrong song, but also chose the wrong object, perhaps the author himself does not know who is the "lone swimmer"!

In fact, the "lone swimmer" did not smear Uzi but achieved Uzi! He is the real loner!

Who are the lone swimmers?

In fact, after watching the "lyrics" of the "lone swimmer" (did not watch the video, do not contribute to its traffic) the first feeling is to hype the heat of the writing, although it is an adaptation, but there is no connection between the words, there is no ideological theme, it is completely a summary of the "mouth hi" of some netizens. Some people say that this song is written by Uzi, but I personally believe that this lyric is not written by Uzi, so the lyrics are not written by Uzi, it is only written in the eyes of a few people for the sake of the eyes of the Uzi, Uzi is not a lone swimmer, a lone swimmer is those who will only follow the trend without opinion and think that they are following the big troops, but they are alone behind the surfers!

In fact, the "lone swimmer" did not smear Uzi but achieved Uzi! He is the real loner!

Uzi is the lone brave

Maybe many people are just trying to have fun, following the trend, not really want to black Uzi, some people don't even know who Uzi is, this doesn't matter, now to introduce you to the real lone brave Uzi! The lyrics of the lonely brave are like this: Why loneliness is not glorious, people only have imperfections worth singing, who says that the mud is full of heroes! And Uzi is the loser who has never had a world championship, but he did not give up, did not retreat, did not complain, with his most humble dream, non-stop, why is such a person not a hero? Who says that a hero who stands in the light is a hero?

In fact, the "lone swimmer" did not smear Uzi but achieved Uzi! He is the real loner!

Personal evaluation

Personally did not go to see the video, just simply watched the lyrics, after watching the lyrics have guessed the quality of the video, "Lone Swimmer" adaptation is too failed, this is not considered to be an adaptation, but in the deliberate smear and misinterpretation of "Lone Brave". The popularity of the "lone swimmer" just proves that at this time, Uzi's decision to choose a comeback is the courage that a truly lone swimmer should have, and the "lone swimmer" did not smear Uzi but achieved Uzi! Uzi is the lone brave, the hero who walks alone in the dark alley!

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