
Ningbo traditional product - sacrificial stove fruit

author:Happy Set Sail 666

Today I went to the supermarket to purchase goods, and found that the supermarket was actually full of sacrificial stove fruits, the time passed so fast, and the time to eat the sacrificial stove fruits was coming again.

Matsuri fruit is a famous traditional snack in Ningbo, Zhejiang. In the past, every year on the 23rd day of the lunar month, ningbo people would buy sacrificial stove fruits to sacrifice. 民间会举行祭灶神,请民间艺人到家里“跳灶会”、唱“祭灶歌”等活动,现在‬灶‬也‬没了‬,慢慢‬地‬这些活动已经很少见了,估计‬在‬农村‬才能‬找得到‬了‬吧‬。

There is an old saying in Ningbo: Ah Yuan obediently lived, and gave you two or three nights to eat sacrificial stove fruits. 祭灶果‬也是很多‬宁波‬人儿时‬‬的‬回忆‬,小时候‬物资‬匮乏‬,就‬盼望‬着能‬吃‬祭灶果‬,儿时‬的味道至今‬还‬留‬存‬。 现在说起小‬年‬,‬我‬首先‬想到‬的莫过于又可以‬吃‬祭灶果了‬‬‬。 虽然‬现在‬的‬味道‬没法‬和‬以前‬比‬了‬,但‬每年‬这个‬时候也‬不忘‬买‬一包‬来‬怀念‬一下‬儿时‬的回忆吧‬!

The sacrificial stove fruit is generally composed of eight colors, ten colors or twelve colors, such as dates, red and white balls, hemp balls, oil fruits, black and white sugar, sesame foot bone sugar, inch gold sugar, white hemp slices, frozen rice candy, etc., which is a kind of pastry that both young and old like to eat.

Friends from the late 1970s and early 1980s in Ningbo, do you remember the taste of the fruit of the childhood festival?

Ningbo traditional product - sacrificial stove fruit
Ningbo traditional product - sacrificial stove fruit
Ningbo traditional product - sacrificial stove fruit

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