
(2022) Sari Horoscope 2022

author:Star Translation Agency

Sally Kirkman, a famous British astrologer, has nearly thirty years of professional astrology experience, and has opened columns and special programs in many top media in the United Kingdom, and her horoscope style is partial to event guidance.

Please note the Star Translation Agency and the translator.

Sally 2022 Horoscope Overview – Translator: Folding Jade Wusheng

Welcome to 2022 – and surely it's better than 2020 and 2021! I hope that you are already standing on the dividing line of resignation and welcome to the new, you are in good health and mental stability.

This is the beginning of a new era, and we are still feeling the way forward, trying to understand the crazy world in which we live. We are truly on the brink of a rapidly changing world.

As you may already know, 2020 is dominated by two epic conjunctions, with Saturn in Capricorn meeting Pluto in January 2020 – an excellent rest – and Jupiter and Saturn merging in Aquarius in December 2020 – a new beginning. Astrology shows that we are truly living in an extraordinary time. Those old and trite methods are changing.

In 2021, major astrological conflicts occur between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Although the two planets have never formed a perfect penal phase, this does not mean that this conflict situation is not active. Although there will be a brief window in the relationship between the two in April and May 2022, they will still form a conflicting situation at other times, and then in October 2020, they will be the closest to each other, and then they will part ways.

This is an important astrology, because this conflict situation occurs at the same time as the main differences in today's society. You'll see this clearly in the conformist, disciplined person (Saturn in Aquarius) and the free-of-the-box exchange (Uranus in Taurus). The whole world is full of arrested rebels.

Saturn will continue to be in Aquarius until 2023, so the wind element is still a very important element. Because the pandemic is not going away anytime soon, many new rules and policies (represented by Saturn) have poured into our society. The government wants to be well managed, and some heads of state may have tight control over what we can and cannot do.

Also, thanks to Jupiter's transition from Pisces (water) to Aries (fire), other elements will be obfuscated this year. Pisces and Aries are the last and first zodiac signs of the Zodiac. Jupiter is the best and largest planet in astrology.

For most of 2020 and 2021, Jupiter is dominated by Saturn because the constellations it passes through are all governed by Saturn, namely Capricorn and Aquarius. From mid-May to mid-July 2021, we had a brief respite as Jupiter went to Pisces to explore the way.

Next, on December 29, 2021, Jupiter returned to its own jurisdiction in pisces. The most significant horoscope for 2022 is the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune, as they are both co-managed in the constellation of Pisces, for the first time since 1856.

Overall, it's really super hopeful — it's a wave of emotions and miracles — but from the astrological point of view, there are some prerequisites.

This year, Jupiter is the only planet that has slowly moved toward its ideal state – wow! Jupiter in Pisces is back to Uranus in The alloy Ox and Pluto in Capricorn complement each other – a blend of water and earth – a return to the original heart, decent values, humanitarian compassion and love.

Perhaps, as well, it should be reminded that science and technology – belonging to the wind – will also bring about a new revolution, but it may also bring crisis: isolation and separation – communication, physical contact, simple pleasures and our beloved earth.

No matter how you enter 2022, I sincerely hope that you will have a perfect time. Thank you for caring for me in this amazing universe we live in.

(2022) Sari Horoscope 2022

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