
Flavor Yunnan, are you "cake" happy today?


Speaking of Yunnan

You may feel like people living here

No spicy, no pleasure, no sourness

Rarely hear them talk about sweets

In fact

Yunnan people also like sweet pastries

Speaking of pastry workshops in Yunnan

Kunming's long-established pastry workshop Gui Meixuan

And Ji Qingxiang had to go

Until today

They are still as old brands in Yunnan

Standing in the food industry

Yunnan's pastry industry started late

But Dian-style pastries borrowed

The practice of Beijing-style, Cantonese-style, and Western-style pastries

Take advantage of yunnan's abundant ingredients and specialties

The food is unique

It's a bunch of people

Let's take a look at these pastries from Yunnan

Flower cake

Flavor Yunnan, are you "cake" happy today?

The unique climate resources have given Yunnan the beautiful scene of "four flying flowers", and also made all kinds of flowers become a delicacy on the table of Yunnan people. When it comes to eating flowers, I have to mention the representative of the traditional dim sum industry in Yunnan - flower cake, which is the first choice for souvenirs that come to mind when many foreign tourists leave Yunnan.

Flower cake is a kind of shortbread with edible roses unique to Yunnan, and it is also one of the classic representatives of Dian-style mooncakes. The flower cake is soft in the mouth and the rose fragrance is intoxicating. When you take a bite, the feeling of satisfaction is spontaneous, sweet and crispy, and the floral fragrance spreads in the mouth.

Flower cakes are made from fine edible roses, which have a limited flowering period, and this kind of cake only uses the petals of edible roses, which is also a reason why flower cakes are quite precious.

Edible roses are in the Rosaceae family, a deciduous shrub that is distributed in most parts of China, but is the best grown in Yunnan. Yunnan is known as the "plant kingdom" and has advantages that other regions cannot match - the four seasons of spring-like climate, high-quality and abundant sunshine, and a unique geographical location provide excellent conditions for the growth of edible roses.

Dali milk cake

Flavor Yunnan, are you "cake" happy today?

Dali milk cake is the name of a kind of cheese made by the people of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, the milk cake is white lumpy, resembling tofu block, made of milk or goat milk, of which goat milk has the best flavor.

Milk cake milk white with yellow, pure texture, moisturizing smooth, fragrant smell, rich nutritional value, it contains high-quality protein and high fat, can give the human body a lot of protein. Milk cake is similar to tofu, but it is harder than tofu, and it can generally be fried or cooked.

In Yunnan, there are and only the Bai people of Dali and the Yi people of southeastern Yunnan have the process of making milk cakes. Its process principle and process are similar to the production of tofu, so milk cake is also called "milk tofu".

There are many ways to eat milk cakes, which can be steamed, boiled, fried, fried, stewed, or eaten raw. Raw food can be eaten directly without any cooking processing; when cooked, the milk cake can be cut into dried tofu-like pieces, fried in cooked sesame oil over low heat until both sides are yellow, and can be served as a delicious wine to accompany the meal; it can also be cut into thin slices and sandwiched into a slice of ham between the two slices, resembling a "sandwich" in Western food.

Dingsheng Cake

Flavor Yunnan, are you "cake" happy today?

The shape of Dingsheng cake resembles a yuanbao, a little sweet, the color is light red, fluffy and fragrant, the entrance is sweet and sticky, and the middle is a bean paste filling. So why is it called Dingsheng Cake?

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Tsinghua University, Peking University and Nankai University first established the National Changsha Provisional University in Changsha, Hunan, and in April 1938, the National Changsha Provisional University continued to move to Kunming and was renamed the National Southwest United University.

In 1943, prices soared, the professor's monthly salary was only enough for meals for half a month, in order to make up for the situation that family expenses could not make ends meet, Mei Yiqi, who was then a member of the Standing Committee and chairman of the Council of Southwest United University, and his wife Han Yonghua cooperated with Professor Pan Guangdan's wife Zhao Ruiyun and Professor Yuan Fuli's wife Liao Jiashan to produce small food for sale, and they named the product "Dingsheng Cake", which means a certain victory in the War of Resistance.

Dingsheng cake is shaped like a yuanbao, light pink, with red bean paste in the middle, and several pieces of walnut kernels and two pieces of sugar-pickled pork plate oil embedded in the surface, which is sweet in taste. Dingsheng cake is made of molds, and the teaching ladies use the small red mud charcoal stove and small cage drawers cooked at home, and can only steam two in a pot, and the daily output is only 30 to 40, and the output is very low. Occasionally, the pastry is damaged during demolding, so that the little children in the family are lucky enough to eat a little. The "Dingsheng Cake" continued to be produced for two years until the victory of the War of Resistance. They told the people of the world with their actions that no matter how fierce the war is, the soul of the nation's unremitting self-improvement will never be extinguished.

Cream back cake

Flavor Yunnan, are you "cake" happy today?

Cream cake is one of the traditional foods in Yunnan and has a history of nearly 100 years. Cream cake contains glucose, maltose, starch, protein and other ingredients, rich in nutrients, easy to digest.

Yunnan Hui Cake not only has a special flavor, but also has a special origin. More than 50 years ago, a master of the Kunming "Hexianglou" pastry shop kneaded the dough and found that he forgot to add eggs, at this time the dough was sour, continued to ferment, the noodles had to deteriorate, and they could not make bread without fermentation. When he was struggling with this, a master said, "Add some baking soda to make scones!" So they rolled the dough into one-centimeter-thick slices, cut it into two-centimeter square pieces, and in order to distinguish it from other pastries, they added a safflower in the center of the embryo and baked it on the stove. Wan did not expect, out of the oven to see, the finished product color like snow, shaped like jade, a little red in the middle, as if the snow in the red plum is particularly charming, after tasting, fragrant and refreshing, soft and delicious, especially delicious. A master said, "This bread is made by returning from the noodles, so let's call it the bread!" "The cake was delivered to the store, tasted good due to novelty, and was quickly snapped up by customers.

The cake is a bit like an enlarged version of wangzai small steamed buns, the taste is soft and refreshing, fragrant and salty, the cake is not dry or dry, easy to digest, suitable for all ages.

Egg white cake

Flavor Yunnan, are you "cake" happy today?

The eggs are integrated into the selected flour, so that the fragrance and viscosity of the eggs are mixed with the flour, and after the control of the baking time, the fused cake is baked into a light yellow, which is the method of egg white cake, which is soft and delicious to eat.

Egg white cake is a simple pastry, but it has a taste that people have always remembered. Biting into the fluffy cake and smelling the fragrance of the egg will make you feel surrounded by happiness.

Norden ham puff pastry

Flavor Yunnan, are you "cake" happy today?

Tea horse Gudaonuodeng Village, after about three years, has created a thin fat, lean meat, fresh and delicious Noden ham. The ham puff pastry made from it is even more mouth-watering.

The essence of The Nutden ham crisp is in the filling, using the best ham from the village of Nuodeng, washing the soaking water to remove the excessive saltiness, steaming and cutting small grains, mixing well with honey, sugar and oil. The Norden ham filling made in this special way is supplemented with sugar and honey, and the crust is made of high-quality wheat flour mixed with Dali farmhouse honey and baked, which is golden and crispy, mellow and delicious.

The crisp but not greasy Norden ham crisp, which tastes endlessly, makes every taste bud on the tip of the tongue remember.

Buckwheat cakes

Flavor Yunnan, are you "cake" happy today?

Yunnan is located in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, buckwheat spikes are large, buckwheat grains are full, soba noodles have become one of the raw materials for ordinary people to make food, soba noodle soup, buckwheat rice, buckwheat cake, buckwheat cake... Changing the food of Fa'er, I always don't eat enough.

The buckwheat cake is soft and delicate, melts in the mouth, and the filling has a faint fragrance.

Eight pieces of Dian

Flavor Yunnan, are you "cake" happy today?

Kunming Dian Eight pieces are Kunming-style pastries, carefully configured with characteristic raw materials and traditional baking processes.

Eight pieces of Dian got its name because each box contained eight pieces, with eight varieties and eight flavors. Eight pieces of Dian, divided into "one hard, two white, five red". Among them, "one hard" refers to hard shell ham cake; "two white" refers to washing sand white crisp and crystal crisp; "five red" refers to hemp seed crisp, rose puff pastry, chicken fir crisp, five kernel crisp, and kohlrabi puff pastry.

Eight pieces of Dian, eight flavors belonging to Kunming, eight memories of childhood, eight delicacies of the tip of the tongue that you did not care about. Kunming's Eight Pieces of Dian is the memory of Kunming and the representative of Kunming, and every taste is the taste of Kunming.

Sour horn cake

Flavor Yunnan, are you "cake" happy today?

The flesh of the sour horn fruit is rich in nutrients and delicious taste, and listening to its name knows that its taste is sour and sour, and it naturally has an appetizing effect.

Sour horn cake looks like a common hawthorn cake, but the taste and nutritional value is absolutely incomparable to hawthorn cake, sweet and sour taste, with tropical fruit fruit aroma mixed with maltose sweetness, delicious to stop.

Crescent Moon Cake

The color is rosy, the skin is crispy and fragrant, the entrance is loose... This is the characteristic of the crescent moon po handmade cake made by the traditional handicraft of Guangnan in Yunnan.

Starting with the careful selection of pork, it takes at least eight processes to make a handmade cake, and the annual production of crescent cakes is very limited. This special handicraft that completely follows the ancient system has been passed down in Quang Nam for more than a hundred years.

According to reports, compared with foreign mooncakes, Guangnan crescent moon cakes have their own characteristics in terms of shape, size, taste, etc., and these differences are mainly caused by the combination of climate, water quality, handmade and other factors.