
A large number of small fish fell from the sky! Is it an ominous omen that the sudden "fish rain" in Texas, USA?

Rain, snow, hail, I believe everyone has seen, it will appear many times a year, this is a normal natural phenomenon, is an important part of the earth's surface water cycle, triggered by weather changes, so this is not surprising, we have all become accustomed to it.

But have you ever seen a "rain of fish" in the sky? For this question, some people will certainly ask: Is this not deliberately trying to make things difficult for people, and how can there be a "fish rain" in the sky?

A large number of small fish fell from the sky! Is it an ominous omen that the sudden "fish rain" in Texas, USA?

In fact, this is not a joke on you, on December 31, 2021 at 14:58 local time, there was a strange thing in texas in texas in the east of texas: there was a "fish rain" that was only a few minutes long, and a large number of small fish fell from the sky, some fell to the ground, some fell on the roof, and some even landed on the car.

James Audirsch, a resident of the eastern city of Texarkana, said he and his colleague Brad Pratt first heard a loud noise outside, ran out to take a look, and were surprised to find that there were many small fish on the ground, and that some fish were falling from the sky.

A large number of small fish fell from the sky! Is it an ominous omen that the sudden "fish rain" in Texas, USA?

At the same time, another resident Odil said: When the thunder sounded, I opened the door to look outside, the rain was very heavy, suddenly a fish fell to the ground, some fish were about 10 centimeters long, after a while, the parking lot was full of small fish, Odir exclaimed: Oh my God, it is raining.

The fish that falls from the sky is the most common perch in the United States, the white perch, also known as the silver perch, has a prominent mouth, is a small and medium-sized fish living in the tropical ocean, the maximum length is generally not more than 20 cm, distributed in northern South America to New Jersey and California.

A large number of small fish fell from the sky! Is it an ominous omen that the sudden "fish rain" in Texas, USA?

The little white perch is very delicious to eat, the meat is tender, the taste is sweet and mellow, the nutritional value is very high, it is a favorite food of the United States, but the strange thing is, why do they fall from the sky?

It is said that "there will be a vision in the sky that will produce evil", and suddenly a "fish rain" has fallen in the sky, which is an abnormal phenomenon, will it be an ominous omen? Knowing that December 31, 2021 is the last day of 2021, and 2022 is about to usher in, does it indicate that more disasters will come in 2022?

A large number of small fish fell from the sky! Is it an ominous omen that the sudden "fish rain" in Texas, USA?

I believe that everyone has seen the news, in December 2021, many states in the United States were hit by super hurricanes and tornadoes, and there were dozens of tornadoes, especially in early December, multiple tornadoes swept through six central States at the same time.

In fact, the large number of fish falling from the sky in Texas is caused by super hurricanes and tornadoes, which is not a bad omen. Tornadoes are air vortexes created due to strong convective movements of air, and tornadoes can be divided into land tornadoes and waterspouts.

A large number of small fish fell from the sky! Is it an ominous omen that the sudden "fish rain" in Texas, USA?

The land tornado is extremely frightening, the central wind can reach a speed of up to 500 kilometers per hour, and it can even pump the central area into a vacuum, with a strong upward suction force. The land tornado is indestructible, can uproot large trees, can turn a house into ruins, can suck a car into the sky, thrown hundreds of meters away, as if it were a scene in a science fiction blockbuster.

A large number of small fish fell from the sky! Is it an ominous omen that the sudden "fish rain" in Texas, USA?

Although the strength of the waterspout is not as strong as the land tornado, the speed is not more than 200 kilometers per hour, but it can pump a large amount of water directly into the sky, and a large amount of water is pulled into a spiral pattern composed of chiaroscuro bands, which looks like a dragon absorbing water, and the waterspout is also known as "dragon absorbing water".

Waterspouts can drain all the water from a small pond at once, Professor Ernest Agee from Purdue University in the United States said: "I have personally seen the waterspout blow drying a small pond, and the fish and shrimp in a pond are also swept up to the sky, transported hundreds of kilometers away, and fall from the sky in the form of "fish rain".

A large number of small fish fell from the sky! Is it an ominous omen that the sudden "fish rain" in Texas, USA?

There is another explanation for the "fish rain", the strong updraft blows small organisms in the water into the sky, the updraft is caused by the rise of warm air in the high-pressure area, and the updraft rises to a certain level and then encounters condensation.

Especially during thunderstorms, updrafts are very fast, up to 120 kilometers per hour, comparable to medium-intensity waterspouts, which can bring rippling waves to the sky, but also include small creatures in the water, fish, frogs, shrimp and crabs.

A large number of small fish fell from the sky! Is it an ominous omen that the sudden "fish rain" in Texas, USA?

Therefore, waterspouts and super updrafts have also created "frog rain", "shrimp rain" and "crab rain". There are records that Kansas City in the western part of Missouri in the United States in 1873 had a "frog rain", a large number of frogs fell from the sky, on June 16, 1882, the United States Iowa Dubuque had a "frog rain", in 2005, southeastern Europe also fell in the northwest of Serbia "frog rain", thousands of frogs fell to the town of Ozachi.

A large number of small fish fell from the sky! Is it an ominous omen that the sudden "fish rain" in Texas, USA?

In February 2010, there was a "fish rain" in an Australian town, thousands of sparkling sea bass fell from the sky, many people witnessed it, and some people picked up the fish and made it into a delicacy. In 2017, there was a "fish rain" at Oroville Elementary School in California, USA, and when it was time for class, the students rushed outside to play with the fish that fell from the sky.

A large number of small fish fell from the sky! Is it an ominous omen that the sudden "fish rain" in Texas, USA?

Therefore, the "fish rain" is not an ominous omen, but a natural phenomenon, caused by tornadoes and rapidly rising air currents, don't be afraid, but the "fish rain" reflects very bad weather conditions, there are super winds, which is not conducive to travel. Interesting and informative scientific content, please pay attention to the only WeChat public account: Interesting Exploration

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