
Hot enthusiasm, enjoy it, and miss everywhere you go! Delicious to the point of not stopping

author:Love to make food jade travel the world

Today Xiaobian recommends a few simple home-cooked dishes for everyone, sweet and delicious, delicious cuisine, Taoist relief, children's favorites?

Braised lion's head

Hot enthusiasm, enjoy it, and miss everywhere you go! Delicious to the point of not stopping

The image comes from the Internet


Appropriate amount of minced pork, appropriate amount of rice wine, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of sugar, appropriate amount of pepper water, appropriate amount of minced ginger, appropriate amount of sesame oil, appropriate amount of white pepper powder, 2 eggs, appropriate amount of minced water chestnut, appropriate amount of minced toast, appropriate amount of chives, a little bit of corn starch, appropriate amount of ginger, star anise 1 fast, appropriate amount of cinnamon, appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, appropriate amount of soy sauce, a little sugar, and an appropriate amount of boiling water.


Method 1: Add an appropriate amount of rice wine, salt, sugar, pepper water, minced ginger and sesame oil to the minced pork. White pepper, 2 eggs, minced watercress, minced toast, chives, a little corn starch, then stir the minced meat in one direction.

Method 2: Knead the stirred meat into a ball, take the pan and pour oil to heat the oil for 7 minutes, put the lion's head into the pot and fry it slightly, and then fish out the lion's head and set aside.

Method 3: Put a little oil in the pot, after the oil is hot, add ginger slices, star anise, cinnamon, stir-fry, then add soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, add boiling water, boiling can be.

Method 4: After boiling, turn the high heat to a low heat and cook for another 35 minutes before putting it on the plate and eating.

Braised pork steamed eggplant

Hot enthusiasm, enjoy it, and miss everywhere you go! Delicious to the point of not stopping

300 grams of eggplant, 200 grams of pork belly, 30 grams of vegetable oil, 10 grams of soy sauce and red oil, 5 grams of paprika, green onion, and salt.

Method 1: Wash the pork belly, cut into slices, marinate with salt and soy sauce, peel the eggplant, wash and cut into sections.

Method 2: Place the cut eggplant in its original shape on a plate and set aside with salt soy sauce.

Method 3: Put the pot on the fire, pour in the appropriate amount of oil and heat it, put the chili powder and stir-fry, add the pork belly, fry until the oil comes out, add the red oil and stir-fry.

Method 4: Out of the pot, place on top of the eggplant, put the plate into the pot, steam in water until the meat is cooked, after the pot, sprinkle with green onions and eat.

Unicorn mandarin fish

Hot enthusiasm, enjoy it, and miss everywhere you go! Delicious to the point of not stopping

650 grams of live fish, 5 grams of ham, 10 grams of fresh shiitake mushrooms, 5 grams of green onion, 5 grams of minced ginger, a little monosodium glutamate, rice wine, pepper, 15 grams of starch.

Method 1: Wash the mandarin fish and beat the flower knife and set aside.

Method 2: Wash and slice the ham and shiitake mushrooms and place them on the fish.

Method 3: Sprinkle green onion, minced ginger and rice wine evenly on the fish.

Method 4: Put on the steamer and steam for about 10 minutes. Then add the steamed original juice to the MSG and pepper into a thin sauce and pour it on.

Eight treasure turtle and sheep soup

Hot enthusiasm, enjoy it, and miss everywhere you go! Delicious to the point of not stopping

Turtle meat shelling, 250 grams of net lamb, 1500 ml of pork bone broth, 70 grams of vegetable oil, 50 grams of cooking wine, 25 grams of lard, Huai yam, 25 grams of guiyuan shelling, lychee shelling, ginseng, hui rice, ginger slices, cinnamon peel 15 grams each, salt and incense pieces 10 grams, goji berries, red dates 10 pieces, white pepper powder 2 grams.

Method 1: Wash the lamb with cold water, cut into pieces and plate for later.

Method 2: Put the pot on the fire, pour 1000 ml of water, put in the lamb pieces, bring to a boil over high heat, fish out, drain the water, and put it in the basin.

Method 3: Add water to the pot, burn until it is 80% hot, put in the turtle meat, blanch it, fish it out, tear off the coarse skin on the legs, wash it, drain the water, remove the head claws, cut about a piece to take the bowl, put the ginseng and incense sticks, pour in 200 ml of water, and steam it in the cage for about 30 minutes.

Method 4: Wash the lychee, guiyuan, goji berries, Huai yam, barley, and red dates into the basin, pour in 250 ml of water, put it into the basket to steam for about 1 hour, put it on the fire, pour the appropriate amount of vegetable oil, burn it to 80% heat, add turtle meat, lamb, ginger slices, salt, stir-fry for 3 minutes, put it into the bowl.

Method 5: Add cooking wine, cinnamon and pork bone broth, bring to a boil on high heat, switch to low heat, and cook until the lamb is cooked.

Method 6: Pour the steamed ginseng, incense sticks, goji berries, Huai yam, barley and other soups into a bowl, add lard and bring to a boil.

Method 7: Add lychees, red dates, cinnamon balls, sprinkle with white pepper, plate and serve.

Well, today Xiaobian will share it to this, I don't know how everyone feels about the practice of these dishes, what can be complained about in your heart, welcome to interact in the comment area. Xiaobian loves you oh, mo mo da!