
【Traffic】The "interval speed measurement" of the highway is so simple to avoid!

According to the Wuwei Public Security Traffic Police:

What is interval speed measurement? How to break the interval speed measurement?

Highway, sitting in the car generally do not look at the dashboard is difficult to perceive the speed, especially when there is no car on the road and rush, I would like to open the accelerator to the fastest, but due to the speed limit, a little inattention will be deducted points, fines. The appearance of interval speed measurement is to tell everyone: the front is the speed measurement area, please control the speed.

In fact, knowing the working principle of interval speed measurement, it is easy to avoid deducting points for speeding detection.

1What is interval speed measurement?

Interval speed measurement refers to the setting of two adjacent speed measurement points in the same section of the road, and the time difference between the two speed measurement points of the same car is tested to calculate the average speed of the car during this period.

Different from the previous fixed-point speed measurement, the interval speed measurement of the vehicle speed is more accurate, the interval speed measurement camera and electronic equipment are very advanced, the capture accuracy rate is close to 100%, once the speed is found, the license plate number and owner information of the illegal vehicle will be uploaded in time, and then the owner will be sent to the owner of the ticket.

The working principle of 2-zone speed measurement

Interval speed measurement is to determine whether the vehicle is speeding by calculating the "average speed" of the vehicle. That is, by taking 2 photos in the speed measurement range, combining the 2 photo times and the time required for the vehicle to pass through this section of the road, the average speed of the vehicle on this section of the road is obtained, and finally the vehicle is judged whether there is overspeed.

It is in a specified distance, there are cameras in front of and behind, to shoot the time you pass, assuming that this distance is 30km, and the maximum speed limit on the highway is 120km/h, the time required to pass through this section is not less than 15 minutes, if you are less than 15 minutes through this journey, you will definitely speed, and the ticket will follow.

Then some people said that if I first drove at a speed of 150km/h in the "interval speed measurement" section, and then flew for a few minutes at 150km/h to experience the fun of drag racing, then I would not be afraid of being captured. In fact, in this case, even if the interval speed measurement does not capture you, there are other speed measuring instruments on the road, such as mobile speed measurement, which are everywhere on the highway.

In parallel with the interval speed measurement, there is also instantaneous speed measurement, that is to say, in addition to the speed measurement and timing of monitoring points at the end and end of the interval, the interval speed measurement is also supplemented by fixed speed measurement, mobile speed measurement, and GPS speed measurement. So, you don't want to escape the camera capture with a fluke mentality.

3How to dodge the speed of the interval on the high speed?

The first speed measurement point is not speeding

Interval speed measurement is not for all cars, only the first speed measurement point is photographed to speeding, the interval speed measurement will be carried out, so if the first speed measurement point is not photographed, there is no need to worry.

Travel at a uniform speed after being photographed

If the first speed measurement point is photographed, then the back is honestly kept at the specified speed, do not speed anymore, so that to the next speed measurement point, if the average speed is not exceeded, it is not overspeed.

Remember the interval speed indicator

Keep these signs in mind to prepare for speed measurements, and write down which sections of roads you often take.

All in all, don't think about speeding on the highway. As long as you can reasonably abide by the traffic rules and keep the alarm bells of safety in your heart, you can really travel safely!

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