
You can always believe in Zhan Huang melon! James surpassed the "big O", Anthony key 3+1

Text/Mr. Basket Guo

The NBA's regular season continued, with the Lakers vs Timberwolves, and in the end, the Lakers defeated the Timberwolves 108-103. In terms of statistics, the Timberwolves' Reed had 23 points and 11 rebounds, Edwards 18 points and 7 rebounds, Beasley 16 points, Beverley 12 points, 9 rebounds and 6 assists, Vanderbilt 3 points and 12 rebounds, Norwell 17 points and 4 rebounds, McDaniels 7 points and 8 rebounds; Lakers Munch 22 points, Westbrook 20 points and 5 assists, Bradley 14 points and 4 rebounds, Tucker 6 points and 5 rebounds.

You can always believe in Zhan Huang melon! James surpassed the "big O", Anthony key 3+1

For the Lakers, the game can be won, and James is indispensable. From the specific details, we can know that such a game, Beverley has been biting James, provoking James, but unfortunately, James is not an athlete who is easily provoked, he does not matter, even if Beverley is very excited, it can not stimulate him.

You can always believe in Zhan Huang melon! James surpassed the "big O", Anthony key 3+1

For an athlete of James's level, he has long looked down on everything, and he already knows what the source of all this is, and he knows More clearly Beverley's intentions, so what? He was indifferent. In the end, James also played 39 minutes, shooting 7 of 15, 3 of 9 three-pointers, 9 of 12 from the free throw line, and cut down 26 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 steals, 1 block and 1 turnover, with plus or minus of +9. Such a James is indeed very powerful.

You can always believe in Zhan Huang melon! James surpassed the "big O", Anthony key 3+1

To make matters worse, James also set a record, "After hitting the seventh free throw of the game, James's career free throw number surpassed the 'big O' to rise to the fourth place in history!" "In all kinds of data, if Jordan was an old hooligan before, then today's James is definitely an old hooligan. Because, he is also the existence of various hegemonic lists. After all, his absolute strength is also super good. So? It is also not surprising that he dominates various data lists. More importantly, he has been playing in the NBA for so many years and has not had any injury impact.

You can always believe in Zhan Huang melon! James surpassed the "big O", Anthony key 3+1

So? His various data, in the history of the NBA, can be ranked. From this reality, we know enough that James's greatness is truly great. Perhaps, this is also the reason why many people compare James to Jordan. That is, his phenomenon-level star is still very rare, and the last one happens to be Jordan. So? James's jianghu status is naturally different.

You can always believe in Zhan Huang melon! James surpassed the "big O", Anthony key 3+1

In addition, such a game can be won, and Anthony on the bench is also indispensable. In the whole game, Anthony played 28 minutes, shooting 5 of 10, 3 of 7 three-pointers, cutting 14 points, 2 assists, steals, 1 rebound and 1 block data, plus or minus +11, plus or minus is the best athlete of the Lakers. For Anthony, the most powerful thing is not his data, but his play at key moments.

You can always believe in Zhan Huang melon! James surpassed the "big O", Anthony key 3+1

For Anthony, at the crucial moment, he had a 3+1 highlight moment. Such a ball is very critical. Of course, we can't say that this is a ball that kills the game, but we know enough that such a ball is a ball of great value. So Anthony, even if he is old, he is still a very admirable athlete, because he can also hit the key ball, just like when he was young.

You can always believe in Zhan Huang melon! James surpassed the "big O", Anthony key 3+1. Such a reality does prove the greatness of James and Anthony. Such 2 people, entering the NBA in the same year, were once known as the double pride of the finals, although the development after the development is very different, but now the 2 people, but can play side by side, which is also a very dreamy thing.

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