
Folk tales: The older brother is paralyzed in bed, and the younger brother takes good care of his nephew in exchange for a complaint from his brother

During the first year of the Tang Dynasty, There were twin brothers in Andu Town, the older brother Wu Dazhi and the younger brother Wu Xiaocong, both of whom were tenants, and although their lives were not rich, there was no problem in solving the problem of food and clothing.

Folk tales: The older brother is paralyzed in bed, and the younger brother takes good care of his nephew in exchange for a complaint from his brother

The brothers have been close to each other since childhood, the older brother is diligent and honest, the younger brother is benevolent and generous, and after marriage, the two have a son each, and they are similar in age.

When the children were seven years old, the brothers wanted to rebuild the children's bedrooms and buy some furniture for the family, so they went up the mountain to cut wood together.

The two men took the furniture and pushed the cart up the hill. Coming to a straight tree, the elder brother Wu Dazhi said to cut down this tree, and the younger brother did not refute it, and the two said that they would do it. It took a lot of effort, axe cutting, and sawing bow pulling, to saw through the tree more than 1 meter thick, but at this time an accident occurred.

The tree that was supposed to fall to one side was now as steady as Mount Tai, standing upright in place, with no intention of dumping, which made the brothers dumbfounded.

"Old tree sitting in the temple", this is a very disturbing phenomenon, as a lumberjack, when cutting down giant trees, the most worrying thing is the old tree sitting in the temple. In fact, the old tree is not not falling, but the lumberjack does not know when it falls and where it falls.

You can imagine that an old tree more than one meter thick, up to 40-50 meters high, with lush foliage and thick branches, radiates more than 200 square meters when it falls, like a dark cloud falling to the ground, and the momentum is amazing. If people are affected, it is a very terrible thing.

Folk tales: The older brother is paralyzed in bed, and the younger brother takes good care of his nephew in exchange for a complaint from his brother

Your words, your actions, and any disturbance from the outside world can bring down the old tree that sits in the temple. And it is suddenly falling in any direction, making people caught off guard, leaving you with nowhere to hide, nowhere to escape!

Back to the point, we continue to tell the story.

In this situation, the two can only wait patiently, no matter what urgent things you have, you can't move. After waiting for two hours in a row, seeing that it was late, Wu Xiaocong stood a little sleepy, but the tree still stood still.

Anxious, he wanted the tree to fall down, so he stood on the opposite side and tried to push the trunk. As a result, he moved, and before he could react, the tree fell in the direction where he was, and he was dumbfounded, seeing that he was about to be crushed by the tree.

At this moment, Wu Dazhi saw that his brother was about to suffer, and without the slightest hesitation, he rushed up without hesitation. Pushing his brother away, he could not avoid it, and was pressed under the tree, and passed out in an instant.

Wu Xiaocong, who reacted to it, got up and found that his brother was pressed under the tree, and the whole person was blinded, frightening him to lose his soul, and stumbled down the mountain to find someone.

Folk tales: The older brother is paralyzed in bed, and the younger brother takes good care of his nephew in exchange for a complaint from his brother

Waiting for the rescuers to come up, it was already the next morning when they rescued Wu Dazhi. Fortunately, the hillside was rough, and he was only crushed by his feet and right arm, saving his life. However, both legs and right arm lost their functions, and their left arm was fractured, and it took half a year to slowly recover.

After his brother recovered, he seemed to have changed as a person, grumpy, and angry at every turn. The whole family was disturbed by the disturbance, and the sister-in-law washed her face with tears all day, and a year later, because she could not bear it, she ran away from home.

Since then, the burden of the lives of the two families has fallen on Wu Xiaocong. In his opinion, it was all his own mistakes, which led to his brother becoming like this, so that the nephew lost his mother.

Therefore, he turned all his guilt for his brother into love for his nephew, who cared a hundred times more than his own son. Since then, whatever good food and fun there is in the family, it is first close to the nephew.

Wu Xiaocong never let his nephew do laundry, cook, or do heavy work, for fear of tiring the child. Growing up, it is still the same, whether it is physical work or farming, it is done by him and his son, and the care for him is everywhere.

It was his pampering that made his nephew develop the habit of eating and lazy, and when he grew up, he made a group of fox friends and dog friends, doing nothing all day and being idle.

Folk tales: The older brother is paralyzed in bed, and the younger brother takes good care of his nephew in exchange for a complaint from his brother

The nephew has not done physical work since he was a child, his body is weak, he often drinks and gambles, and his body is prematurely aging.

When his nephew was twenty years old, he entrusted someone to introduce his daughter-in-law, but he was about to get married and got a wind chill. Wu Xiaocong searched for medicine all day, was so busy that he forgot to eat and sleep, and finally failed to save his nephew.

After his nephew died, he often felt guilty and blamed himself, always looking like he had lost his soul. People who knew about this praised him for his love.

A few years later, Wu Xiaocong became bedridden due to excessive missing of his nephew. His brother Wu Dazhi, however, went to the county court and accused his brother of killing his son. Wu Xiaocong felt that he was doing his best to raise his nephew, why harm him, is this not a great injustice? ”

Wu Xiaocong, who was dying, because he couldn't swallow this breath, kept saying to himself, "How can the eldest brother blame me, because of the guilt towards him, I have been living for my nephew for the rest of my life, how did I kill my nephew?" ”

After hearing his words clearly, his wife had tears in her eyes. In order to make her husband understand, the wife said to him: "I know where you are wrong, and the eldest brother went to the gate to sue you for your own good." He misses your efforts, and wants to be a brother with you in the next life, but he doesn't want you to be obsessed.

Folk tales: The older brother is paralyzed in bed, and the younger brother takes good care of his nephew in exchange for a complaint from his brother

Before dying, let you understand a truth, "The death of the child is caused by his misconduct, but it is actually taught by you." As his uncle, you should be as strict as your father, but you only raise him and do whatever he wants, and do not let him suffer the slightest grievance, for fear of upsetting him. ”

"You keep the child under the wings, so that he can't get exercise, neither a strong physique nor good habits, recklessly looking for flowers and willows, and finally died of wind and cold." I have advised you many times, but you blame me for loving only my son and not my nephew. ”

"Now that you think about it, if you didn't kill the child, who would it be?" Hearing this, Wu Xiaocong's eyes shed tears before he swallowed hard. I don't know if he really understands, but it's too late to say anything.

I hope that he will understand this truth in the next life, hope that their brothers will meet again in the next life, hope that they will no longer suffer in the next life, and hope that more friends will understand the truth...

Folk tales: The older brother is paralyzed in bed, and the younger brother takes good care of his nephew in exchange for a complaint from his brother

Through the story, we learned that because of love, the uncle treated the nephew's nurturing and teaching completely wrong, resulting in the nephew's early death.

In real life, we may wish to extend that stepchildren, nephews and nephews, the education problems when there are no parents, have been a problem for thousands of years, and it is a great test of the wisdom of the elders.

Treat them, not only to raise them well, but also to educate well, so that it is the best account for their relatives and the greatest care for their children.

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