
Longdong, Longdong (group poems)

Longdong, Longdong (group poems)

Snowy nights

...... I don't feel like I've strayed into a pine forest. But see pine needles gray green, pine branches twisting

The misty snowflakes inhabit the branches, and the green and white are reflected

The bright moon came out of the nest, and the snow fell in a flurry

Into the collar of my hair, getting colder

I can't bear to blow it away

Thick snow buried the ground, without my ankles

Look up but see the sky hanging low, the stars


It's best to get lost here. Toss and turn

I have long forgotten the heart of visiting friends

Independent cold body, wading for a long time, do not feel that the night is more intense

There is no sound, only the hooves of birds and beasts are printed on the snow to paint plums and bamboo

Only the light of the bright moon seeped into the snow


One run tilts the field

More running made the field stand in the sky

You say that the cloud is your ladder, leading to the world beyond the cloud

And you don't know how to place yourself in all things

Eyebrow shadow green onion. Contemplation gives you the tranquility of the plant

...... More running, let the wind blow up the clothes

You ride on your wings

The wind stopped. You're still staring into the distance

Gaze sinks into the elk's deep eyes


The rope that was sparked by the dark clouds tied up the rain again!

Did it also bind and take away the sky?

Villages, fields, rivers, leopards, and birds are gone

Only the tremors of the earth come from the earth's core

Lightning tied the rain tighter and tighter, and the rain struggled

The earth spasmed in pain, tumbling... fracture

The wind opened the whiskers of the steel needle and jumped out of the ground

Running on the cliff again, roaring

...... Where did the sky go at the moment

All I saw was the earth rising, and the dark clouds shattering into each other in the flight


You walk out of school with a heavy school bag on your back

With his head bowed, he was still thinking about the unsolved problem

When frowning, eyelashes cast a fan-shaped shadow on the face

The hair was long again, and the forehead hair was about to block the eyes

The wide school uniform wraps around your slender shoulders

Scars from scabs on the knees

Only a bright collarbone is exposed at the neckline

...... You should be wonderful

And you don't know it yourself

In the shade of a tree stood a woman with gray hair

You blinked and ran over

You hug each other tightly

The gray-haired woman was me

You, too, are me


Don't hear the geese singing. Clear skies are high

Fallen leaves cover the trail

The sound of the wind is like the sound of water, cool and mighty

Behind the mountains we can't see

Is there a big river rushing?

The trail winds and doesn't know where to go

It's just that the autumn sound is second and the mountain is scarlet like wine

In the forest

Step on the soft and thick pine needles, the wildflowers that are just waking up

Gently hit my ankles and knees

Wind is the language common to all things

Light, streams, and unknown insects and finches all joined the conversation

...... Flowers are a secret that dirt can't hide

Dewdrops are only used to hold the narrow sky. The shaking of blades of grass

Let the earth shake with it

...... The canopy is talking to the sky, and the stars are their language

The moon, the tombstone that all things share

Standing in the clouds

(Author: Duan Ruoxi)

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