
Don't wear "pants" in winter! Refer to these sets of collocations, wear the right one to have large legs

Whenever it comes to winter, the wearing of the lower body is always very distressing. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you put on thick cotton pants, the whole person will be enlarged.

Therefore, girls are very concerned about the collocation of the lower body in winter, in order to avoid appearing fat, they must be cautious when choosing pants.

Don't wear "pants" in winter! Refer to these sets of collocations, wear the right one to have large legs

The combination of pants needs to have a certain sense of contour and space, which can be warm and fashionable, and it is very thin at the same time.

Don't wear "pants" in winter! Refer to these sets of collocations, wear the right one to have large legs

Thin first from the color aspect, the best thin color must be black, whether it is loose straight pants or slightly tight straight pants, choose black has a good shrinkage effect.

The upper body is matched with a short dress, elongated proportions, directly matched with the jacket, creating a tight state of upper and lower, still very thin and clean.

Don't wear "pants" in winter! Refer to these sets of collocations, wear the right one to have large legs

Slightly lighter than black is dark blue, biased in black dark blue, the lean effect is better, the upper body with the same color blue sweater, there is a contrast between shades and shades.

Jeans that are lighter than dark blue are very suitable for winter, and the same blue color collocation is very in line with the current fashion.

Don't wear "pants" in winter! Refer to these sets of collocations, wear the right one to have large legs

When choosing the lower body pants, you can also have a little bit of caution, denim type pants themselves have a certain sense of contour, you can also cope, all year round, as long as the color is selected, pay attention to the overall details of the collocation is almost not easy to make mistakes.

Don't wear "pants" in winter! Refer to these sets of collocations, wear the right one to have large legs

Jeans with a crimped design will look very delicate visually, especially the color difference between the part of the trouser cuff and the overall shape of the pants has played an elongated effect.

The slightly exposed ankles are well connected with the socks, which is warm enough and very stylish. Whether it is paired with a coat or a short top, it has the effect of showing height and thinness, and there is no need to worry about the bloated lower body.

Don't wear "pants" in winter! Refer to these sets of collocations, wear the right one to have large legs

Of course, in addition to the smaller space for jeans, there are also wide-leg jeans that have been popular in the past two years, and the space will be larger.

Thickening in the winter will not look bloated, mainly from the fact that jeans are relatively stiff and stiff, and there will not be a feeling of nesting.

Don't wear "pants" in winter! Refer to these sets of collocations, wear the right one to have large legs

For jeans with a particularly light color, pairing them in the winter will weaken a feeling of bloat. The upper body is best to choose a light color collocation, which can form a smooth contrast, look more balanced, and there will be no bloated feeling.

Don't wear "pants" in winter! Refer to these sets of collocations, wear the right one to have large legs

Light-colored jeans have a certain degree of looseness, the method of pulling the leg of the pants will appear more neat, but also chic, and the upper body should also choose a light-colored inner layer or down jacket, so that it looks clean and neat.

With the white of the upper body, the jeans will not appear bloated and will not highlight the defects of the body. And when matching, there is a color echo, which can solve the problem of imbalance very well, and the white shoes and the white of the upper body can form an echo.

Don't wear "pants" in winter! Refer to these sets of collocations, wear the right one to have large legs

In addition to denim fabrics, in the winter more and more popular to wear knitted type of wide-leg pants, which with leggings will not appear bloated, the natural hanging sensation will give people a modification effect, and the leg shape modification effect is very good, so that the leg shape becomes straighter, but also very thin.

Grey is high-end and elegant, able to switch between multiple styles. If you like gentle ladylike style, it is with a lamb hair jacket, which is weaker and more balanced. At the same time, the use of scarves as an embellishment match, with the scarf more warm, more able to show the warm style of winter.

Don't wear "pants" in winter! Refer to the above collocations, wear the right to have large legs.

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