
2022, Late New Year's Greetings

author:A bear that wants to hibernate

I left in 2021 without looking back,—— in fact, I have no intention of keeping it! 2022 is coming! This is also what I look forward to and welcome. I have been writing down my mood for the year on New Year's Day for several consecutive years, and this year, one day late, write a late mood!

I remember that when 2021 first came, I also came to greet it with a sense of anticipation. I look forward to the year when I am in a happy mood, a smooth job and all the best! This is my most modest and basic expectation. Think about every previous year, I have been looking forward to this, but, without exception, I will always be hurt by one way or another, there will always be endless worries nagging me, and the beautiful mood full of expectations often ends in disappointment or loss, so gradually, I no longer have any expectations and fantasies about the world, and I no longer have enthusiasm and yearning for life - I can't change the world, then I will change myself; I can't cater to others, then keep my independence! The norm of law and discipline is complicit, moral condemnation is language bribery, self-independence is not related to the wind and rain, and it does not hinder the Spring and Autumn, maybe it should be better - but I am still too young... (20,000 words are omitted here).

So, gradually, I saw that the mountains were no longer mountains, and the water was no longer water. Don't want to be stingy, add a cold eye with silence; if the voice wants to move, it will fly a QTM - why bother to make yourself depressed for a rotten thing? Worth! All this is due to the fact that a brother warned me: Why not be selfish? Did it, sure enough, it doesn't matter, on the contrary, I still live a lot easier,—— don't have to worry about others anymore, only care about my own mood, can it not be easy? Thank you so much for this brother!

Accompanying me through 2021, there are new friends, there are old friends; those who give me confidence and strength, there are flesh and blood relatives, there are also friends who have never met; here, thank you together! Thank you for making me feel warm in this sad world, and thank you for always giving me confidence and strength when I want to give up. Thank you for your sincerity, thank you for your smiling faces, thank you for your encouragement, thank you for your encouragement, thank you for not giving up on me! Thank you!

Let's write it here today, past, no more comments! In 2022, this is also a big problem – the problem of too much obsession has not been solved. Cherish everything in front of you, and think about it in the long run!

Outside the window, the sun is not falling, everything is just right! Pack up and go! May you and I all be at peace and sing forward!

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