
Tohoku old-fashioned noodle biscuits

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Tohoku old-fashioned noodle biscuits

The taste of childhood, there are egg aromas, noodles, crispy... It's delicious!

By Xiao Cen one by one


Medium gluten flour 400 g

Sugar 50 g

Vegetable oil 110 g

3 eggs at room temperature

Aluminum-free baking powder 4 g

Yeast 4 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Tohoku old-fashioned noodle biscuits

1. Beat 3 eggs into the bowl. 2. Add corn oil, sugar and yeast and stir well with egg soy sauce. 3. Sift in the medium gluten flour, baking powder, stir well, knead into a dough by hand, cover and let stand for 30 minutes.

Tohoku old-fashioned noodle biscuits

2. 4. Place the dough on a board and roll out into a 5 cm thick square dough sheet. 5. Cut into large squares with a knife, about 6 cm, 10 cm long.

Tohoku old-fashioned noodle biscuits

3. 6. Place the yard on a non-stick baking sheet. 7. Brush the surface with whole egg mixture and sprinkle with white sesame seeds.

Tohoku old-fashioned noodle biscuits

4, 8. Put into the preheated Hayc C40 oven, medium and lower layer, 170 degrees, 20 minutes, cover tin foil after coloring.

Tohoku old-fashioned noodle biscuits

5. Tips: 1. The size of the cookies should be cut according to your preference. 2. The white sesame seeds on the surface can be omitted or replaced with black sesame seeds.

Tohoku old-fashioned noodle biscuits

6, simple and fast hair noodle biscuits will be ready!

<h2>Nutritional benefits of all-purpose flour</h2>

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst

Indications for the treatment of irritability, irritability, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncles, traumatic bleeding and burns.

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