
Become the Almighty King of Elementary School Four! Raiders hurry up and look at ԅ( ̄ᄇ ̄ԅ)

author:Old hi YY

Cough, no more nonsense,


First of all, the number of words is very familiar to everyone

Lecture 1 Language

In this language class, it is not a pit

But sometimes it's pretty bad

How many people have barely survived the difficulties of the other three disciplines

Finally, the number of questions to be languageized

Utterly crushed

Especially when it was close to the big exam, at that time, two rolls were rolled up every day

Unit Review Volume Ancient Poetry TestIng Volume Comprehensive Testing Volume Word Inventory Volume Reading Comprehension Volume Or directly dumping you a promise, all help you book up, not happy thank you


That's it, but it's not over yet

Article, back. Ancient poems, back. Over time, back. Words, backs. It's torturous, isn't it

In fact, there is, that is, composition

How many people in order to make up the word count, think about going, in order to look very vivid image, go to the major websites to search globally, and even for the sake of beauty, directly find reference books to copy

Therefore, many children do not care

As a result, the language scores were a mess

Luckily, brushing my phone met me, classmate

Become the Almighty King of Elementary School Four! Raiders hurry up and look at ԅ( ̄ᄇ ̄ԅ)

1. Before you learn English, learn Chinese

The current social phenomenon is that not many people pay attention to the language anymore, and they are beginning to prevail in Japanese, Korean, Spanish.

What a fart

I haven't mastered chinese yet, and I'm learning what a mess!!

Cut off this thought now, schoolchildren!

After the break, we come to the second step

2. Read, read fiercely

Of course, it does not make you read very angry, after all, you and the book do not have any resentment means to let you read with your heart

In fact, why the article can not be remembered, is because it is not well read, not well read, can not be memorized, can not be memorized, the exam does not know, do not know, it is finished

Read it 3-5 times, and you can roughly remember the content of the article and the meaning of the article, the emotion

3. Endorsement skills

You can prepare some cards, write the keywords of the article, and after reading them, you can start to follow the back of the cards

After memorizing it, try not to look at the card. About 5 times, you can memorize it (but it still depends on the length of the article)

4. There is no need to say it, yes, it is to write

Those words that won't, don't take it for granted (oh hehe, I'll do it), be sure to write more

To learn Chinese is to be diligent

5. Ancient poems, chinese and chinese recitation skills

First of all, before class, we must understand the author or work, and the meaning of the poem and the text

Take good notes in class, understand poetry and poetry, and understand the meaning of some difficult words

After class, memorize it, think about the poetry of the poem in your mind, and then slowly memorize it.

6. Reading skills

There are two types of reading questions, the first of which is factual questions. Second, the problem of logic.

Most of the elementary schools are factual issues, and the difficulty is not too great.

What is a factual question? If you want to know what a factual problem is, then I will take you to study (hhh play with the terrier for fun), factual questions, that is, to find answers from the article, logical problems require a certain amount of reasoning

Simple, right? I won't go into details

7. Composition skills

Composition is divided into writing things and writing people, and the two are interdependent

Write things to "crest, pork belly, leopard tail"

What do you mean?

The beginning should be gorgeous, short and concise; the middle should be large and not much, rich in content; the end should echo from beginning to end, strong and powerful. How, got it

To write about man is to have God, to speak, to move, to have a heart, and to be outside. What does this mean? They are demeanor, language, movement, psychology, and appearance. If these five points are done, you will almost be able to write people.

But how many people still don't understand, how are these written?

(Example): Xiaoming is very angry, and a spark of hatred bursts from his eyes

Bob was angry and said, "Why did you take my toy?" "

(Action example): Xiaoming was very angry and walked toward the classmate. Then one snatched the toy away.

(Psychological example): Bob was angry and thought: I have to snatch the toy back.

(Example): Bob was angry, the toy was wearing a nice coat, a black hat, and a red scarf, but it was snatched away.


How, is it easier to learn Chinese?

Stay tuned for Lecture 2 Mathematics