
How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

author:Gluttony Dog Food Encyclopedia

Nowadays, people have dogs, most of which are fed dog food, which is very convenient after all. Therefore, how to choose a good dog food has become the most important job of pet owners. How to choose good dog food? This article can help you!

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

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1. Raw food

Benefits: In recent years, it has been popular to feed dogs raw food, which is more nutritious, has a higher digestion and absorption rate, and can also help grind teeth.

Disadvantages: need to pay attention to cryopreservation, thawing, parasites, meat sources can be safe and other issues, in a nutshell, if you don't have money to give your dog good meat, it is safer to steam it.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

2. Homemade dog food

Directions: Use chicken or beef, eggs, carrots, goat milk powder, and an appropriate amount of corn starch, cut the ingredients into small pieces, put them all into a basin, then heat the water and stir in one direction, knead by hand into a ball of similar size, and steam it on the pot.

Benefits: Fresh and healthy

Disadvantages: short shelf life, long time, unscientific formula, prone to nutritional imbalance.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

3. Leftovers

Benefits: Many people still follow the old tradition of feeding their dogs leftovers, the advantage is to save money, and dogs also like to eat.

Disadvantages: the salt content is too high, long-term feeding will lead to increased dog visceral burden, high risk of food poisoning, shorten the dog's lifespan.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

4. Dog food

Benefits: Dog food is based on the growth of dogs to match, nutrition is comprehensive and balanced, convenient and hygienic, long storage time, and a certain grinding effect.

Disadvantages: But long-term eating a single dog food, dogs may be nutritionally unbalanced, you can regularly change different dog food.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="16" >2. How is dog food classified? </h1>

Common dog food is divided into commodity food, natural food, grain-free grain, low-sensitivity food, etc., if subdivided, there are puppy dog food, adult dog food, aging dog food, etc., according to different needs, it can be said that there are various kinds, any choice.

Today we are going to talk about four main categories: commodity grains, natural grains, low-sensitivity grains, and grain-free grains.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

1. Commodity grain

The biggest advantage of commodity grain is that the price is relatively low, but the raw materials are not very good, generally using 4D animal meat, and the by-product is dog food made of scraps, offal or fur.

Dogs can not see any problems when eating for a short time, but long-term feeding is absolutely harmful to the body, and it is found that it is sick when the time comes.

2. Natural grains

Natural grain, as the name suggests, is the use of natural materials, additive-free natural grain. They do not use harmful preservatives, BHA (butyl hydroxyanisole) and BHL (dibutyl hydroxytoluene), generally use citric acid, vitamin E, rosemary extract and other natural preservatives, this kind of dog food will be healthier and safer.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

3. No grain

The most expensive dog food is grain-free food, because the nutritional components inside are mainly made of vegetables, fruits and other low-carbohydrate and fresh meat as raw materials for high-protein, medium-fat, low-carbohydrate dog food, with easy digestion, high absorption rate, safety, health characteristics, relatively healthy.

4. Hypoallergenic grains

Low-sensitivity food is designed for some special dogs, and the only ingredients used inside are not easy to be allergic, such as duck meat, sweet potatoes and so on.

There are also grains If you choose wheat and corn, the dog may eat it and will stink, and the choice of oats, brown rice these cereals are not easy to allergies, good digestion, can increase the dog's satiety.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" >3, how to choose good dog food? </h1>

Behind the bag of normal dog food, there will be their nutritional ratio, such as the proportion of components of crude protein, crude fat, chloride and other substances, as well as qualified qualifications, which is the most basic information.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

1, look at the top three of the formula

The higher the ingredients in the list of dog food ingredients, the higher the content, so if the front is meat, it means that the nutritional content of this dog food is still OK. And the more clear the meat information, the better the quality and nutrition, because what dare not be disclosed is definitely catty.

2, look at the grease

What oil is also useful, the information should also be clear, because the bad will write animal fat, the good will write butter, flaxseed oil, olive oil, deep sea fish oil, etc., which is related to the dog's gastrointestinal quality, hair growth and other issues.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

3, look at grains and vegetables

The higher the grains and vegetables in the dog food, the lower the cost, the lower the nutritional value, and the dog may be emaciated due to malnutrition when eaten for a long time.

4, look at the protein ratio

First of all, for dogs, animal protein is superior to plant protein, because the absorption rate of animal protein is high, generally speaking, 25% is a normal level, if it is higher than 30% of high-protein dog food, some dogs may not be able to adapt, will diarrhea.

5. Salt content

The so-called water-soluble chloride is also salt, dog growth is not lacking, but can not ingest too much, so the dog food will naturally be added, this point as long as it meets the scope of the national standard, adult dog food ≥ 0.09%, puppy dog food ≥ 0.45%, the maximum recommendation is not more than 1%.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="46" >5, dog food recommended</h1>

Look: The color of high-quality dog food will be darker, the meat content is high, and the light color may be because of the low meat content. If you grab a handful with your hand and your hands are not very oily, it means that it is OK.

Smell: Dog food smells very fragrant, may be additives, really good dog food is a faint smell of meat.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

Taste: If the dog food is crispy or too hard to eat, the puffing process is not good. Good dog food tastes like a compressed biscuit and tastes like meat.

Feeding: No matter how well you choose, the dog does not like to eat and in vain, so you must feed the dog to eat, through its poop state, and whether there are tear marks, you can judge whether dog food is suitable for it. At the beginning of the change of dog food, you can choose some tasting clothes, so that you are not afraid of wasting money.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

If your dog is fat, you will eat low-fat grains, and if your dog exercises a lot, you can choose high-protein foods, all according to your needs. Xiaobian's point of view is: dog food is not the best, suitable is the most important!

Generally speaking, if the economy allows, you can pick some imported and good quality foreign dog food for dogs, but because of the current epidemic situation, there are also imported dog food sold online, and there are many fakes, so some people's eyes are on domestic grain, hoping to find good alternatives.

We all want to buy the best food for our dogs, but everyone's financial conditions are different and their affordability is different. The purpose of this article is to buy the best dog food on a budget.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

Today Xiaobian to recommend a few fairly good domestic grains, Bernard Tianchun, Billy, not greasy, etc., the price from high to low, but also a conscience brand, the mainstream product line quality is decent, have not heard of any big problems.

Take this gluttonous grainless dog food, which is produced by the three major high-end dog food foundries in China - Hanou, and won the "Top Ten Brands of Quality in China's Pet Food Industry", the formula and production links are transparent, and the safety is guaranteed.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

Secondly, this dog food also has the following advantages:

1, safety: no preservatives and additives.

2, tear stain formula: low salt and low oil formula, not fried, not on fire, effective control of the diet caused by tear stain problems.

3, nutrition, high palatability: this dog food is made of fresh meat crushed, not meat powder, rich in animal protein.

4, improve the poop: the use of drying method to retain the aroma of raw materials, and the dog can not eat the fire.

5, good absorption: this dog food not only contains vitamins, but also contains prebiotics + fructo-oligosaccharides, which can promote absorption and allow dogs to digest better.

6, can beautify hair: because dog food with EPA and DHA are unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3), so it has a certain brightening effect on dog hair, but also promotes brain development.

7. The brand also provides 1-on-1 professional services for pet nutritionists to solve the problem of pet keeping for you.

8, it is also equipped with a tasting package, the dog does not eat the package refund, do not let you spend money unjustly.

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

Conclusion: How long has your dog not changed food?

How to choose good dog food? This article can help you first, the way dogs are fed: Second, how is dog food classified? Third, how to choose a good dog food? Five, dog food recommended five, dog food recommended

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