
Song Xiang: Zeng Lingxu's film results showed that no bones were injured, and the foot sprains with strong pain

Song Xiang: Zeng Lingxu's film results showed that no bones were injured, and the foot sprains with strong pain

Live bar January 2 news Today's CBA regular season, Xinjiang defenders once injured Xu's foot, and then was carried out of the stadium on a stretcher.

According to basketball reporter Song Xiang, the source revealed that in the xinjiang and Sichuan game, the defender had injured Xu's foot and was carried out of the field on a stretcher, after which he was sent to the hospital to take a film, fortunately, there was no injury to the bone, the foot sprain, but the pain was relatively strong, and there is no official statement that he has been absent for a long time.

Zeng Lingxu, 34, plays as a defender and has played in 15 regular season games for Xinjiang this season, averaging 6.9 points, 1.5 rebounds, 4.2 assists and 1.3 steals in 17.6 minutes per game.


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