
136.8 billion yuan, an increase of 9.1%! In 2021, Qingdao's fiscal revenue will complete the year-end final account

author:Blue eyes

In 2021, Qingdao's local general public budget revenue reached 136.8 billion yuan, an increase of 9.1%, exceeding 130 billion yuan for the first time. Among them, the tax revenue reached 101.7 billion yuan, and the proportion of tax revenue in fiscal revenue was 74.3%, an increase of 2.6 percentage points over the previous year, and the quality of fiscal revenue was significantly improved.

The city's local general public budget expenditure is 170.5 billion yuan, of which the people's livelihood expenditure is 123.5 billion yuan, accounting for 72.4% of the general public budget expenditure. Expenditures directly related to citizens' lives, such as education, social security, health and health, and housing security, have maintained rapid growth.

In 2021, due to the epidemic and the external environment, the contradiction between fiscal revenue and expenditure has become more prominent. Under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the city's financial departments at all levels have done a solid job in the "six stability" and "six guarantees" work, played the role of financial policy fund guidance, and exerted efforts from the aspects of strengthening financial resources, improving people's livelihood, helping enterprises, reforming and increasing efficiency, and effectively ensuring the city's economic and social development.

In 2022, the city's financial department will firmly grasp the policy orientation of "active fiscal policy to improve efficiency, pay more attention to precision and sustainability", show new responsibilities and new deeds in the new journey of endeavor, use reform thinking, innovative methods, and pragmatic measures to raise funds, allocate resources, enhance guarantees, let the general public share more development dividends, and make new contributions to accelerating the construction of a more vibrant, powerful and unique modern international metropolis!

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