
Teach you how to memorize English words permanently (b-bb)

author:Huang Chenyan English


b- B-shaped objects (bloom, bee, bird, etc.)

baby ['beibi] baby; baby (word derived from babe; reference to daddy)

The plural of babies ['beibiz] baby

Babe[beib] babies, small children; girls; naïve and naïve people

babble ['bæbl] chattering; yah- babble; babbling;

Babbler ['bæblə] nonsense; man who speaks vaguely (-er)

Babbling nonsense; nonsense; babies making muzzling noises; Babbling, chattering

Babblingly ['bæbliŋli] chattered; nonsense

psychobabble [,psaikəu'bæbl] psycho-psycho-spiritual; psychological

baby-blue ['beibi'blu:] very light light green or slightly purple light blue (blue blue)

Baby-car stroller; small car (car trolley)


babydoll['beibidɔl] doll

Baby-doll is young and youthful

babyface['beibifeis] baby face (face face)

Baby-faced young and innocent; born with a baby's face [figuratively] innocent

babyhood ['beibi, hud] infants; infanthood; infanthood (-hood)

Babyhouse ['beibi, haus] Children's playroom; Baby toy room (house house)

babyish['beibiiʃ] baby-like; childish; childish; naïve and ignorant; Suitable for infants (-ish)

babyism['beibiizəm] silly, stupid; childish manners or speech, childish behavior (or language); [beauty] = babyhood (-ism)

baby-kissing Kiss baby to win support or votes (kissing kissing)

Baby-mind (English) generation (temporary) childcare as a temporary babysitter (= baby-sit) (mind sanity)

Baby-minder as a babysitter (minder caregiver)

Baby-minding (temporarily) childcare

baby-size Small (size size)

Babysat['beibi, sæt] takes care of the baby and acts as a babysitter (sat is the past tense of sit)

babysit['beibi, sit] (temporary generation) babysitting (sit sitting)

Babysitter Temporary childcare; babysitter (sitter person who temporarily takes care of the child on behalf of others)

baby-talk (meaning the baby is slurred and incoherent) (talk talk)

baby-watch (English) Substitute (temporary) babysitting (= baby-sit) (watch watch)

baby-watcher Babysitter (watcher keeper)

babywear['beibiweə] baby bag (wear worn)

Crybaby ['krai, beibi] people who cry; people who love to complain; people who can't criticize (cry crying)

grandbaby['grænd, beibi] [U.S.] (infant) little grandchild (female); little grandson (child) daughter (grand- generation apart)

sleepy baby newborn asphyxia (sleepy sleepy)

preterm ['pritəm] [medical] preterm birth; preterm infants (pre-before; term term)

psychobabble[,psaikəu'bæbl] psycho psychology (psycho psychology; babble ya ya ya

Bachelor ['bætʃələ] Bachelor; bachelor;

Baccalaureate[,bækə'lɔ:riət] Bachelor's degree;

Bachelor-at-arms Young knights following other knights; young warriors (arm armed)

Bachelor degree;

Bachelor degree holder bachelor degree or above; Bachelor's degree (holder holder)

Bachelordom ['bætʃələdəm] celibate, single; identity of a single man (-dom)

Bachelorette [,bætʃələ'ret] unmarried girl, young single woman, (independent) single woman (-ette)

bachelorhood['bætlhud] single life;-hood

Bachelorism ['bætʃələ,rizəm] single man; celibacy; the quirks of celibacy

Bachelor of Art

Bachelor of Engineering

Bachelor of Law;

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor party (especially for grooms on the eve of a wedding) (party party)

bachelor's ['bætʃələz] Bachelor's degree = bachelor's degree

Bachelor's wife perfect (or ideal wife); the celibate ideal wife

Bachelorship ['bætʃələ,ʃip] single; bachelor's qualification (title) (-ship)

Knight Bachelor (British) Knight Knight

back[bæk] back; back; back; (soccer, etc.) defender (cf. black)

Back- backwards;

backache ['bækeik] back pain, back pain (body part + ache means "pain in this part")

backacter [bæ'kæktə] [machine] backhoe excavator;

backaction['bæk'ækʃən] reverse action; Action action

Back-alley, slums, cunning means, narrow alleys behind the streets, poor streets and dark alleys, unassuming, despicable, dirty, sneaky, sneaky, sloppy alleys

back and forth repeatedly; Back and forth (back and forth); back and forth; reciprocally; repeatedly; back and forth (forth forward)

backband ['bæk,bænd] back loop; (around the horse's neck to set up the rut) back chain, strap (band strap)

backbar ['bæk,bɑ:] support beams

backbeach['bæk,bi:tʃ] [ocean] back coast; back beach; back coastal strip (beach beach)

backbeat ['bækbi:t] [music] (especially rock, swing and disco music) strong rhythmic tone, background tapping beats; back beats (2nd and 4th of 4 beats) (beat beats; percussion; regular series of beats)

Backbench ['bæk'bentʃ] (particularly in the Uk House of Commons) ordinary MPs, back seat (bench bench)

Backbencher ['bæk'bentʃə] (especially in the House of Commons) backbencher, bencher judge

backbend['bæk, bend] seller body back in a bowed pose (bend bend)

Backbit['bækbit] behind slander; back slander (backbite's past tense)

backbite ['bækbait] behind the slander, slander, behind the saying (... Bad words (bite bite)

backbiter ['bæk,baitə] behind the slanderer (-er)

Backbiting ['bæk,baitiŋ] slander; slander

backboard ['bækbɔ:d] rebounds; backboard; backsplash (board plate)

backbond ['bæk,bɔnd] [Scottish English] [legal] reverse certificate, certificate of undertaking compensation to the guarantor (bond agreement)

backbone ['bækbəun] pillar; backbone; backbone; perseverance; spine (bone bone)

backbreak['bækbreik] super-mining; super-explosion = overbreak

Backbreaker ['bækbreikə] tired of heavy work, arduous tasks, hard work; people who work exceptionally hard, people who work hard

Backbreaking ['bæk,breikiŋ] is extremely laborious; break break

backburn['bæk,bə:n] [Australia] face-to-face fire, fire-facing, (ignite a new fire in the opposite direction of the original fire) to clear a bush (burn burning)

back-busting hard (busting ditch farming; bust bankruptcy)

Back-call (salesman to customer) second visit (call)

back-chain ['bæk,tʃein] (around the horse's neck to set up the rudder) back chain, chain chain

backcharge ['bæk,tʃænl] charge charge

backchat ['bæktʃæt] back-talking; witty conversation; cross-examination (chat chat)

back-check ['bæk,tʃek] check;

backcloth ['bæk,klɔθ] (stage) backstage (cloth) (cloth)

backcolor ['bæk,kɔlə] background color (color color)

backcountry ['bækkʌntri] remote areas; remote areas; poor rural areas (country villages)

backcourt ['bækkɔ:t] [US] [basketball tennis] backcourt farthest from goal; end line (court)

backcourtman ['bæk,kɔ:tmən] [basketball] defender, backcourt (man man)

backcross ['bækkrɔs] [genetics] (make) backcross, backcross (make) inverse crossover; [table tennis] backhand slash ball; [ice hockey] step backwards (cross cross)

backdate [,bæk'deit] backtracking, retroactive; date date

backdigger ['bækdigə] backhoe excavator = backhoe (digger excavator)

backdoor [,bæk'dɔ:] through secret or illegal means; door door

Back door back door

Backdown ['bækdaun] [spoken] concessions, retreats, retreats; withdraws (or abandons) original demands, claims, opinions, positions, etc.; reneges on words, declares the cancellation of the foreword (down down)

backdraft ['bæk,drɑ:ft] (furnace) reverse flow air, pour smoke; [metallurgy] reverse draft slope (small streams of air in heating systems such as draft rooms, chimneys, stoves, etc.)

backdrop ['bæk,drɔp] background; drop drop

Back-drop back drop

backed [bækt] with back; financially supported; supported; making a back (-ed)

Backed by relying; in... Support/Cover/Cooperate

backen['bækən] hinders... Development; counterclockwise directional shift (en-)

backend ['bæk,end] backend; backend; backsed

back-end ['bæk,end] (cost) engineering, etc. late, final, end phase

backer['bækə] supporter; patron; donor (-er)

backfall['bæk,fɔ:l] back; Something that goes backwards; something that falls back; something that falls back; [Wrestling] Landing on the ground with both shoulders (or back) (falling)

Backfield ['bæk, fi:ld] [US] [rugby] defender; guard area (field field)

Backfielder ['bæk, fi:ldə] [rugby] defender, guard (fielder outfielder)

backfin['bækfin] crushing; rolling scars; interlayers, cracks (fin fins)

backfire ['bæk,faiə] backfire, tempering; backfire; pre-setting; producing unexpected and counterproductive results (fire fire)

backfired ['bæk,faiəd] backfired; counterproductive; (referring to internal combustion engines, etc.) backfired, tempered; backfired consequences (-ed)

backflash ['bæk,flæʃ] gas flashback; flashback (= flashback) (in literary works)

backflip ['bæk, flip] backflip (such as in trick diving, etc.); 180-degree shift (belief or position)

backflow['bæk,fləu] backflow; reverse flow (flow flow; flow flow)

backflush ['bæk,flʌʃ] washback, backwash; inverse algorithm; flush flush

backflushing['bæk,flʌʃiŋ] recoil

backfolding ['bækfəuldiŋ] [geology] dorsal folding (folding foldable)

backformation inverse order; Inverted antisomal; Formation construction

backgear ['bækgiə] rear gear;

background ['bækgraund] background; hidden location (ground ground)

background music;

backhand ['bækhænd] backhand slap; backhand strike (hand hand)

backhanded['bækhændid] indirect; backhand clap; Backhand strike (-ed)

Backhander['bækhændə] backhand strike; backhand blow; additional glass of wine; [English] (secretly given) commission, kickbacks; bribery; black money, stolen money (-er)

Backhoe ['bæk,həu] reverse shovel; trencher; backhoe excavator (hoe hoe)

backhoe loader digging loader; backhoe loader; bucket loader

Backhoe shovel, backhoe shovel; backhoe excavator (shovel shovel)

backhoe pullshovel backhovel

backhouse ['bækhaus] back house hut; [Beauty] toilets, especially outdoor toilets, behind the house toilets (= privy); [Scottish English] kitchen; (farmhouse)back room (house house)

Backing['bækiŋ] supports; backs; backs; backs

Backing strip strip (strip strip; strip)

backkick['bækik] reverse reverse discharge; kick recoil

Backland ['bæk,lænd] inland, hinterland;

backlash ['bæk,læʃ] recoil; strong resistance; strong opposition; aftermath (lash scolding)

Back-lash wheel backlash, backlash drift; backstroke, rear seat; backlash, clearance; flashback

backless ['bæklis] backless; backless; backless; backstopless (-less)

backless dress (dress dress; women's)

backletter['bækletə] letter of guarantee; letter of indemnity

backlight ['bæk,lait] [film, television] illuminated from behind, illuminated from behind (light light)

Backlighting['bæk,laitiŋ] backlit; backlit; illuminated from behind; illuminated by backlight

Backlit['bæklit] backlit; backlit (lit illuminated)

Back links; backlinks

backlist ['bæklist] inventory book catalog; reprints;

backlog ['bæklɔg] backlog of work; large timber; reserves; put... Backlog up (log logs)

backlogging['bæklɔgiŋ] accumulation; backlog (logging record)

Backlot ['bæk,lɔt] (near the studio or studio) location (-lot small plot)

Backman['bækmæn] auxiliary worker; rear (man man)

backmixing['bækmiki] remix;reverse mixing,mix mixing

backmost ['bækməust] last (most most)

back number expired publications; vintage (number number)

Back nut [machine] support nut; limited nut; rear nut

backoff ['bækɔf] shovel back; inverted buckle, compensated; spare

Back off backwards; softens; mitigates; removes

Back-off back down; shovel back; unwind after inversion

backorder postponement of undelivered orders; order orders

backordered backordered; out of stock; out of stock (-ed)

backout ['bæk,aut] demolition, revocation (back out withdrawal; retraction)

Back pack backpack fire extinguisher (pack backpack)

backpack ['bækpæk] backpack; hiking (or off-road) with backpack

backpacker['bæk,pækə] backpack hiker (-er)

Backpacking ['bæk,pækiŋ] walking tour (packing package)

back-page ['bæk,peidʒ] in the last part of the newspaper;

backpedal ['bæk, pedl] inverted pedal; backsliding (in boxing); withdrawing (opinions, etc.); changing (pedal pedaling)

backpiece ['bæk,pi:s] tailgate;

backplane ['bæk,plein] [electronics, computer] backplane, plug-in board (plane flat items)

backplate ['bæk,pleit][architecture] backplane, rear splint;

Back pocket pocket

Backpressure; pressure pressure

Backproject ['bæk'prɔdʒekt] behind-the-scenes projection; project projection

backpropagation propagation propagation

backrest ['bækrest] seat backrest (rest rest)

Back rise

backroad['bækrəud] country road (road road)

backroom ['bæk, ru:m] back room, back room, back room, back room

Backroom Boys Behind-the-Scenes Heroes; Boy Boys

back-rope ['bæk,rəup] (harness around the horse's neck) back chain, harness (rope rope)

backrush ['bæk,rʌʃ] [ocean] rewind; reflow; rush rapids

Backs back, backs; defenders (plural form of back); backs (three singles of backs)

backsaw['bæksɔ:] short saw (back metal is thicker) (saw saw)

backseat ['bæk,sit] rear seat; secondary seat

Backseat driver pointer (driver driver)

backset ['bækset] vortex; countercurrent; backwards; set back to make setbacks; put... Dial back)

backsheesh ['bækʃi:ʃ] allowance; tip = backshish = baksheesh

backshift ['bækʃift] quadratic transformation (shift movement)

backshore['bæk,ʃɔ:] [carpentry] (temporary support for side walls) jackings; Back Beach; Back Coast Strip (Shore Beach)

backside [,bæk'said] back; rear; hips (side side; face)

backsight ['bæksait] rear view, illuminated ruler; Flag survey, flag marking, marking the position measured (or flag) (sight vision)

backstab ['bæk, stæb] stabbed from behind; [figurative, colloquial] dark arrow wound (person), vilified in the back, said bad things about people behind their backs or betrayed others, framed by despicable means (stab stabbing; stab wounds)

backstabber ['bæk,stæbə] conspiracy to plot against others, vilifying behind (-er)

backstage ['bæksteidʒ] in (or towards) backstage (especially on both sides of the stage or in the powder room)

backstay ['bækstei] (mast of a sailboat) rear strut, rear strug; rear pull; (mechanical, etc.) rear strut, rear strut (stay stay; strut)

backstep ['bækstep] step back, step back, step back; meaningless)

backstop ['bækstɔp] net; catcher; support (stop stop)

backstreet ['bækstri:t] (poor areas) backstreets; sneaky; illegal (street streets)

backstroke ['bækstrəuk] backstroke; Backstroke (also known as back crawl)

backtalk ['bæktɔk] [U.S.] talk talk

Back-to-back back; immediately

Back to nature

backtrace ['bæktreis] backtrack; trace (trace)

Backtrack['bæktræk] [U.S.] returns from the same path and goes back; abandons (or changes) the original position; renegades; tracks, tracks; follows; injects narcotic drugs with a withdrawal method (track footprints)

backup ['bækʌp] supported; backed up; blocked; backed up; supported; alternate

Back up support, assistance; [data] backup; rewind; mounting

backups ['bækʌps] backup (plural)

backup copy [printed] copy; backup copy

back-up lamp [vehicle] reversing light (lamp lamp; illuminator)

backveld['bæk,velt] [spoken South African] backcountry, remote and isolated rural areas (of)

Backvelder Remote and isolated countryside

back view['bæk,vju:] [machine] rear view (view view; landscape)

backward ['bækwəd] backward; inverse; slow development (-ward orientation)

backwards ['bækwədz] inverted; backward; backward (back, -wards facing)

Backwardly['bækwədli] backwardly; backward ground (adjective +ly)

Backwardness['bækwədnis] backwardness; hesitation; cringe; shyness (-ness)

backwash ['bækwɔʃ] backflow, countercurrent; consequences, repercussions; wash wash

backwater ['bæk,wɔ:tə] backwater; stagnant water; stagnant state or place (water water)

backwearing[bæk'weəriŋ] slopes and cliffs retreating in parallel (wearing is tiring)

Backwind ['bæk,wind] [nautical] to turn the wind; inverted; headwind, wind behind (wind)

Backwoods ['bækwudz] uncultivated land; remote forested areas, remote wild woodlands (woods woods)

Backwoodsman ['bæk,wudzmən] people who live in remote areas, rough men, rough people (man men)

backwork ['bæk,wə:k] ancillary work

backwrap ['bækræp] skirt (or pullover) with zipper on the back, slipover (or pullover) with placket at the back (wrap coat)

backyard['bæk'jɑ:d] backyard; backyard; back garden (back)

aback[ə'bæk] backwards; In the top wind position; Backwards; Startled (a- )

autobackup ['ɔ:təu'bækʌp] auto backup (auto-auto)

bareback ['beəbæk] saddleless, unsaddled; unsaddled; bare naked;

barebacked ['beəbækt] saddleless (-ed)

birdyback ['tə:dibæk] cargo trailer; aircraft consignment trailer = birdieback

Blowback ['bləubæk] blowing backwards; false information (spread abroad by spies) back -- after ;( shooting); (miniature images) amplification and restoration; (engine mixture inside the tube) blowback (blow blowing)

blueback ['blu:bæk] blueback fish; blueback ticket (issued during the American Civil War)

bounceback bounce; reflex; echo; bounce bounce

bow-backed hunched, hunched (bow bent bow; -ed)

Breakbacks jerk back; [cricket balls] bounce back into the three-poster goal; exhausting

Break back suddenly travels in reverse to disrupt the opposing defenses

brokeback['brəukbæk] broke back (broke off)

bring back; bring bring

bring... Back to life to make the resurrection, to give... Life

brushback['brʌʃbæk] [baseball] batsman back thrown from home run) brush brush

burnback ['bə:nbæk] re-ignition; tempering (burn burning)

buyback ['baibæk] buyback, buy-back agreement (buy buy)

buy-back products for resale

call back pay overtime pay (call call, pay pay)

callback ['kɔ:lbæk] recovery; callback signal; callback; Overtime; Call back (service)

call-back ['kɔ:lbæk] callback, callback; overtime; recycling; product repair

call back; retract

carry back ['kæribæk] shipped back; retrieved; recalled; carri carried

carry-back['kæribæk] before the return of losses

carryback ['kæribæk] forward deduction (term for calculating U.S. federal income tax); Statutory Pre-Removal Deduction Maximum (cf. Carrieforward)

checkback['tʃekbæk] check; review, review

check back to check the record; check it

come back[kʌm bæk] back; remember; return to the status quo ante, re-epidemic (back return)

Comeback Rehabilitation, Reinstatement, Return; Restoration; Comeback; Regain Success (or Reputation, Health, etc.)

cornerback ['kɔ:nəbæk] [US] [rugby] wingback, corner defender; counterpoint defense (corner corner)

cutback ['kʌtbæk] decreases, cuts; cuts backcuts (for films, etc.); cut flashbacks (cut cuts; cuts)

date back[deit bæk] retroactive to (date date)

donkeyback ['dɔŋki,bæk] rides on the back of a donkey, on a donkey; Donkey donkey

Education background Education

drawback ['drɔ:bæk] disadvantages, disadvantages; tax refund (draw painting)

failback['feilbæk] automatic recovery (fail failure)

fallback ['f:lbæk] withdrawal, retreat

Fall back, retreat; fall; retreat; retreat

fastback long-slope roof; reclining body car; fast return (fast fast)

fatback['fætbæk] back fat (fat fat; fat)

feedback ['fi:dbæk] feedback; results, materials; replies (feed feeding)

fightback['faitbæk] [English] fight back; fight back; resist

fireback ['faiəbæk] as the iron plate for the back wall of the fireplace;

fold back[fəuld bæk] fold fold back

foldback[fəuld bæk] return (system), monitor (system)

fullback ['ful,bæk] [soccer] defensive defender; [US] [rugby] offensive defender (fully charged)

giveback ['givbæk] [u.s] benefits return; give back return; reflex; recovery

Greenback['gri:nbæk] US dollar bill; green-backed animal (green)

greyback ['greibæk] [English] grey-backed animals (e.g. grey whales, snowfish, etc.) (grey grey)

halfback ['hɑ:fbæk] centre-back (ball) (half half)

hang back hesitates; hang hangs

Hardback hardcover; hard-covered books; Hardcover; hard cover

Hatchback Convertible; Hatchback; Hatchback (Hatch)

hit back to resist, counterattack (hit; hit)

holdback ['həuldbæk] obstruction;

horseback['hɔ:sbæk] horseback; steep ridges; On horseback (horse horse)

Horseback police

horseback riding ride riding

humpback ['hʌmpbæk] humpback; humpback whale (hump humpback)

Humpback whale humpback whale; humpback whale

keep back; conceal; block (keep keep)

kickback['kikbæk] rebates, commissions; strong reactions; kick recoil

ladderback ['lædəbæk]

left back (left left)

liftback ['liftbæk] lifted streamlined rear body car (rear door can be lifted) (lift up)

linebacker['lain,bækə] [US] [rugby] centre-back (defender behind the striker) (line line)

Linebacking ['lain,bækiŋ] defender player; the technique of a centre-back

look back; look back

move back

outback ['autbæk] inland; inland; inland (out outside)

Payback ['peibæk] repayment; recovery of investment

Pay back; repay; pay back; pay back

paperback ['peipəbæk] paperback;

pickaback ['pikəbæk] on the back; ride on the back or shoulder; connected to something else (pick pick)

piggy back piggy piglet

Piggyback ['pigibæk] on the shoulder; on the back

Piggybacking piggyback production; piggybacking; piggybacking; shoulder loading

playback['pleibæk] [TV] [broadcast] replay; recording replay device (play play)

postback['pəust,bæk] postback (PRADO programming term);

Pullback ['pulbæk] retreat; obstacles

Pull back; withdraw; pull for draw; pull for draw; remorse

pushback ['puʃbæk] postponed the take-off of the aircraft ((push back puts...) Push back; push back)

putback put back

Right back (right right)

ringback ['riŋbæk] second call; ring ring ring

rollback ['rəulbæk] [U.S.] (under government intervention) price relapse; Roll back; invert

roll back knockback; put... Pressed down to standard level

round-backed ['raundbækt] hunchback (round round;-ed)

runback ['rən,bæk] [U.S.] [rugby] (run run) (run run)

Seat back (seat seat)

send back

setback['setbæk] setback; regression; countercurrent

set back postponement; make... Frustrated; put... Dial back

snap back quickly, quickly recover (snap shut)

Snapback ['snæpbæk] passes fast; recovers quickly; gets better quickly

softback ['sɔftbæk] soft cover book, paperback book (soft soft)

springback ['spriŋbæk] [force] rebound, rebound (spring spring)

stand back; stand back; stand stand; stand; stand

stepback [ocean] [geology] step back; step back, step back; meaningless)

strongback['strɔŋbæk] positioning plate; strong back material (strong and strong)

switchback['switʃbæk] meanders; takes a roundabout approach; Undulating (switch conversion)

tailback ['teilbæk] [e] (formed by traffic jams) long lines of vehicles, long tail tails

talkback ['tɔkbæk] intercom phone; talkback system

think back; think think;

throwback['θrəubæk] throwback; throwback; throw back; throw back; reflex)

tieback ['taibæk] [u.s] a rope (or band) for pulling curtains; curtain hooks; [often plural] (with drawstrings or hooks) buckle curtains (tie ties; knots)

touchback ['tʌtʃbæk] holding the ball to the ground; [US] [rugby] touch (the defender puts the ball on the ground on the opponent's goal line or behind the goal line to make it a dead ball) (touch touch; contact)

turn back; block; turn turn

Turnback returns; returns, returns; cowards; retreaters; (clothes, etc.) roll-up sections

turn-back turn; turn back

unbacked [ʌn'bækt] unsupported; unrolled; unmounted horses; (chairs) unruffled (undone)

way back a long time ago, long ago; way back

wayback machine Machine

Welcome back Welcome back; Welcome... Welcome back

wetback ['wetbæk] [U.S.] stowaways, wet-backed people, "wet-backed" border crossers, Mexican migrant workers who illegally entered the United States (wet wet)

whaleback ['weilbæk] (round as) whaleback-like thing; [Beauty] [Nautical] Turtle Back Deck Ship (Whale Whale)

yellowback ['jeləubæk] cheap novel (yellow yellow)

bacon ['beikən] bacon; bacon; cured meat; smoked pork (after back; -on small word suffix, referring to pork hind leg meat)

baconn ['beikən] bacon = smoked meat

bacony['beikəni] bacon-like; fatty (noun +y)

Bacon ['beikən] Bacon (surname)

Baconian [bei'kəunjən] inductive; bacon philosophical; people who believe in Bacon philosophy

Baconian method Bacon method; Bacon inductive method

chawbacon['tʃɔ:beikən] [pejorative] countryman, dirt bun (chaw chewable)

streaky bacon bacon bacon (streak stripes)

bacteraji bacterial

bacteria[bæk'tiəriə] [micro]bacteria (plural) (bacter-bacteria;-ia disease symptoms)

Bacterial of bacteria

bactericide [bæk'tiəri,said] fungicide (–cide kill)

bactericidal [bæk,tiəri'saidəl] sterile

bacteriolytic [,bæktiəriə'litik] lysozymized; bactericidal

bacteriochlorophyll [bæk,tiəriəu'klɔrəfil] bacterial chlorophyll

bacteriologic[bæk,tiəriə'lɔdʒik] bacteriological

bacteriological[bæk,tiəriə'lɔdʒikəl] bacteriological, [micro]bacteriological

bacteriologist [bæk,tiəri'ɔlədʒist] bacteriologist

bacteriology [bæk,tiəri'ɔlədʒi] bacteriology (-ology)

bacteriolysis [bæk,tiəri'ɔlisis] [biochemical] bacteriolysis;

bacteriostasis [bæk'tiəriə'steisis] bacterial inhibition, [micro] bacteriostasis (-sis)

bacteroid ['bæktərɔid] bacteroid; Bacterial-like; bacterial(-oid)

bacteroidal ['bæktərɔidl] bacterial; pseudobacterial

bacterium [bæk'tiəriəm] [micro]; bacillus genus (singular)

Helicobacter helicobacter (helico-helico)

Phylum Proteobacteria (proteo-protein)

bad [bæd] bad; serious; inferior (derived from dad dad; reference male male; male-bad, bad; man man; -mania fanatic, manic; -ia disease suffix)

bad breath bad breath = halitosis

baddie ['bædi] [beauty] bad guy; (especially in novels, movies, etc.) villain character (-ie small)

Baddy ['bædi] [beauty] bad guy, villain

baddish['bædiʃ] worse, not very good (-ish)

Bad jokes (joke jokes, jokes)

badland ['bædlænd] land

Bad life is not an immoral life; People who are estimated to live less than the average life expectancy (calculated)

badly ['bædli] very, very; seriously, severely; badly (adjective +ly)

Badly off the poor, the poor; the poor

Badman ['bædmæn] outlaw; bad man (man man)

bad-mannered (mannered mannerist)

bad-mouth harsh criticism; slander; malicious attacks; Malicious attacker (mouth mouth)

badness ['bædnis] bad, evil; bad; bad state (-ness)

bad paper [U.S.] bad checks; counterfeit banknotes (paper paper)

bads[bædz] bad goods; public nuisance (plural of bad)

bad-tempered irritable; tempered (tempered mild)

superbad['sju:pəbæd] super-super

badminton['bædmintən] badminton

baffle['bæfl] baffle; confused; do futile struggle (onomatopoeia. baff;-le table repeatedly)

baff scratches the ground (makes the ball fly high) ;( with hands, weapons, etc.).

baffle board['bæflbɔ:d] breakers, reflectors; flue hoods (board plates)

baffle-board['bæflbɔ:d] sound shield;

baffled['bæfld] with bezel; Obstruct; make confused

bafflement['bæfəlmənt] obstructs; confuses; struggles in vain

baffleplate['bæflpleit] baffle (plate)

baffler['bæflə] baffle; silencer; Baffles; adjustment walls; Flue partition wall

baffling['bæfliŋ] is confusing; obstructive; depressing; fickle; Make confused; frustrated

unbaffled [machine] without bezel; Undone

waterbaffle['wɔ:tə 'bæfl] water-cooled partition; Water baffle (water)

bag[bæg] bag(cf flag)

Bagful ['bægful] full of pockets

baggage['bægidʒ] baggage (-gage added)

baggage claim; baggage claim; baggage claim; baggage collection

bagger['bægə] bagger; bagger; bastion (-er)

baggie ['bægi] plastic film bags, food storage bags; garbage bags; [Scottish English] stomach (-ie small)

bagging ['bægiŋ] bagging; handful... Packed into bags; Boxed lunches (brought by workers, etc.).

baggy ['bægi] bag-like, swollen; loose and sagging (noun +y)

baghouse ['bæghaus] baghouse; bag filter chamber; air pollution particulate absorber (house house)

Bag lady [beauty] scavenger woman who sleeps on the street without a place to live (lady lady)

Bagman ['bægmən] stolen official, corrupt official [beauty] minions; drug dealer; [Australian English] homeless man with duffel bag; hiker (man man)

bag-packer Carrying a large bag of self-guided travel (pack pack;-er)

bagpipe ['bægpaip] bagpipe (pipe pipe; flute)

bagpiper['bægpaipə] bagpipe bearer; bagpipe man (-er)

bag-play['bæg,plei] flattery; pat on the back

bag-sleeve wide sleeves (sleeve sleeves)

Bagstuffer ['bæg, stʌfə] advertising leaflets;

bag-wig silk pouch wig (wig wig)

Bagwoman['bæg,wumən] woman who collects money (woman woman)

Bagwork['bæg,wə:k] bagging work; sandbag (work work)

airbag ['eəbæg] airbag (a safety device that automatically inflates when a car is hit to avoid injury to passengers)

beanbag ['bi:nbæg] bean pouch (bean bean) for games

body bag (zippered rubber or plastic) body bag (body body)

Brown bag bento (food brought from home) (brown)

Brown-bag brings his own lunch to work or school; brings his own lunch in a brown paper bag; brown food bag

Brown-bagger Bring Your Own Lunch or Food (-er)

carpetbag ['kɑ:pitbæg] (popular in the 19th century) carpet bag (or handbag) (carpet carpet)

carry bag tote bag, thick paper bag (carry handling)

carry-on bag (carry-on baggage for air passengers) carry-on baggage, carry-on baggage

clothesbag ['kləuðzbæg] clothes bag (clothes clothes)

debag take off... Pants (as a punishment or prank); face de-eye bag method (de-)

doggy bag['dɔgi bæg] packing bag; dog food bag (doggy puppy)

Sandbags (earth soil)

gamebag ['geim,bæg] prey bag (game game; prey)

garbage bag (garbage scraps)

gasbag ['gæsbæg] airbag; nonsense man (gas gas)

handbag['hæn(d)bæg] tote bag;

handbag tag luggage tag (tag tag)

ice bag [ais] ice pack (ice ice)

kitbag ['kitbæg] bags; travel bags; marching backpacks (kit equipment)

mailbag['meilbæg] postal bag (mail post)

moneybag ['mʌnibæg] money bag;

nosebag['nəuzbæg] horse grain bag; feed bag hanging from the neck of horse etc. (nose nose)

paper bag (paper paper)

polybag ['pɔlibæg] plastic tape; plastic bag (poly-multi)

postbag ['pəus(t)bæg] postal bag (post post)

ratbag ['rætbæg] [Australian slang] freak; grumpy man; nasty guy (rat rat)

sandbag ['sæn(d)bæg] sandbag (sand sand)

sandbagger ['sæn(d)bægə] a villain who uses sandbags as a weapon to attack others (-er)

Scent bag; sachet (scent scent)

schoolbag ['sku:lbæg] school bag (school school)

sleeping bag (sleeping sleeping)

sportsbag ['spɔ:tsbæg] sports bag (sports sports)

teabag ['ti:bæg] tea bags (tea tea)

Tenbagger ['ten,bægə] stocks that can rise tenfold (ten ten)

traveling bag ['trævliŋ] travel bag

unbag [ʌn'bæg] put... Pour out of the bag (un-)

windbag['windbæg] wind sac; talker; wind talker

windbaggary['windbægəri] empty talk; rhetoric (-ary)

workbag ['wə:kbæg] sewing bag; kit (work work)

baggage['bægidʒ] baggage (word derived from bag bag; -age; same as luggage baggage, suitcase)

Bagger['bæɡə] bagger; bagger; bastion

baggie ['bæɡi] plastic film bags, food storage bags; garbage bags; [Scottish English] stomach (-ie small)

bagging ['bæɡiŋ] bagging; handful... Packed into bags; Boxed lunches (brought by workers, etc.).

baggy ['bæɡi] bag-like, swollen; loose and sagging (noun +y)

bail[beil] bail, bail; bail; bail; helping someone out of trouble; scooping water out; 杓 (see jail prison; fail failure)

bailable; bailable

Bailment sustenance, entrustment; bail; sustenance buying and selling

Bailor sustenance; client

bait[beit] (fish) bait; bait; lure; in... Put bait in the middle; torture; break in the middle (etymology same as bite bite. Refer to wait;trait feature)

Baited ['beitid] baited; seduced; seduced

baited hook with bait hook (hook hook)

baiting ['beitiŋ] bait; tempt

Baiter ['beitə] persecutor

Jew-baiter persecutors (Jew Jews)

Jew-baiting persecuted the Jews; persecuted the Jews

live-bait live (live[laiv] live)

whitebait ['waitbeit] silverfish; small herring (white white)

bake[beik] baking, baking; firing (cf. make and make)

baked[beikt] baked; baked; baked, baked; fired (-ed)

baked potatoes; potato potatoes

bakehouse ['beikhaus] bakery; bakery (house house)

bakemeat ['beik,mi:t] [nonsense] meat pie (meat meat)

baker ['beikə] baker (-er)

baker's ['beikəz] bakery

baker's yeast

bakeshop ['beikʃɔp] bakery; bakery (shop store)

bakery ['beikəri] Bakery (-ery)

bake-off ['beik,ɔf] food baking technology competition (see cookoff)

Bakeout ['beikaut] baking, drying; annealing

bake out baking (new building); raising the temperature (new building) (raising the temperature of new buildings to accelerate the evaporation of organic compounds in paints, etc.)

Bake up over-baked; baked too long

bakeware ['beik, weə] baking pan; baking utensils (ware utensils)

bakey ['beiki] baked (noun + y)

Baking ['beikiŋ] baked; baking is baking

baking oven oven (oven oven, oven)

Baking pan baked plates (pan dish-shaped utensils)

baking powder baking powder (powder powder)

baking powder [food] baking powder (powder powder)

half-baked ['hɑ:fbeikt] incomplete; incomplete; half-cooked (half-)

overbake ['əuvə'beik] over-baked, burned; over-baked

prebake['pribeik] pre-baked; pre-dried; pre-baked

sunbaked['sʌnbeikt] sunburned (sun sun, baked baked)

unbaked[ʌn'beikt] unbaked; immature (undone)

balance ['bæləns] balance; balance; symmetry (ba-=bi two; chalance spear)

Bal abbreviation from: balance, balancing

balanceable ['bælənsəbl] balanced(-able)

balance beam balance beam; balance beam, balance beam

balanced ['bælənst] balanced; harmonious; stable; Weighed in balances; maintained stability; made... Commensurate

Balanced diet Balanced diet, balanced diet (diet diet)

balance of nature; natural balance; natural ecological balance;

Balancer ['bælənsə] balancer; weigher; tightrope walker

balancing['bælənsiŋ] balancing; settlement; zeroing device

counterbalance equipotent; auto offset; make balance; counter-)

equibalance balance; make the balance (equi equal)

imbalance [,im'bæləns] imbalance; instability (im-negation)

Imbalanced [,im'bælənst] unbalanced; proportionally out of proportion

nonbalance[,nɔn 'bæləns] non-equilibrium

outbalance[aut'bæləns] exceeds; exceeds in weight; more important (out-)

out of balance = off balance unbalanced, out of balance (out of lack)

overbalance overdose; overweight; unbalanced; over-over-

prebalance['pri,bæləns] pre-balanced, pre-balance (pre-)

rebalance['ri,bæləns] rebalancing; adjustment (re-)

Unbalance [,ʌn'bæləns] causes imbalance; mental disorder; [force] imbalance; insanity (un-)

Unbalanced; deranged; unstable; unbalanced, undone

underbalance['ʌndə,bæləns] underbalance(under-)

well-balanced; sane; reasonable; wise (well-good)

balcony['bælkəni] balcony; private room; theater hall (balc "trunk" word derived from balk "beam wood; obstacle", with bole trunk, originally referred to a simple balcony made of tree trunks)

balcony door

balcony window Balcony window

balconied ['bælkənid] with balcony (noun +ed)

bald [bɔ:ld] bald; bare; monotonous; unadorned; Baldness (reference bold; bold; bold)

Balder ['bɔ:ldə] is more naked; more bald (adjective comparative level)

balderdash ['bɔ:ldədæʃ] gibberish;

baldest ['bɔ:ldist] the baldest; the most unadorned (-est most)

bald-faced ['bɔ:ldfeist] white; undisguised; face face

Baldhead ['bɔ:ldhed] Bald man; bald pigeon (a type of pigeon) (head head)

Baldheaded ['bɔ:ld'hedid] bald; bald; downright; unscrupulous

Baldicoot ['bɔ:ldi,ku:t] Bald Man; Monk; Black Duck (coot idiot; black duck)

baldness ['bɔ:ldiz] bald; bald (plural form of baldy)

balding ['bɔ:ldiŋ] becomes bald; Become bald

Baldish ['bɔ:ldiʃ] is a little bald, slightly bald, partially bald, with thinning hair

Baldly['bɔ:ldli] explicitly; bluntly, bluntly

Baldness ['bɔ:ldnis] is bare; straightforward; dull

Baldpate ['bɔ:ldpeit] Bald man (pate head; head)

baldy['bɔ:ldi] bald; bald; Baldy

Ball root throw; dance; ball, same bol (example word check primary version of ball)

ball [bɔ:l] ball; ball; ball; into clumps; pinched into a ball (word derived from all.) Note: The ball is generally round, all-encompassing, i.e. perfect, b with blow blow)

ballbreaker ['bɔ:l,breikə] tigress, annoying person (breaker breaker)

Ball-buster [beauty] arduous tasks, chores; Appoint people who are difficult; The Woman Who Threatens Men's Authority (Buster Undermines)

baller['bɔ:lə] edge-cutting winding machine, dough kneading machine; ball rolling machine (-er)

ball-flower flower ball, ball heart flower ornament (flower flower)

Ballgame ['bɔ:lgeim] [US] Baseball (game game)

Ball game situation; ball sports; activity center

Ballgown ['bɔ:l,gaun] ball women's costume, long skirt; women's night dress (gown robe)

Ballhead ['bɔ:lhed] spherical head

Balling ['bɔ:liŋ] into balls; balls; balls; [beauty] to have fun

ballistic [bə'listik] ballistic;

balljoint ['bɔ:l,dʒɔint] [anatomy] of the joints of the ball socket (or clubbular); [mechanical] of the ball-socket joint; the joint joint of the ball-socket joint.

balloon [bə'lu: n] balloon; surge; expand like a balloon; bulge like a balloon

ballot ['bælət] voting; voting paper; total number of votes; canvassing; decision by lot (ball ball; -ot small, i.e. ball for voting)

Ball-park['bɔ:l,pa:k] (park park)

Ballpark ['bɔl, pɑ:k] (ballpark with stands);

ballpoint['bɔlpɔint] ballpoint pen (point tip)

ballpoint pen atomic pen, ballpoint pen (ballpoint pen)

ball pen ballpoint pen (pen pen)

ballroom['bɔ:lru:m] ballroom, dance floor (room room)

Ballroomology Ballroom Dance (-ology)

ball-shaped spherical (-shaped ... Shape of)

ballsy ['bɔ:lzi] [beauty] kind, bold (noun +y)

Ball up made a mess; made a mess

ball-up['b:lp] confusion

Ballup ['bɔ:lʌp] rolls into a ball; drill hole plugging [slang] = balls-up

ball-wracker ['bɔ:l,rækə] a woman who poses a threat to the authority of men; Tigress (Wrack Destruction)

Bally ['bæli] [English] very; nasty; disgustingly

Ballyhoo [,bæli'hu:] hype; hoohoo!) [Expressing joy, contempt, agitation, etc.])

Ballyhooed[,bæli'hu:d] hype; sensationalism (-ed)

ballyrag['bæliræg] scare; tease; tease = bullyrag (rag tease; scolding)

baseball ['beisbɔ:l] baseball (base base)

basketball ['bɑ:skitbɔ:l] basketball (basket basket)

Basketballer['bɑ:skitbɔ:lə] basketball team manager;

beachball['bi:tʃbɔ:l] sealed spherical lifeguard (used to transfer astronauts from spacecraft operating in orbit into rescue vehicles in emergency situations) (beach beach)

Beanball ['bi:nbɔ:l] [U.S.] [baseball] (pitcher) thrown at the batsman's head (foul) ball, (sometimes thrown to scare the batter) header (bean bean)

blackball ['blækbɔ:l] black ball (against); vote against; vote against (black black)

blackballer['blækbɔ:lə] phone genie; incoming call firewall (-er)

blowball ['blaubɔ:l] [botany] (seeds of puddle, pollinus)

Bowling ball bowling

butterball ['bʌtəbɔ:l] butter ball;

camphor ball camphor

cannonball ['kænənbɔ:l] cannonball (cannon cannon)

coalball['kəulbɔ:l] coal nodules;

cornball ['kɔ:nbɔ:l] countryman; unsophisticated; countryman-like (corn corn)

costume ball

Eightball ['eitbɔ:l] black ball with 8 marks in the pool; black, (eight eight)

eyeball ['aibɔ:l] eyeball; eye

eyeballing ['aibɔ:liŋ] visual inspection; visual inspection; stare

Fastball ['fa:stbɔ:l] (pitcher throwing) fastball (fast fast)

fireball ['faiəbɔ:l] (fireball that appears in the air after thermonuclear weapon explodes);


fly ball [baseball] fly ball, fly ball (fly fly)

football ['fut,bɔ:l] soccer (foot foot)

Four-ball [golf] four-man team tournament (four four)

groundball['graundbɔ:l] [stick] groundball

hairball ['heəbɔ:l] (cats, cattle, sheep, etc. licking their hair and eating it in the stomach) hair clumps, (animal stomach plant fiber) hair fecal stone (hair hair)

handball ['hændbɔ:l] handball

hardball['hɑ:dbɔ:l] hardball = baseball; tough means; sword fighting (hard hard)

Highball['haibɔ:l] [U.S.] tall wine; whiskey mixed with soda; whiskey mixed with ginger beer

kickball['kikbɔ:l] kids soccer game (kick kick)

kick the ball 踢球

meatball ['mi:tbɔ:l] meatballs; Stupid; Bored people; [Us] "Meatball Flag" (referring to the Japanese flag) (meat meat)

mothball ['mɔθbɔ:l] sanitary ball, mothball (moth borer)

no-ball [,nəu'bɔ:l] foul pitching; Foul pitching (no no)

paintball ['peintbɔ:l] paintball; paintball game (paint painting)

Passed ball error ball (passed has been passed)

Powerball['pauəbɔ:l] Powerball (a lottery in the United States) (power rights)

pushball ['puʃbɔ:l] push ball

raceball['reisbɔ:l] race ball

screwball ['skru:bɔ:l] freak; man with slight neurosis; inner curved ball; The spirit is a bit weird; the screw spiral

snowball ['snəubɔ:l] snowball

Softball ['sɔftbɔ:l] softball; softball (soft soft)

Sourball['sauə, bɔ:l] often grumbling; sour fruit candy (sour sour)

stickball ['stikbɔ:l] [beauty] (children playing on the block) broom put baseball, stick stick (stick stick)

streetball[stri:tbɔ:l] street basketball

table tennis ball table tennis; Snooker)

tennis ball tennis

volleyball ['vɔlibɔ:l] volleyball (play ball in the air, volley play)

ballad ['bæləd] ballads, folk songs; narrative balls; popular lyrical songs (ball ball; Lad lads)

balladeer [,bælə'diə] folk singer (-eer)

Ballade[bə'leid] narrative song; three-verse rhyme poem (-ade walk)

ballet['bælei] ballet; ballet music (ball ball; -et small)

Ballet dancer ballet dancer

Balletic[bə'letik] is ballet-like

Balletically[bə'letikli] ballet in general

(Ballet) ['bælei] personal name; (west) Barret; (French) Bale

Ballerina[,bælə'ri:nə] ballerina, ballerina

Balletomane[bæ'letəumein] ballet fans

Water ballet [body] synchronized swimming; water ballet (water water)

balloon[bə'lu:n] balloon; surge; expands like a balloon (ball ball; moon; i.e. something shaped like a ball, but can fly in the sky like the moon)

ballooner [bə'lu:nə] balloon flyer = balloon sail(-er)

balloonfish [bə'lu:nfiʃ] [fish] pufferfish, pufferfish(= globefish) (fish fish)

Ballooning [bə'lu:niŋ] inflated, inflated; balloon maneuvered

Balloonist [bə'lu:nist] balloon driver; hot air balloon player (-ist)

balloonkite [bə'lu:nkait] military slender balloon (kite kite)

balloon sail yacht sail, speedboat sail, balloon sail (sail sailing)

Ballotage [bælɔ'tɑ:ʒ] [French] voted in the final election

ballot box (box box)

Ballot paper

by ballot voting (or voting); decided by drawing lots (by passing... way)

secret ballot secret ballot

Bally ['bæli] stained with blood; bloody; very; nasty; disgusting; very (with bloody)

Ballyhack Destruction; Hell (hack hack; hack)

Ballyhoo hype; hoo!) Mood words)

Ballyhooed was hyped; sensational

ballyrag scare; tease; tease (= bullyrag; rag tease)

balm [bɑ:m] balm; analgesic ointment; chamomile, balm (cf. calm, palm)

Balmier crazy; eccentric (balmy comparative grade); aromatic; mild

balmiest aromatic; mild; analgesic (balmy deformation)

Balmily['ba:mili] gently; aromatically

Balminess['ba:minis] aromatic; refreshing

Balmy ['ba:mi] aromatic; mild; painkiller

balsam ['bɔ:lsəm] balsam; hydrangea; balm; balm-producing tree

Balsamic [bɔl'sæmik] gum or balsamic; such as sesame oil; sedative

balsamy['bɔ:lsəmi] gum or balsam; such as sesame oil; sedative

Blemish Balm BB Cream, Skin Repair Cream (blemish blemishes; blemishes)

eye balm eye cream

lip balm lip balm (lip lips)

moisture balm moisturizer (moisture humidity)

tiger balm (tiger tiger)

bamboo[bæm'bu:] bamboo; for... Bamboo (bam + boo)

BAM cheating, cajoling

Boo shhh; to... Cheers; boos; boos

Boom makes it prosperous; it rumbles; it develops rapidly; it prospers

boost promotes; increases; supports; promotes; promotes

bamboo basket

bamboo grove (grove grove; orchard)

bamboo leaves

bamboo raft raft;[forest] bamboo raft (raft; lifeboat)

bamboo shoot bamboo shoots, shoots (shoot shoot)

bamboo slips Bamboo chips (slip pieces, paper pieces)

bamboozle [bæm'bu:zəl] deception; make confused (same as bomb bomb. Describe the bluff)

bamboozlement fraud; coaxing (-ment)

Ban root 1.Speak, command;2. forbid

ban [bæn] prohibits, bans; bans, taboos (-band-bondage; another interpretation: bar + can; reference band, husband, urban)

banal [bə'nɑ:l] stale; mediocre; old-fashioned

banally [bə'na:li] mundanely; stale

banality [bə'næləti] trivial; stale; clichéd

Banalize ['beinəlaiz] makes mediocrity; makes stale; makes it generalized; makes it vulgar

bandog ['bændɔg] dog dog

Banish Banishment; Expulsion (-ish)

Banishment exile; recharging; banishment

banister (staircase) railings, handrails (-ster)

banned [bænd] banned; forbid

banner ['bænə] Banner, banner; slogan

Banning prohibits; prohibits; bans; restricts

test ban agreement, atmospheric nuclear test ban agreement (test test)

unban [,ʌn'bæn] permission; To legitimize; to lift the legalization of the ... ban

unbaned unlicensed (undone)

banana [bə'nɑ:nəs] banana; comedian; big eagle hook nose (word derived from an African dialect)

Banana republic (for developing countries in Central and South America) (republic of the republic)

banana skin; embarrassment (skin skin)

banana split banana sundae (split banana clips for ice cream, etc.); banana half-cut strips (split apart)

Top banana main burlesque actor, by extension the best actor or important official; main character (top top)

Band root bundle; constraint (etymology with bend, bind and bond, example word look at band)

Ban ban, ban, ban, ban

Banning prohibited

band [bænd] ring, band; band; band; band; tie with a band; give... Flanging (see hand)

bandage ['bændidʒ] bandage; bandaged (-age)

band-aid ['bændeid] Band-Aid

Bandbox['bændbɔks] (cylindrical) cardboard boxes; small baseball stadiums; [beautiful] small prisons; (rural) small penitentiary

banded ['bændid] with straps; lashing (-ed)

bandelet['bændə,let] scarf; glove width;[architecture] ring column flat line (-let small)

bander [bændə] baler; baler, [packer] baler (-er)

Banding ['bændiŋ] strapping; [electronic] striping

Bandleader ['bænd, li:də] (conductor of the band with dances); leader of the gang

bandoleer[,bændəu'liə] bullet belt, ammunition belt (leer Qiubo)

bandlet ['bændlit] thin band; flat band (-let small)

bandolier[,bændəu'liə] bullet belt, ammunition belt (lier lying down)

band-limited [electronic] limited bandwidth (limited limited)

Bandmaster (or orchestra, circus) principal (or conductor) (master)

bandpass['bændpɑ:s] [electrical] bandpass; pass band (pass pass)

bandsaw ['bænd,sɔ:] with band saws; band saws (saws; proverbs)

bandsman['bændzmən] Band member (man man)

bandstand ['bænd, stænd] music stand;

bandwagon ['bænd,wægən] pop, fashion; band floats (wagon vans)

bandwidth ['bændwidθ] bandwidth, frequency band width, passband width; [network] bandwidth (represents the capacity of the network, usually measured in bps); flexible working hours range

bandwith ['bændwiθ] bandwidth; bandwidth

Bandy [bændi] bends outward; throws (balls) back and forth; spreads; puts... Throw around (noun + y)

abandon [ə'bændən] abandonment; Fanaticism; laissez-faire (a-no; -band-bondage, -on noun suffix)

abandoned[ə'bændənd] abandoned; uninhibited; unscrupulous; Abandonment (-ed)

abandonee [ə,bændə'ni:] commissionee, assignee;

abandoner[ə'bændənə] contributor;

abandoning[ə'bændəniŋ] renouncing; yielding

armband ['ɑ:mbænd] armband, armband; armband

backband ['bæk,bænd] back loop; (back chain, back strap) (back back)

baseband ['beisbænd] (PC) baseband, baseband (network) (base base)

bellyband ['belibænd] bellyband (belly belly)

blackband ['blæk,bænd] black ore layer; black iron ore, black iron ore (black black)

boardband ['bɔ:dbænd] broadband; broadband network (board board; board)

broadband ['brɔ:dbænd] [radio] wideband, wideband (broad wide)

contraband smuggling; smuggled goods; wartime embargoed goods; Embargoed; illegally traded (countra- )

contrabandist smugglers; contrabandists (-ist)

crossband ['krɔs,bænd] [communication] crossband (cross cross)

dance-band dance band

disband [dis'bænd] disband; dis-

disbandment[dis'bændmnt] disband;

dustband ['dʌstbænd] (watch's) dust ring (dust)

hatband['hætbænd] hat strap, ribbon on the edge of the hat (hat hat)

headband['hedbænd] turban; headdress strap; (hair tying) headband, headband (head)

husband ['hʌzbənd] husband; use (or manage) economically (hus-house; ban ban; -band-constrained)

husbandage['hʌzbəndidʒ] Ship management fee (-age)

husbandly['hʌzbəndli] husband's; frugal; good at managing farm work (noun + ly)

husbandlike ['hʌzbəndlaik] conforms to properly managed farming; husband-like (-like)

husbandman['hʌzbəndmən] breeding specialist; [Old language] farmer, farmer (man)

husbandry['hʌzbəndri] breeding; farming, farming (-ry=-ery)

Interband interband; (salivary chromosome) inter-band

Marching band; band playing marches for practice performances (march marching)

midband ['midbænd] mid-band, mid-band (mid-mid)

military band (military military; military)

multiband ['mʌltibænd] [telecommunications] multi-band (multi-multi)

neckband ['nekbænd] neckband; shirt collar (neck neck)

noseband['nəuzbænd] (livestock)nose

outband [build] outer ring frame stone (out-)

passband ['pæs,bænd] passband, filter passband (pass pass)

proband ['prəubænd] [genetics] (pro-)

shirtband['ʃə:tbænd] (shirt collar, sleeves, etc.) interlining (shrit shirt)

sideband ['saidbænd] [differentiation] [electron] sideband; sideband (side side)

stopband ['stɔp bænd] stopband; stop band; stop band

string band (string line)

subband ['sʌbbænd] partial band; sub-band

sweatband ['swetbænd] sweat belt (sweat sweat)

trainband ['treinbænd] (16th, 17th or 18th century British) militia company (old) militia regiment (train train)

waistband['weistbænd] belt, trouser belt, skirt (waist waist)

watchband['wɔtʃbænd] watch band (watch watch)

waveband['weivbænd] [radio, TV] band, frequency band (wave wave)

wristband['ristbænd] (shirt, etc.) cuffs; wrist sleeve; strap (wrist wrist joint)

Bane[bein] Poison; Scourge; Cause of Destruction (cf. Cane Cane; Sane Sane;Lane Lane; Fairway)

Baneberry['beinbəri] leaf cohosh; berry of leaf cohosh (berry)

Baneful ['beinful] is harmful; toxic; distressing

Banefully ['beinfuli] toxicly; causing harm

Banefulness ['beinful] is harmful; toxic

baneling['beinliŋ] poisonous insect; Zerg poison; Poisonous Popper (-ling small)

bugbane ['bʌɡbein] Cohosh of the Americas;

disbane[dis'bein] 灭虫(dis-)

dogbane ['dɔɡbein] oleander =wolfsbane(dog dog)

ratsbane rat killer (rat rat)

wolfsbane['wulfsbein] cattle flattening; appendage grass; aconitum, specifically: wolf wolf

bang [bæŋ] bangs; heavy hits; sudden loud bangs; heavy blows; loud bangs; directly; bangs; sudden loud (onomatopoeia, with dag bad luck; curse; gang gang; sang singing)

bangbang ['bæŋbæŋ] gunfight video

banger ['bæŋə] firecrackers, firecrackers; sausages; dilapidated cars

Banging['bæŋiŋ] exploded inside the silencer

Bang on flying target; remarkable

bangtail['bæŋteil] horse for horse racing (tail tail)

bangy ['bæŋɡi] [Indian English] parcel mailing business; A pair of yoke pack animals (also known as banghy)

bangzone['bæŋzəun] the area affected by the sonic boom (zone area)

Big bang Big Bang; Big Bang

gangbang ['ɡæŋbæŋ] fornication between a group of men (gangs) and a woman; gang rape (gang gang)

gangbanger ['ɡæŋbæŋə] member of a juvenile criminal gang

gang-banging ['ɡæŋbæŋiŋ] juvenile delinquency, improper activities of juvenile gang members; gang rape

Headbanger['hedbæŋə] impulsive people; psychopaths; rock musicians (head heads)

whizbang ['hwizbæŋ] a type of firecracker; an automatically maneuvered missile; an outstanding person or thing; outstanding

whizzbang['hwizbæŋ] [U.S.] (a highly explosive) high-speed artillery shell; Outstanding, excellent; useful; full of life; spectacular = whizbang (whiz boom)

With a bang succeeded; greatly; with a bang; steaming hot

Bangkok [bæŋ'kɔk] Bangkok (Capital of Thailand)

bangkok[,bæŋ'kɔk] (from Thailand) Bangkok grass; Bangkok straw hat

bank[bæŋk] bank; embankment; shoal; reservoir (see band, blank blank form)

bankable ['bæŋkəbl] acceptable (-able)

bankability [,bæŋkə'biləti] [finance] bank discountability (-ability)

bank account number Bank account number (account account); number number)

Bank-based bank-led; bank-based is based on... based)

bankbook ['bæŋk,buk] bankbook (book book; book of accounts)

Bank card Bank credit card; Bank ATM card (card card)

bankcoal raw coal, stock coal (coal; coal; charcoal)

bank draft [over] bank draft, bank notes (draft draft)

banked[bæŋkt] has a slope; stacked; deposits money in the bank; be a banker (-ed)

banker ['bæŋkə] banker; banker; earth digger (-er)

bankfull ['bæŋkful] full; water level flush; Full Water Period (-full)

bank guarantee Bank guarantee

bankhead ['bæŋkhed] inclined shaft wellhead exit platform;

Banking ['bæŋkiŋ] banking; banking; profession of banker; embankment building

Banking facility Banking Services, Banking; Financial Institutions; Facility Facility Equipment

Banking House Bank (house house)

Bank line Bank line (line line)

banknote ['bæŋknəut] banknote (note note)

bank of China Bank of China

Bankroll ['bæŋkrəul] provides funding; provides financial support; funds; banknotes (roll rolling)

bankrupt ['bæŋkrʌpt] makes bankruptcy; bankrupt; insolvent (rupt fracture)

bankrupted ['bæŋkrʌptid] bankruptcy;

Bankruptcy ['bæŋkrəptsi] went bankrupt and went out of business

banksman ['bæŋksmən] overseer at the mouth of the mine;

banktrack['bæŋktræk] bank monitoring organization; bank tracking (track track)

Blood bank (blood bank; bank)

Central bank [via] Central Bank

citibank['sitibæŋk] Citibank (cit citizen; city)

Citic Bank (Citic China International Trust and Investment Corporation)

claybank ['kleibæŋk] earthen embankment; brownish yellow (clay clay)

coal bank coal mining face [can], street address (coal coal)

Commercial bank commercial bank (commercial commercial)

cutbank ['kʌt,bæŋk] steep bank; (curved stream) cut bank, concave bank (cut cut)

e-bank Online Banking, e-Banking (e-related to electronics, networks)

e-banking Online Banking, e-Banking

embank [im'bæŋk] embankment enclosure; surrounded by dike; blocked by dike (em-)

embankment [im'bæŋkmənt] embankment; embankment (-ment)

Eurobank ['juərəbæŋk] Bank of Europe (Euro Europe)

Failed bank bank (failed failed)

fogbank ['fɔgbæŋk] fog bank (referring to thick fog at sea); fog peak (fog fog; smoke)

interbank ['intəbæŋk] interbank; international bank;

left bank (left left)

mountebank ['mauntibæŋk] Charlatan, liar (mount increase)

multibank multi-bank; multi-column, multi-group; multi-bank (multi-multi)

nonbank ['nɔn'bæŋk] nonbank; not handled by a bank, unbank-independent (non-)

overbank[,əuvə'bæŋk] floodplain; (highway) steep turn; (horology) over-)

riverbank ['rivəbæŋk]

sandbank['sændbænk] sandbank; sand dunes

Savings bank; savings banks

Seed bank (seed seed)

semi-bankruptcy semi-bankruptcy

snowbank ['snəubæŋk] (roadside) snowdrift, snow embankment (snow)

state bank (state state)

telebanking ['teli,bæŋkiŋ] e-banking (tele-)

treebank ['tri:bænk] (store tree species, etc.) tree species repository, tree species repository (tree tree)

unbanked [ʌn'bæŋkt] [finance] unbanked (undone)

world bank World Bank

banquet['bæŋkwit] banquet, feast; banquet, banquet, hospitality (banqu-with bench "stool"; -et; originally referred to a few friends eating snacks on a small stool, taking a short break, and then turning into a grand banquet)

Banquet hall Ballroom; Grand Dining Room (hall hall)

Banquet room

state banquet (state state)

The bar root comes from the Latin word for "bar; rod; obstacle; prohibition; fence; stop" (example word chabar), with bal, ban

bar [bɑ:] fences, fences; strips; obstacles; barricades; bar blocks, counters

barbell['bɑ:,bel] barbell (bell bell)

B-girl['bi:ɡəl] Bar Girl (B-=bar; girl girl)

barhop ['bɑ:hɔp] [beauty] fooling between bars, playing from one nightclub to another (hop jumping)

barista [bə'ristə] barista;

barkeep ['bɑ:,ki:p] [U.S.] inter-bar owner; inter-bar entertainer; (English) open bar; waiter in a bar

Barkeeper Bar owner; barmaid (keep keep)

barmaid ['bɑ:meid] inter-bar waitress, maid maid

barman ['bɑ:mən] bar owner;

barograph ['bærəuɡrɑ:f] [meteorology] auto-recording barometer (-graph)

barometer [bə'rɔmitə] [meteorological] barometer; barometer; shows things that change (-meter)

Barometric [,bærəu'metrik] air pressure

Barometrical[,bærəu'metrikl] barometer

Barrable ['bɑ:rəbl] can be blocked

barracks ['bærək] barracks; (Temporary) workshop, (construction site, etc.) shack (rack shelf)

barrage [bara:ʒ] barrage; blocking; salvo attack; [hydraulic] dam, weir; obstacle (object); block (see garage)

barre [ba:r] bars, rods, rods, sticks; tillers, steering wheels; fences (of the court); crosswalks; sandbars; rapids, surges; rock dams; hearths

barricade[,bæri'keid] barricades; barricades; controversies; Roadblocks; obstructions (-ade walking)

Barrie[, bæri] barrier

barrier['bæriə] obstacle, barrier; boundary

Barrier Lake

thermal barrier [aviation] thermal barrier; insulation layer; thermal insulation layer (thermal thermal)

Barriere [barje:r] fence; barrier; barrier, barrier

barricade[,bæri'keid] barricades; barricades; controversies; Roadblocks; obstructions (-ade walking)

Barricading Enclosure; Defensive Fortifications; Obstacles (Deformation of barricade)

barroom['bɑ:ru:m] bar room

barstool ['bɑ:,stu:l] bar high stool, high foot cushioned round stool (stool stool)

bartender['bɑ:,tendə] bartender, a person selling alcoholic beverages between bars;

barware ['bɑ:,weə] [general name] bar (glass) wine utensils (ware utensils)

backbar ['bæk,bɑ:] support beam;

busbar ['bʌsbɑ:] [electrical] bus bar, bus bar, bus bus

candy bar individually wrapped block sugar; long strips of candy candy

chocolate bar chocolate bar

crossbar ['krɔ:s,bɑ:] latch, cross wood; cross wood of the goal

crowbar ['krəu, bɑ:] crowbar;

debar [di'bɑ:] block;exclude; prevent (de-complete)

debarment [di'bɑ:mənt] excludes, blocks

embargo prohibits entry and exit from ports; prohibits or restricts trade; expropriation or seizure; Ban; Lockdown Order (em-; bar forbidden; go away)

Embargoed is prohibited; embargoed; prohibited or restricted

Four-bar four-link set

guard bar guardrail; railing; handrail (guard guard)

Iron bar; iron bar

mapbar['mæpbɑ:] Map Bar (China's largest online map service provider) (map map)

menu bar [meter] menu bar (menu menu)

milk bar Dairy Cold Drink Shop (milk milk)

minibar ['minibɑ:] mini-)

Monkey bars (monkey monkey) for children's climbing games; monkey monkeys in the gym

netbar ['netba:] Internet Cafe (net network)

rackbar ['rækbɑ:] rack rack

Raise the bar (U.S.A.)

rebar [timber] rebar(rebar) (re-)

sandbar ['sæddbɑ:] geography] estuarine sandbar; sand embankment (sand sand; sand)

sidebar ['saidbɑ:] [U.S.] Supplemental news reports (or close-ups); tidbits; (saddles, etc.) crossbars; (carriages, etc.) frame depth (side sides)

slidebar ['slaid bɑ:] slidebar; slidebar

snack bar fast food restaurant; Snack fast food

solebar ['səulbɑ:] frame longitudinal beam, bottom vials (sole foundation)

spacebar ['speis,ba:] spacebar

superbar['sju:pəbɑ:] on the barn; Super Taskbar; Taskbar (super-)

tap-outbar export brazing

taskbar ['tɑ:skbɑ:] [computer] taskbar, task bar; task column

tiebar ['tibɑ:] connecting strip; tie rod; pull pestle; tie rod (tie tie)

title bar Title bar

T-bar T-iron; T-stand

toolbar ['tu:lbɑ:] [computer] toolbar;toolbar

unbar [,ʌn'bɑ:] open; unplug... The latch of the door; sweeping... Obstacle (un-)

underbar [,ʌndə'bɑ:] underline; bottom line (under-)

Wunderbar superb, incredible; wonderful

barrel ['bærəl] barrel; barrel, barrel; handful... Into barrels (-el small)

Pork barrels for pork; political appropriations (to please or repay supporters)

barb [bɑ:b] barbs such as arrow fish hooks; words of hurting people; loading barbs in (barb originally means "beard", which was later used to indicate beard-like things attached to objects, such as arrows, barbs on fish hooks)

Barba beard; hair (etymology same as beard beard)

barbed [bɑ:bd] prickly; ironic; barbed; barbed; Irony; loading barbs

barbed wire barbed wire (wire wire)

barbed words hurtful words; sarcastic words

barber['bɑ:bə] for... Haircut; trimming; barber; being a barber (word derived from barbara)

barbering['bɑ:bəriŋ] shaving; manual grooming process; for... Haircuts; trimming

Barbershop['bɑ:bəʃɔp] barbershop;

Barber-surgeon; (old) surgeon surgeon

barbwire['bɑ:b'waiə] barbed wire; Barbed wire mesh (wire wire) mounted on it

do a barber [beauty] rap, chew the root of the tongue

barbecue ['bɑ:bikju:] barbecue; roast meat; picnic of eating roast meat (bar strips, be table present, -cue shake, fling)

Barbecued['bɑ:bikju:d] was grilled; grilled

Grilled meat Roast meat (meat meat)

barbecued pork char siu; Char siu pork; Grilled pork

barbecue sauce (sauce sauce)

Barbecuer['bɑ:bikju:ə] Picnic grilled meat people

barbeque['bɑ:bikju:] grilled on a grill; Grilled meat; Grilled meat picnic; iron rack for grilling

barbie['bɑ:bi] Barbie; outdoor barbecue = barbecue(-ie)

Korean barbecue Korean barbecue (Korean Korean)

bare[beə] naked, unobstructed; empty; exposed, made naked (cf. naked; hare hare hare; dare dare; care care)

bareback ['beəbæk] saddleless, unsaddled; unsaddled; unsaddled; back back

barebacked ['beəbækt] saddleless

barebacking ['beəbækiŋ] sex without a condom; sex without a condom

bareboat ['beə'bəut] empty boat charter, empty boat charter; Chartered boats for driving; Boat charter

bare-bones skinned bones; Extremely simple; basic (bone bone)

Barebones['beə'bəunz] poor; extremely thin man

Barebone['beə'bəun] bare system;

barefaced ['beəfeist] blatant; brazen; unmasked (face face)

barefisted ['beə,fistid]

barefoot ['beəfut] barefoot; Foot-foot

bare-footed[beə'futid] barefoot

barehanded unarmed; empty-handed; bare-handed(hand-handed)

bareheaded ['beə'hedid] without a hat; bare head; no hat; head

bare-kneed (knee knee)

bare-knuckle without boxing gloves; harsh and unrelenting (knuckle joints)

barelegged ['beə'leɡd] bare legs, no socks; leg legs

barely ['beəli] without any clothes; Bare; barely, reluctantly; barely; almost not; openly; poorly

bare-necked ['beə'nekt] neck-exposed (neck neck)

Bareness ['beənis] naked; naked

barer ['beərə] only; more unobstructed (adjective comparison level)

barest['beərist] the most unobstructed (adjective superlative)

barette[bret] bare wire; short light band (-ette small)

bare-walled four walls empty; (room) undecorated (wall wall)

baring ['beəriŋ] exposed, excavated; Off; exposed

barish ['bɑ:iʃ] partially naked (-ish)

threadbare['θredbeə] worn; ragged; tedious; cheesy (thread line)

bargain['bɑ:ɡin] transactions; bargains; contracts; Bargaining; bargaining (bar bar; gain get, i.e. "drinking in the bar and talking about business, so that a deal can be made to buy a bargain")

bargain counter counter counter

Bargain hunters go around looking for bargains; hunter hunters who haggle for stocks

Bargain hunting buys at low prices; absorbs at low prices; buys bargains

bargain money

bargain price

bargainable['bɑ:ɡinəbl] bargainable (-able)

bargainee[,bɑ:ɡi'ni:] [trade] buyer (-ee)

bargainer['ba:ginə] trader; buyer and seller; bargainer (-er)

bargaining ['bɑ:ɡiniŋ] bargaining; trading; negotiation; Bargaining

Bargaining chip bargaining chips; bargaining chips

Bargaining power bargaining power (power power)

bargainor['bɑ:ɡinə] seller; seller (-or)

Make a bargain deal; make a deal (make production)

timebargain['taim'bɑ:ɡin] Futures trading;futures trading (time time)

barge barges; yachts; rampage; deliberate collisions (in sports); carrying (cargo) with barges (boat boats + large huge)

bari root weight, pressure, same bary, baro (cha bary)

bark [bɑ:k] barking; barking; coughing; loud speaking; loud shouting; bark; dark brown; fur; skin (onomatopoeia; mnemonic knocking: harmonic: pulling out the shell. Reference park, dark)

Barker ['bɑ:kə] a person who roars (or roars); something that roars (-er)

barkery['bɑ:kəri] tanning field (-ery)

Barking ['bɑ:kiŋ] dog barking; [wood] peeling, peeling; barking; screaming

barking dog Barking dog, barking dog (dog dog)

Barking machine [wood] peeling machine;

Barks bark; dog bark (plural) peel (bark); dog bark (three singles)

barky ['bɑ:ki] [plant] contains bark; bark-like (noun + y)

closed inbark inner clip (closed)

debark[di'bɑ:k] to disembark; to make landing; to unload (de-)

debarked[di'bɑ:kt] makes landing; peels; unloads; peels

debarker[di'bɑ:kə] [wood] peeler; peeler (-er)

debarkation[,di:bɑ:'keiʃən] landing; disembarkation; disembarkation (-tion)

embark [em'bɑ:k; im-] engage, embark; get on board or plane; make engage; make embark; make on board (em-)

Embarkation Engaged; Loading; Riding (-ion)

embarkation Loading, Embarkation (-ment)

imbark [im'bɑ:k] entrepreneurship; loading; making a ship; Embark =embark(im-)

inbark['inbɑ:k] sandwich (in... Inside)

ironbark ['aiənbɑ:k] eucalyptus (australia and other places); Wood of eucalyptus (iron iron)

opened inbark outer skin (opened)

overbark ['əuvə,bɑ:k] skin;

Pine bark (pine bark)

rebark[ri'bɑ:k] peel again; re-peel (re-)

soapbark['səupbɑ:k] soap bark;

tanbark ['tænbɑ:k] tanning tanning; tanning; tanning; tanning bark; tannic acid bark slag field (tan tanning)

underbark['ʌndəbɑ:k] endothelium (underneath)

barn[bɑ: n] barn; barn; barn; garage; put... Storage in the warehouse (from barley barley)

Barn door (door door)

Barney ['bɑ:ni] [English] loud noises, quarrels, quarrels; unrest; riots; [U.S. ] (for logging or mining) small locomotives; [U.S.] big mistakes; protective cases , sound insulation covers , machine covers ( for cameras ) professional boxing tournaments ( for which the results of the game have been scheduled ) ; horse racing

barnlot['bɑ:n,lɔt] [beauty] (commonly fenced) barn next to barn (-lot small vacant lot)

Barnstorm toured small towns; (campaigns, etc.) lobbied around and campaigned around (storm storm; great upheaval)

barnstormer ['bɑ:n,stɔ:mə] third-rate actor; Jianghu Entertainer; Touring Speaker (Stormer Raider)

barnstorming ['ba:n,stɔ:miŋ] about orators; What the orator does

barnyard ['bɑ:njɑ:d] (commonly used fence around grazing) yard next to barn; barn yard; barn yard; barn next to barn; indecent; vulgar (yard yard)

barren ['bærən] barren; infertile; unhelpful; dull; empty; Wasteland (bare empty + en make; can also be understood as bar "bar" + ren "person", that is, excessive pubbing can not have children. Refer to children)

Barreness infertility

Barrenness ['bærənnis] infertility; infertility; desolation

barrow [bærəu] carrier, trolley; abandoned mine; ancient tomb (bar + row, i.e. consisting of several rows of strips. Reference arrow arrow; marrow bone marrow; refined; narrow narrow; sparrow sparrow)

Barrow boy (english) carts along the street (selling fruits and vegetables) vendors (boy boys)

What is contained in a barrowful trolley (or unicycle, carrying frame, etc.).

Barrowman [English] Trolley Freighter, Cart Cart (Selling Fruits, Vegetables) Hawker (Man Man)

handbarrow trolley; handling tool (hand hand)

Wheelbarrow Trolley; Wheelbarrow (wheel wheel)

Bary root weight, same as bari

Barycenter [force] center of gravity; center of mass (center)

Barycentric's center of gravity

Barycenter center of gravity; gravitational center of gravity; center of mass

baritone['bæritəun] baritone; baritone singer; Baritone (bari-heavy)

barytone['bæritəun] brass instrument for bass; baritone; baritone singer (tone tone)

Bas word base; basic; low (example word lookup base)

base [beis] base; bottom; bottom; basic principle; base; base; in order to... As a foundation; despicable; inferior (see case box; chase chase)

basal['beisl] basal; basic

baseball['beisbɔ:l] baseball; baseball (the most basic and simple ball ball)

baseball bat bat (bat bat; racket)

Baseball Game Baseball Game (game game; game)

baseball glove baseball gloves (glove gloves)

Baseball Player

baseband ['beisbænd] [computer] (PC) baseband, baseband (network) (band strip)

baseboard['beisbɔ:d] footboard; siding; baseplate, plate at (or constituting) bottom (board plate)

basecoat ['beis,kəut] bottom layer (coat coat)

base-court ['beiskɔ:t] backyard; outer courtyard (court square site)

based [beist] has roots; it is based on... based

based on... Based, based

baseframe['beisfreim] base frame; frame frame

Baseless['beislis] has no basis, no justification; no basis

baseline['beislain] baseline;

Basely ['beisli] despicablely; despicablely

Baseman ['beismən] [U.S.] [baseball] baseman (man man)

base map [geological] base map; basic map; working sketch (map map)

basement[beismənt] Basement; cellar

Baseness['beisnis] despicable; despicable

Base oil [oil and gas] base oil; crude oil (oil oil)

base paper blank, base paper (paper paper)

base pay base salary (pay salary)

baseplane['beisplein] datum plane; plane plane

baseplate ['beispleit] chassis, base; substrate (tooth) (plate plate)

baser['beizə] is more base metal; Base; Impure; Despicable

baseset ['beis,set] base set; Set set

base-ship base ship (ship ship)

Base station; base station; Station)

base stock basic oilseeds; basic raw materials, basic components (stock stocks)

basic['beisik] basic; basic

Basic English Basic English

Basic law; a written description of the basic organization of a country or a state government (law law)

Basically['beisikəli] mainly, basically

basilar ['bæsilə] at the base of the skull; [biological] basal; basic; basic; fundamental; (of character) despicable, despicable (basi-=base)=basilary

Basilect The Language of the Lower Classes (-Lect Collection; Take)

basis['beisis] base; bottom; main components; basic principle or principle (basi-=base)

Bass[beis] bass; bass; bass; bass

–based based on... of; "To... based on","based on... For the basic ingredients"

airbase ['eəbeis] air base (air air)

abase[ə'beis] makes... Humility; lowering... Character; lowering... Status (a-go)

Abasement is low in stature; condescending; degraded

Bank-based bank-led; bank-based (bank bank)

broad-based infinite; deeply grounded (broad-wide)

case-based instance-based (case case)

cost-based cost principle; cost-based (cost cost)

Customer base customer base (customer consumers)

debase [di'beis] decreases (quality); adulteration, adulteration; depreciation (currency, etc.); decreases... identity, detrimental (or degraded)... Personality (de-down, base low, low, even low, discredited)

debased [di'beisd] low quality; derogatory

Debasement [di'beismənt] decreases; depreciate

diabase['daiəbeis] [geology] altered basalt, granulite; diabase (dia-through; transverse)

dibasic [dai'beisik] dihydroalkyl; binary, dialal (di-twice)

field-based field-based

firebase ['faiəbeis] artillery positions; heavy fire point (fire fire)

freebase ['fribeis] drugs; purified cocaine; refined cocaine (free)

Ground-based; ground-based

Helibase Helicopter Base (heli-heli;helicopter helicopter)

home-based is family-based; home-based

Knowledge base knowledge base; psychological and sociological theory (knowledge knowledge)

lamp base lamp holder, [electric] lamp holder; tube bottom (lamp lamp)

landbased ['lændbeist] land-based; Ground-based; Land-based, shore-based (as distinct from water or ship bases) (land land; -ed)

market-based, market-based; market-based

mass-based mass population

polybasic[,pɔli'beisik] poly; poly-alkaline; poly-poly

roadbase['rəudbeis] road cornerstone (road highway)

Self-abasement Inferiority; self-humility (self-esteem)

Semibasement (partially below ground level) semi-basement (semi-half)

strong base strong base base base)

subbase base; reserve base; chassis base (of the machine); [building] base layer, sub-level of foundation

subbasement basement level 2; Lower basement

surbase ['sə:beis] decorative stitches; [architecture] column pedestal stitches; waist ornaments (sur-over)

task-based; task-based

text-based text-based (text text)

time-based; time-based

ultrabasic [rock] ultra-alkaline (ultra-ultra)

vegetable base vegetable base (vegetable; Plants)

water-based water-based; Water-based; Operated from the boat (water water)

web-based['webbeist] web-based (web network)

Word-base thesaurus; vocabulary (word words)

zero-based start from zero; zero start; zero base (zero zero)

basin ['beisən] pool; watershed; basin; basin (base base + in)

Basined['beisənd] is surrounded by basins (noun +ed)

Basinful ['beisənful] full of pots, one full of pots

Basining ['beisəniŋ] [geological] basin formation; concave into basins

catch basin filter; Iron lattice at the entrance to the sewer; catcher pond, catcher well (catch catch)

Catchment basin; catchment basin, catchment basin

Intrabasinal Basin (intra- inside)

Lake basin; lake basin (lake lake)

Lavatory basin sink; lavatory washbasin

River basin

superbasin super basin (super-super)

washbasin['wɔʃbeisən] washbasin (wash wash)

basketball ['bɑ:skitbɔ:l] basketball (basket ball ball)

bask bask bask in the sun; keep warm; pleasant or comfortable

basket basket; (basketball game) score (-et small)

Basketball court

Basketball Player (-er)

basketball shoe basketball shoes

basket case Person with incomplete limbs; Person with complete disability; Person with no hope at all (case box)

Basketcase ['bɑ:skitkeis] People whose limbs have been severed

basketchair['bɑ:skit tʃeə] wicker chair

basketful ['bɑ:skitful] full basket; the amount of a full basket

Basketball Game Basketball Game

basketball hoop basketball box (hoop hoop; hoop)

Basket lunch [beauty] a light meal eaten in the wild (lunch lunch)

basketball-oholic basketball lovers (-oholic fetish people)

basketry ['bɑ:skitri] basket weaving (or basket) craft, technique (or industry); [Collective] baskets, baskets, baskets; woven goods

basketwork ['bɑ:skitwə:k] (basket)weave (or pin); Basket weaving technique (or craftsmanship); Basket industry

A basket of a basket; a basket

bamboo basket

breadbasket bread basket; grain-producing region; [slang] stomach; large air-dropped bomb (bread)

fruit basket fruit basket, fruit basket (fruit fruit)

Frying basket leak (frying fried)

packbasket['pæk'bɑ:skit] basket (pack pack)

plate-basket cutlery basket (plate plate)

shoot a basket shot; Shot Hit; Shoot Score (Shoot Shoot)

wastebasket ['weist,bɑ:skit] trash cans, garbage baskets; put... Put in the trash (waste)

workbasket['wə:kə,bɑ:skit] tool bag; needle and thread bag; basket for tool placement (work work)

bat root 1. Fight, fight, strike, with but (check bat, more examples of words check battle); 2. flat

bat [bæt] bat; racket; bat; extension of batch file; Hit the ball with a bat (bird + rat, i.e. a mouse that can fly like a bird; also a deformation of pat)

bat-blinded half-blind (blinded blind)

batboy ['bætbɔi] [beauty] [baseball] boy boy doing chores on the baseball team

batfish ['bæt,fiʃ] batfish (fish fish)

batman ['bætmən] service soldier, messenger soldier; Batman; Batman (a righteous character by American cartoonist Bob Kane) (Man Man)

batpod ['bæt pɔd] batmobile (pod box)

bats[bæts] weird; crazy; nervous; nervous; bat

batsman ['bætsmən] batsman, hitter (man man)

batter ['bætə] batter; paste (made of eggs, milk, flour, etc.); tilt of the wall; Consecutive punches; tilt upwards (-er)

battered ['bætəd] worn; worn; broken; abused; Continuous punch; wear (-ed)

battery battery, accumulator battery

batting['bætiŋ] strikes; hits

batwing['bætwiŋ] is batwing-like; [Aviation] batwing fighter (wing wing)

baseball bat baseball bat

brickbat ['brikbæt] broken bricks; words of criticism; words of inferiority; throwing broken bricks to the throwing; condemnation (brick bricks)

Bullbat ['bulbæt] Nighthawk (bull large; male)

Combat Combat; Combat; Special Corps; Special Duels (com-)

Combatable can be fought

Combatant fighting; aggressive; warrior; fighter

Combative belligerent; good thing

Combatively murderously

Combativeness Fighting Spirit; Combativeness

debate [di'beit] debate, debate, discussion; debate meeting (de-emphasis; -Bat battles, blows, i.e. war of words)

debatable[di'beitəbl] is problematic; arguable; undecided

debater [di'beitə] discussor; debater

Debating [di'beitiŋ] debate

foxbat['fɔksbæt] Foxbat fighter (Fox Fox)

bate root Hit, suppress, with beat (example word lookup root bat and bed)

bate [beit] softens; reduces; eases; Supplexatives; Weakening; fading; [English] (eagles etc. due to anger or fear) drum wings agitation, flapping wings fly away; Agitation (of eagles, etc.); anger; fear; slapping (cf. bat batting)

bated['beitid] removed; minus; suppress

bated breath

abate [ə'beit] mitigated; reduced; abolished; invalidated (a-)

Abatement decreases; eliminates; mitigates

Abattoir Slaughterhouse; Colosseum (referring to more severe repression)

prebate advance tax refund (pre-)

probate ['prəubeit] [act] probate; probation; guardianship; pro-will (pro-)

rebate ['ri:beit] decrease; discount; discount (re-)

unbated [,ʌn'beitid] undiminished; unbranched (undone)

bath['bɑ: θ] bathing; bathing (word derived from bask for heating; reference path)

bathable['bɑ: θəbl] bathable (-able)

bathe [beið] bath; wash with water

bathed[beiðd] bathed; drenched, soaking; indulgent; bathing (-ed)

bather ['beiðə] [English] swimmer (in rivers, lakes and seas); bather (-er) bather (or river or lake)

bath foam bath liquid (foam foam)

bathhouse ['bɑ:θhaus] bathhouse; changing room; public bath (house house)

Bathing ['beiðiŋ] bathing; swimming; bathing in the sea

bathing costume (English) swimsuit

bathing suit = swimsuit (suit suit)

bathing machine changing car, swimming suit changer (covered, can drive into the water for swimmers to change clothes) (machine machine)

Bathing place; place place

bathless ['bɑ:θlis] unpunched;

bathmat ['bɑ:θ,mæt] bathroom foot mat, non-slip mat (mat mat)

bathrobe ['bɑ:θrəub] [beauty] yukata;

bathroom ['bɑ:θrum] bathroom; toilet;

bath towel towel

bathtub ['bɑ:θtʌb] (especially refers to the bathtub fixed in the bathroom) tub, bathtub (tub tub)

bathwater ['bɑ:θ,wɔ:tə] bath water, bath water

Bloodbath ['blʌdbɑ:θ] massacre; period of catastrophic loss; massive dismissal (blood blood)

footbath ['futbɑ:θ] foot wash; foot basin (foot foot)


shower bath shower; Wet, shower, shower room(shower shower)

sunbath['sʌnbɑ:θ] sunbath (sun sun)

sunbathe['sʌnbeið] (in the sun or fluorescent lamp) sunbathe

sunbather['sʌnbeiðə] sunbather;

sunbathing ['snbeiði] sunbathing; Sunbathing

vapor bath (vapor vapor; smoke)

waterbath['w:tb: θ] constant temperature water tank;water bath (water water)

battalion [bə'tæljən] battalion, military camp; army, troop (word derived from bat strike; lion lion, i.e. a battalion is needed to attack a lion)

battery ['bætəri] battery, battery (bat strike; describes the continuous motion of the current during battery discharge. -ery noun suffix)

Batters slammed in succession; tilted upwards; Batters; paste (made of eggs, milk, flour, etc.); tilt of the wall

batteries ['bætəriz] batteries (plural)

bettery jar battery; Battery (bettery=battery; jar jar; jar)

battery pack battery pack (pack backpack)

biobattery bio battery (bio-bio)

battle['bætl] campaign; struggle; combat; with... Combat (word derived from bat strike; cha-le repeatedly)

Battle Cruiser Cruiser

battle cry shout; battle slogan; slogan (in sports competitions) (cry shout)

Battle dress field suits

Battled [bætld] has pheasant moats; there are battlements

battlefield ['bætlfi:ld] battlefield (field field)

battlefront ['bætl,frʌnt] front line (front front)

battleground ['bætlɡraund] battlefield;

Battlement['bætlmənt] defensive wall;

battlemented['bætlməntid] with battlements (noun +ed)

battleplan['bætl,plæn] battle plan (plan plan)

Battleplane['bætl, plein] fighter jets; military aircraft, combat (or combat) aircraft (plane aircraft)

battler['bætlə] fighter; warrior (-er)

battleship ['bætlʃip] (US) battleship (ship ship)

Battlewagon ['bætl,wægən] battleship (wagon wagon)

Battlewise Combat Experienced, Battle-Hardened, Battle-Hardened (Wise and Intelligent)

battlezone battle zone, war zone (zone area)

battalion [bə'tæljən] battalion, barracks; army, troops

batwing [army] batwing fighter; Bat-winged (bat-winged)

embattle [im'bætl] array; Arrays; Armament warfare; Waiting; Fortified in, fortified in, fortified in (em-)

embattled[im'bætld] in a tight position; besieged by the enemy; upset; pheasant-shaped at the edge; Array; fortifications

embattlement [im'bætlmənt] battlements; combat state; conflict

gunbattle ['ɡʌn,bætl] gunfight (gun gun)

join battle (with...) Start a engagement (or contest, debate) (join in combination; connect)

prebattle[pri:'bætl] before the battle;

bay[bei] concave objects; bays; dogs barking; base (electronically mounted) baseplates, bases; maroon, date red;, dams; Heroes, Knights (cf. Say; Day Day)

Bayard ['beirəd] a man of extraordinary bravery (-ard too... of people)

Bayberry ['beibəri] the fruit of the laurel tree (berry)

bayman ['beimən] inhabitants of the harbor; laurel harvesters (man men)

bayou ['baiju:] estuaries; bays; tributaries

Bay tree;

bay window protruding out of the window; [slang] fat man's big belly; big belly (window window)

baywood ['beiwud] (Mexican) large-leaf mahogany; Honduran mahogany (wood)

ebay ['i:be] e-harbor; eBay (a well-known online shopping site) (e-electronic)

embay [im'bei] make into the bay; around; into the harbor (em-)

embayment [im'beimənt] bay;

rosebay ['rəuzbei] oleander; plant of the genus Heather (rose rose)

Sickbay ['sik, bei] shipboard infirmary (sick sick)

–bble suffix (-le 1. 2. Repeatedly; Small) check-amble and -umble

Babble chattering; babble learning language; babbling; vague speaking; leaking; vague words; gibberish (babe baby, same baby, -le repeatedly)

Babbler is a nonsense man; a man who speaks vaguely

Babbling nonsense; nonsense; babies making muzzling sounds; babbling, chattering

Babblingly chattered; nonsense

dabble splashing wet; immersion in water; wading; wading; wading; playing with water (dab tap; -le repeatedly)

Dabbler water lover; amateur; shallow taster

Drabble was covered in mud; dragging dirty; dragging mud splashed water for walking

Gabble speaks quickly and vaguely; chatters; mouths and mouths; hurried and unclear words (gab nagging)

grabble search; crawl; crawl; grab (grab; -le repeated)

Rabble rabbles; mobs; lower society; long-handled rakes (for agitation); crowds making trouble; stirring with long-handled rakes (harmonic to rob robbery, -le repeatedly. Later used to describe the unorganized rabble; reference rap, onomatopoeia, imitation of raucous, raucous)

Rabbler shovel; agitator; scraper

Scrabble scratch, pickpocket; grope; try, try; struggle; graffiti (scrib graffiti, write; -le repeatedly)

Wabble shake; shake; hesitate (with wobble)

Wabbler hesitated; plum blossom head; shaker

Pebble cobble, pebble; crystal lens paved with pebble (-le small)

Pebbled multi-gravel; paved with pebbles and gravel

Pebbly pebble;pebble patterned

Cribble coarse sieve; semolina

dibble (digging a hole) planting; a burrower; fishing (= dib); digging (holes) in the soil with a burrower ;( with a digger) digging seeds (dig digging)

Dibbler planted a burrower, a digging hand shovel; a vogender

dribble combos; make drip; dribble; dribble; drip; drool; dribble (etymology same as drip drop. -le repeated)

Dribbler dribbles forward; salivates

Dribbling controls the ball; leaks; drips; salivates

Fribble boring behavior; wasting time; doing boring things; boring; not important

Fribbler boring people; people who waste time; boring behavior

Gribble eats wood worms; wood lice

Kibble rough grinding; will ... Ground into coarse grains; ground into coarse grains of food; hanging buckets

Kibbler crusher; shredder

Kibbling smashed

nibble fine bite; bite little by little; nitpicking; light bite; nibbling (-nib bird's beak, beak, by extension small bite)

Quibble fallacies; puns; rhetoric; sophistry; critical (quib - evading the substance of the problem. -le repeated)

quibbler nitpicking man

quibblesome simulates duality; reclusive (-some)

Scribble scrawled things; scrawled; essays (-scrib writing; graffiti; -le repeated)

Scribbler third-rate writer; small literati; scribbled writers

Tribble paper rack

bobble mistakes; flicks; jumps up and down; misses the ball; misses; breaks (bob swings. -le repeated)

Cobble repair, poorly repaired; laying cobblestones, paving with cobblestone (cob blocks, -le repeatedly)

Cobbled paved with cobblestones; paved with pebbles

Cobbler cobbler cobbler; artisan; cold drink; crispy fruit pie

Cobblestone pebbles; cobblestone (stone stone)

Gobble Gluttony; cackling; gobbling; turkey crying (-gob mouth; -le repeatedly)

Gobbler turkey; gobble-up man

hobble waddle; limp; make limp; limp gait (word derived from hop jump, -le repeatedly. i.e. jumping around, extending the meaning of the word waddle, limp)

Hobbler Unlicensed pilot; crippled person or animal

Nobble (informal) use poison, etc. before horse racing to prevent the horse from winning; bribe, blackmail; obstruct (through improper means) to make the horse suffer setbacks; fraud, steal; (against will) catch and attract attention; (to persuade someone) to talk

Nobbler Scammer; Poison horse; Make horses powerless to race; Knock out (nob head; big man; -le repeatedly)

Swobble eats in big bites; eats in big bites

swobber mop; sponge; cotton swab (deformation of swob = swab)

Wobble shakes; wobbles; wanders; wobbles; wiggles; wobbles; oscillates

Wobbler's mind shakes; the man who shakes; the man who shakes; the unstable man

Wobbling shook; trembled; wobbling; wobbled; wobbling; fluttered

Wobbly unstable; wobbly; skewed; skewed

bubble bubbles, foams, bubbles; transparent round hood, round top; boiling, bubbling; bubble sound; making bubbling (bub little guy; -le repeatedly)

Bubbly bubbly; bubbly; bubbling, bubbling; bubble formation; champagne

Hubble small tumor; small bulge

Nubble small pieces; small tumors (nub points; small pieces, nodules; tumors; stumps)

Nubbly blocky; multi-tumoric

Nubby is tumorous; lumpy; knotty

rubble gravel, broken bricks; rough stone piles (rub scraping, rubbing, grinding, by extension scraped down rubble, broken bricks)

Rubbly rubble-like; rubble is made of

Shubble drag dance

Stubble stubble, stubble (stub stub; cigarette butt; stumps; broken plants)

Stubbled (after the crop is harvested) with residual stems; There is stubble

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