
A tree of mountain peach blossoms, blooming in the heart

A tree of mountain peach blossoms, blooming in the heart

"A Tree of Mountain Peach Blossoms" | text: Xie Xinzheng

"A bee flies to the peach, that is the necessity of picking flowers"


The eyes of the people in the mountains are full of mountain scenery.

If you want to go to a high place, go out and climb the mountain, and look at the distance, or the mountains are connected to the mountains. Surrounded by mountains, people seem to never be able to walk out of the mountains, but they are also a little more leisurely and comfortable. In the field, the peach blossoms have long been exhausted, and the peach and plum knots in the spring wind are ripe; the mountain peach blossoms on the high mountains are open and beautiful.

This tree mountain peach blossom opens warmly and romantically. Maybe her spiritual world is still open in winter, still brilliant, still living alone on the side of the blue sky and white clouds? Isn't Yaochi full of spring in all seasons? The beauty of the peach is ultimately difficult for ordinary people to discover, so it is handed over to the gods with unique insight to interpret. Ordinary people will eventually become immortals, and I am afraid that what is most lacking is that pair of unique eyes.

This is not, usually a tree of peach blossoms, through the wisdom of the eye, it has become a mythical story like "Journey to the West", going out of the country and belonging to the world. Just one Heavenly Palace makes people of different colors in the East and the West fascinated and nostalgic. In fact, as long as you carefully read and taste the many scenes in "Journey to the West", you will not think that it is empty. Do you remember the Queen Mother's peach feast? Is that a discovery from the daily lives of the people? It is easy to find, but it is difficult to pay attention to, and it is even more difficult to elicit many philosophies in life.

Who would be as obsessed with a tree as the usual peach blossoms? Speaking of perhaps you do not think so, to understand this magical complex and simple and simple world only with the heart to understand, with affection to touch, with sincerity to experience, you will definitely have a unique experience, a broad vision, and a relaxed heart.


Ever remembered? A few years ago, this tree peach blossom was still a slender posture, weakly swaying in the east wind, but in just a few years, it was actually out of Tingting Yuli, making you impressed. In the blooming moment of life, it is so indifferent. Indifferent but philosophical, in the corner of the water, in the mountains, in the April sun bathing in the world, in a space for heaven and earth, quiet thinking, open and beautiful, happy to return the spring.

The simple truth that everyone knows is often the most willing to be neglected and forgotten by good people. It may also be obscured by malicious flowers and vines, in the world of fierce competition in spring, the miscellaneous trees are shaded, which further emphasizes the mission burden of the spring flowers and autumn fruits of the mountain peach, only the mountain peach blossom itself knows, only the mountain peach blossom itself understands, and only the mountain peach blossom chooses itself. Through the leakage of time in a flash, rediscover the neglected world, when you may no longer be impetuous, no longer indifferent to the meaning and value of such a life.

Don't think that last winter was so cold, this spring peach blossoms will no longer be beautiful; don't think that so many flowers decorate the spring, lively perspective of the world, the only tree mountain peach blossoms have or can not be. The story of loving life and loving life is great compassion, how many rounds have been performed? When you look at everything in perspective, you will find that in the spring, in addition to a line of sight that you do not pay much attention to, there is a blooming mountain peach blossom, and a very inconspicuous mountain peach blossom.

Blooming does not have to be valued, but people can't pay attention to the beauty of blooming, and eventually have to leave a trace of regret.

A bee flew to the peach, which was the necessity of picking flowers, and the mountain peach blossom accepted and accepted its warm "good favor"; a bird flew to the peach blossom in a circle and flew away, followed by a butterfly. Peach Blossom accepted all the reviews, after all, it was a wonderful season.

There is no need to associate with the Tang Dynasty Cui Huo: "Peach blossoms still laugh at the spring breeze" verse, that sentence known to women and children, do not know how many peach trees have grown in the ground, only tourists who use their hearts to taste a tree that is no ordinary mountain peach blossom can understand the mystery and deep philosophy.

If you walk into the spring and see a tree of peach blossoms, don't forget, take a little rest in front of her, take a photo, even if it is a moment of rest, or appreciate the decoration of the falling red burst, do not give up the right to enjoy, do not be lazy and greedy, only thinking, will have discovery. It also has the most authoritative evaluation and voice on a mountain peach blossom...

Image source network, invasion and deletion


Pen name: Xie Xinzheng, likes to read, listen to music, practice calligraphy, these are all an integral part of my life.

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