
Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

author:Released in Chengdu
Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

A culinary appointment that has not been seen for a long time

Where do you choose to "rub a meal"?

Take you to see the small cloth's favorites

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

Morning omelette noodles

At noon, yutian cooks

When a guest comes, go to the city Meixuan

Opt for the lunch break at Panda Tea Garden

Order a 5 dollar flower tea

Half awake and half dreaming to listen to the commentary

Don't forget to pass by after work

Buy a few brine chicken feet from the pan cake market

This is the "downtown in the middle of the city"

Huaxing Street

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

Today Xiaobu will take everyone in

This historic food street

Feel the atmosphere of 100 years of Chengdu

Taste the authentic taste of Chengdu

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

Centennial Huaxing Street

As a century-old street

The history of Huaxing Street dates back to the Qing Dynasty

It was originally named "Huanghua Street Hall"

Renamed "Huaxing Street" during the Guangxu period

Take the meaning of "prosperous and prosperous"

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

A hundred years ago

Huaxing Street is a good place to watch plays and drink tea

A hundred years later

Huaxing Street is still thriving

Food is everywhere

Old-fashioned or trendy restaurants are popping up

Cuisine from all over the world comes together here

It's a foodie's paradise!

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

What's for breakfast?

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!
Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

A great day starts with a delicious breakfast

There is no shortage of good places for breakfast on Huaxing Street

A bowl of Huaxing omelette noodles in tomato soup

A mouthful of delicious red oil dumplings

Start the day in a good mood!

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

Huaxing omelette noodles

Mention Huaxing Street

The first thing that comes to mind is the omelette noodles

A bowl of Huaxing tomato omelette noodles

Childhood memories of a generation

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

The omelette was just well controlled

The edges are slightly burnt and golden

Bright red tomatoes

Float over the rich and delicious soup

The freshly made omelette noodles are served steaming hot

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

The smell of fresh and mellow aroma comes to the fore

Take a bite of noodles and take a sip of soup

Or the old taste!


Jinjiang District Zitong Bridge Main Street No. 45 Attached No. 6

Recommend an order

Traditional Huaxing tomato omelette noodles

Sweet water noodles powder mash

Huaxing Street Self-help Noodle Shop

A self-made noodle shop that began in 1957

It has a long history of more than 60 years

It is an authentic time-honored noodle restaurant

There is a golden one hanging at the entrance of the shop

"Top 50 Noodle Restaurants in Chengdu"

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

Signature vegetarian pepper noodles

Secret sauce is spread over the noodles in the strong road

Mix well and the back strip is wrapped in the mouth of the mixed sauce

The rich aroma then spreads in the mouth

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

Red oil dumplings are biased towards sweet and spicy taste

Dumplings with thick skin

Wrapped in a translucent bright red dipping water

Feel the fresh flavor of the minced meat and the spicy juice

At the same time bloom in the taste buds

63 Huaxing East Street

Vegetarian pepper noodles

Red oil dumplings Braised beef noodles

Lunch was also generous

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

The bell finally rang at 12:00 noon

It's time for an energetic lunch

Work and study for a morning

Be sure to eat well at noon

For the next half day of work

Play full of energy!

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

Yutian Hotel

Chengdu is famous for its Sichuan cuisine

It also has a long history

Lotus bone broth is delicious

The white and tender lotus root is boiled soft and sticky

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

Serve with tender pork ribs

Fragrant in the mouth

Couple lung slices spicy and fragrant

The red oil is sprinkled with all kinds of spices

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

The slices of meat are soaked in the red broth

Order a must for food!

Hongxing Road Section 2, No. 20, 1st Floor, No. 9

Lotus broth bone broth

Couple lung slices fat intestines

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

Three-turn restaurant

An authentic Sichuan restaurant that has been featured in various food programs

Specially launched for office workers business packages

9 yuan three vegetarian 12 yuan two meat two vegetarian

It belongs to the representative of high quality and low price

Perfect for lunch time

Mao Blood Wang's taste is spicy

Peppercorns, peppers, shallots and other spices

Float on a bright red and spicy soup

Hairy belly and duck blood soaked in it

Very intriguing

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

36 Lower East Avenue

Hairy blood

Sliced boiled meat peppercorn fish

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

Have a big meal in the evening

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

End of the day's life or work

It's finally time for dinner

Come and see Huaxing Street

What a delicious dinner!

Sweet Uncle Western Restaurant

A decades-old affordable western restaurant

Originally opened in the Huaxingyuan community

It has now moved to the street

Sirloin steak is tender

Serve with black pepper sauce

Classic steak eating

No thunder

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

The foyer noodles are rich in texture

The sauce is properly prepared

Stir well with the pasta

The entrance has a rich fragrance!

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

No. 15 Huaxing Upper Street

Sirloin steak

Classic meat sauce noodles meteorite pizza

West Moon City Tan Bean Flower

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

"A hundred years of respect for one industry, four generations of five flavors"

The choice of snacks in Tan Bean Flower Shop is diverse

The most recommended one is the Ice Drunken Bean Flower

Cold and tender bean blossoms

Light and slightly sweet white wine

Delicious that melts in the mouth

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

A sweet and refreshing sensation pervades the tip of the tongue

The taste is amazing!

Many friends who don't like bean blossoms

Both fell in love with the ice drunken bean blossom here

Today take you to eat three meals a day on Huaxing Street!

Equally delicious is the steamed bean blossoms

Different from ice drunken bean blossoms

This bean blossom tastes spicy and fragrant

Smooth bean blossoms with crispy steamed buns

Another different flavor!

Summer Socks North 2nd Street No. 56 No. 1-6

Ice drunken bean blossoms

Steamed bean blossom bell dumplings

Xiao Bu's recommended Huaxing Street three meals a day is over

There are many more on this street

The delicacy that Xiaobu did not mention

Waiting for everyone to explore for themselves

collection! The latest version of the standard map of Sichuan Province was released

Source| Chengdu Daily Jinguan

Cover picture according to Chengdu Jimei Squad Wang Qin

Chengdu published an editorial | Super cute Huan Ge Intern Editor Tian Dou

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