
Food Raiders: Top 10 specialties of Xiangyang

author:A child who runs hard

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Xiangyang is a national historical and cultural city, with a long history, rich and unique flavor characteristics, Xiaobian to everyone to give Xiangyang food strategy. Xiangyang cuisine is the northern cuisine of Chu cuisine, Xiangyang cuisine has both the characteristics of Chu cuisine, but also maintain its own flavor, cooking methods to steam, simmer, frying, especially xi vegetables poured with oil. Go to Xiangyang to play, in addition to the scenic spots there, local specialties must be wrong, the following is the list of Xiangyang special food,

NO.1, Xiangyang sandwich sand meat

Food Raiders: Top 10 specialties of Xiangyang

Jiasha meat is a traditional beet in Xiangyang. Pork belly is served with pork belly, bean paste into slices of meat and steamed until crisp and soft. The cabbage is red in white, sweet and sticky, fat but not greasy, and is the most popular among the elderly.

NO.2, Xiangyang three panels

Food Raiders: Top 10 specialties of Xiangyang

Three-set plate is a traditional dish in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province, with pork liver, pork ribs, pig brain as the ingredients, concentrated fried purple mustard, fried ribs, fried brain soaked three dishes are good at one dish. The three dishes each have one color, each offering a taste, one dish and three eats, hence the name.

NO.3, Xiangyang Yicheng Pan Eel

Food Raiders: Top 10 specialties of Xiangyang

Yicheng has many cuisines, and the plate eel can be called the oldest. Yicheng pan eel meat tender and fresh, the food is crisp and delicious, unforgettable, the nutritional value is far better than the cut after the stir-fry stew, is a "court dish" previously made for the King of Chu.

NO.4, Xiangyang Yicheng Plate Duck

Food Raiders: Top 10 specialties of Xiangyang

Yicheng plate duck, using ancient field snails, fish and shrimp, rice-based adult ducks, with unique ingredients to 3-4 pounds of adult duck fattening, plum killing, dehairing, refining, modeling, sun drying and frost erosion, vacuum preservation technology and other more than 20 processes processing.

NO.5, Xiangyang Yicheng prawns

Food Raiders: Top 10 specialties of Xiangyang

Yicheng prawn is a flavor snack that emerged in the 1990s, Yicheng prawn has a strong seasonality, starting from the beginning of summer to the end of autumn. Yicheng prawns are large and meaty, tender and refreshing, eating up to two spicy and three spices, eating method can be divided into brine, stir-frying, boiling.

NO.6, Xiangyang dried fried chicken

Food Raiders: Top 10 specialties of Xiangyang

Use fresh clay chicken, add peppercorns, ginger slices, add chicken nuggets and stir-fry, then add cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, chili chunks, star anise, pepper, cloves, sand kernels, grass fruits, stir-fry until golden brown. Spicy and fragrant, the taste is extremely beautiful, and the appetite is enhanced.

NO.7, Xiangyang is entangled

Food Raiders: Top 10 specialties of Xiangyang

Xiangyang hoof is famous in China, and can be compared with Jinhua ham and Xuanwei ham. It is a traditional delicacy. Marinate the trotters with a variety of spices for several days. After wrapping a thin hemp rope tightly in a ventilated place, you can take it off after a few days to cook it.

NO.8, Xiangyang sweet and sour cabbage

Food Raiders: Top 10 specialties of Xiangyang

Sweet and sour cabbage is made from Xiangyang cabbage. Xiangyang cabbage is also known as 'Xiangyang White'. The preparation method is: wash the cabbage hearts, cut them into eight-point strips, then put the sand pot on the high heat, add lard and sesame oil to heat, and stir-fry the cabbage hearts.

NO.9, Xiangyang kohlrabi

Food Raiders: Top 10 specialties of Xiangyang

Xiangyang kohlrabi, one of the four famous pickles in China, according to the "Chronicle of Chinese Customs and Materials", was created by Zhuge Liang when he lived in Xiangyang Longzhong, and is known as Zhuge Cai and Kong Ming Cai. It is rich in amino acids, vitamins, fiber, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements required by the human body, the entrance is crisp and tender, fresh and appetizing, the sauce is fragrant, and has the effect of digestion, diuretic dehumidification, detoxification and swelling.

NO.10, Xiangyang kimchi tripe shredded

Food Raiders: Top 10 specialties of Xiangyang

Xiangfan people still believe that their own kimchi is the best and most delicious. In Xiangfan, as long as there are a few big aunts and aunts in the family, they can always find a few kimchi jars from under the bed. The taste of tripe is flexible and elastic, and the slightly spicy, sour kimchi tripe is a beloved appetizer in Xiangfan.