
The Horoscope | the planetary movements in January

The Horoscope | the planetary movements in January
The Horoscope | the planetary movements in January

January Key events

Full moon in Cancer

Crescent Moon in Capricorn

Mars in Sagittarius

Mercury Retrograde

Uranus resumed its anterograde

January Overall astrology

The Horoscope | the planetary movements in January

On January 3, the new moon appeared in Capricorn. This new moon is in harmony with Uranus, and we will feel a strong desire to break through the restrictions of the environment. Still, we realize that setting some boundaries and rules allows us to enjoy life as we live our responsibilities. This month provides us with an opportunity to set realistic, achievable goals and work towards maturity, self-discipline and common sense. This prompts us to think about and prepare for the future.

On January 14, Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius, and it will continue retrograde until February 3. It begins retrograde in Aquarius and then retreats to Capricorn on January 25. With Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, we are in contact with our humanitarian goals and ideals. We may be better equipped to tap into our inner inspiration and come up with particularly creative ideas. However, there may be some slowdowns and delays in the trip.

When Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, we may not have much tolerance for casual small talk and like to express ourselves after much deliberation. Plans can be considered and are carefully repeated. We are well positioned to reassess career or life path plans and goals. It's also a great time to explore what ambition or reputation means to us.

The Horoscope | the planetary movements in January

On January 17, the full moon appeared in Cancer. This month can bring about a sudden need or desire to connect with our families or our own hearts. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to engage with things we may have overlooked or postponed in our personal lives.

On January 18, after about 5 months of retrograde, Uranus turned antagonistic. As Uranus grows in rates over the coming weeks, our desire to express our uniqueness, to take risks, to rebel, to listen to our intuition, to inspire change, all of which are reawakened. We begin to see clearly that we can make changes and that we are not always victims of passive change.

Venus continued retrograde until January 29. This retrograde gives us the opportunity to examine and review our feelings, relationships, and finances. During this cycle, we may question current projects or commitments.

Retrograde Venus primarily affects us in terms of love and finances, but also extends to some areas of business and pleasure pursuits. These things are not simple during this time, it's a time to look back at our attitudes and attachment states, rather than boldly moving forward with new love relationships or financial projects. Old friends and loved ones may reappear, which may complicate the current relationship, or we may recall past situations more often. We can deal with past relationship issues by calling or interviewing. During this time, getting closer to your loved one can be a real challenge. Unorthodox, experimental, non-intimate relationships may be more popular.

The text has been translated and compiled from CAFEASTROLOGY.COM


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