
Li Li Du Huiliang delivered a 2022 New Year message

author:Ordos released
Li Li Du Huiliang delivered a 2022 New Year message

New Year's greetings

Li Li Du Huiliang delivered a 2022 New Year message

Comrades and friends,

The new Yuan Zhaoqi, Hua Zhang is new. On this beautiful occasion of retiring the old and welcoming the new, on behalf of the Ordos Municipal CPC Committee and the Municipal People's Government, we would like to extend New Year's greetings and best wishes to the cadres and masses of all nationalities in the city, to the commanders and fighters of the troops stationed in the city, the officers and men of the armed police, the public security cadres and policemen, and the commanders and fighters of the fire rescue team, to the democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and non-party personages, to all retired veteran comrades, and to all friends who care, support, and participate in the development of Ordos!

The year 2021 that has just passed is a milestone year in the history of the party and the country, and it is also a very unusual and memorable year in the history of Ordos's development.

This year, there are many unforgettable events. We solemnly held a series of activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, which further stimulated the enthusiasm and gratitude and enterprising force of the whole city to love the party, the country, and the socialist. We have meticulously organized the study and education of party history, and the party members and cadres and the masses at all levels have become more confident in forging ahead on a new journey and making contributions to a new era. We have deeply studied and implemented the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in the city have more resolutely supported the "two establishments" and achieved "two safeguards", and the powerful truth force of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era has been fully demonstrated in the land of Ordos. We have achieved a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as scheduled, and we are moving forward with great enthusiasm toward the second centenary goal. We successfully held the Fifth Party Congress of the city, fully implemented the spirit of the Eleventh Party Congress of the Autonomous Region, focused on the strategic positioning of "two barriers", "two bases" and "one bridgehead", and painted a grand blueprint of "taking a new road, building a pioneer zone, and striving to create a better future for the construction of modern Ordos".

This year, many achievements have not come easily. We have withstood the impact of the epidemic and the downward pressure of the economy, the economy has maintained a stable and progressive, stable and good trend, the development of the 100 billion strength flag area and the 100 billion output value park has formed a vivid situation of competing for advancement, the "14th Five-Year Plan" has made a good start, and the role of the "ballast stone" and "locomotive" in the economic development of the autonomous region has become more prominent. We successfully held the Ordos Zero Carbon Industry Summit, witnessed the construction of the world's first zero-carbon industrial park, witnessed the establishment of the first carbon neutral research institute in the autonomous region, witnessed the blossoming of new energy industry chain projects such as "wind and solar hydrogen storage vehicles", and broke through the green transformation of the industry. We have vigorously and orderly promoted the "double control" of energy consumption, and the "double control" index of energy consumption has achieved "double green". We benchmark the national advanced benchmark, the business environment continues to optimize, the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises have become the backbone of ensuring employment and promoting economic development, ordos investment depression effect gradually appeared; the introduction of a series of "hard policies" such as 30 new policies for science and technology, 30 new policies for talents, the "three clearances" action of scientific and technological innovation, and the spurt of innovation kinetic energy; the opening of the Ordos to Moscow China-Europe train, opening up to the outside world to run out of "acceleration".

This year, there is a kind of responsibility that urges people to forge ahead. We have earnestly assumed the political responsibility of ensuring national energy security and guaranteed the coal supply of 18 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country. We have promoted ecological environmental protection and green transformation in all fields in the whole process, successfully held the 8th Kubuqi International Desert Forum, the ecological business card of sky blue, earth green and water beauty is more beautiful, and We have shown Ordos's responsibility in maintaining national ecological security, implementing the national strategy of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin. While fighting the hard battle of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, we have gone backwards and shared the burden of wind and rain, mobilized all parties to rush to help Alxa and Manzhouli fight the epidemic, and undertake to guarantee a group of stranded passengers in Ejin Naqi. We have done a good job in ethnic work by firmly following the main line of forging a solid sense of the Chinese national community, and the overall situation of national unity has been consolidated and developed. We have strictly implemented the responsibility of managing the party and governing the party, deepened the special rectification of violations of laws and regulations in the field of coal resources, and carried out in-depth special rectification and rectification in the fields of politics and law, forestry and grass, supply and marketing, grain purchase and sales, medical and health care, etc., the political ecology has been continuously purified, and the new wind and healthy atmosphere have been continuously filled.

This year, there are a number of honors that I am proud of. Our city has been identified as a national model city of civilization pilot, and the construction of spiritual civilization in the new era has turned a new page. We have made every effort to explore the path of modernization of urban social governance, won the honor of "Ping An China Construction Demonstration City" for three consecutive years, and won the "Chang'an Cup", the highest award for Ping An China Construction. We have won the title of National Sanitary City for three consecutive years, been rated as the first batch of "Four Good Rural Roads" demonstration cities in the country, and have been selected as the "first batch of national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration cities" and "national intelligent social governance experimental bases", and the influence of modern famous cities has continued to expand.

This year, there is a sentiment that has always been remembered. We adhere to the value concept of people first, focus on increasing the supply of basic public services such as employment, education, health, culture, and social security, and the happiness and satisfaction of the people continue to increase. We have carried out the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" with heart and soul, focusing on the "small incisions" such as students' heavy schoolwork burdens, parking difficulties, travel difficulties, difficulties in handling permits, and chaos in public rental housing, and solved a number of "big problems" that the masses are anxiously anxious about. We have distributed "warm heart coal" and "affordable coal" to the vast number of farmers and herdsmen, so that the people in agricultural and pastoral areas can warm their hearts in winter. We have vigorously promoted rural revitalization, from the launch of "ten thousand enterprises to revitalize ten thousand villages" to the action of improving the living environment, the quality of life of farmers and herdsmen is getting higher and higher. We have also carried out the transformation of old residential areas, urban greenways and park green spaces, and the vision of a modern park city with harmonious and unified human city industry has gradually become a reality.

This year, there are too many deeds that move people's hearts. There are 40 years of retired elderly people who have volunteered to clean up public health service neighborhoods, there are organ cadres who have quietly left after rescuing women who have fallen into the water, there are ordinary rural women who have taken care of their relatives without complaint or regret for 28 years, and there are too many "white soldiers" who have stepped forward when difficulties come and guarded their lives with their lives, public security police, fire officers and soldiers... It is the good deeds of mortals around us, the good deeds of good people, that warmed everyone, touched the beautiful city of Ordos, and led the whole society to the value trend of upward goodness. Here, on behalf of the municipal party committee, the municipal government and the people of all ethnic groups in the city, we would like to pay the highest respect to every ordinary hero.

2022 is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is a key year to take a new path, build a pilot zone, and accelerate the construction of modern Ordos. Standing at a new historical starting point, we must inherit and carry forward the great spirit of party building, never forget our original intention, keep firmly in mind our mission, unite and struggle, make unremitting efforts to realize the people's yearning for a better life, and take the new road of catching up with the examination with full confidence and sonorous steps.

To take the new road of catching up with the examination, we must use our rock-solid will, persist in arming our minds with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and always strengthen our faith, belief, and confidence. To take the new road of catching up with the examination, we must firmly establish firm confidence in the first-class standards, resolutely shoulder the major responsibility and glorious mission of taking a good new road and building a pioneer zone, and promote all undertakings to walk in the front and set an example. To take the new road of catching up with the examination, we must show the courage and courage to cut through thorns and thorns, and with the heroic spirit of "the more difficult and dangerous, the more we move forward" and the high fighting spirit of "daring to teach the sun and the moon for a new day", we must overcome all difficulties and obstacles on the road ahead. To take the new road of catching up with the examination, we must maintain the "true color of catching up with the examination" of adhering to the original intention, resolutely stand firm on the position of the masses, practice the mass line, uphold the heart of the people, be full of love for the people, and abide by the responsibility of serving the people. To take the new road of catching up with the examination, we must take on the responsibility of indomitable hard work, bend down and do pragmatic work, shake off our arms and work hard, roll up our sleeves and work hard, and rely on real hard work to achieve the construction of a beautiful future for modern Ordos.

Starlight does not ask the passers-by, history belongs to the strivers. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, continuously draw wisdom and strength from the party's century-old struggle, keep in mind the "two overall situations", keep in mind the "great power of the country", comprehensively promote the overall layout of the "five-in-one", coordinate the promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, base ourselves on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, integrate services into the new development pattern, take the lead in a steady manner, seek progress in a stable manner, and solidly promote common prosperity. Determined to build a strength, vitality, green, livable, happy Ordos and strive to make new contributions to the construction of a bright Inner Mongolia, the realization of the great Chinese dream, with excellent results to greet the party's 20th national victory.

I sincerely wish the great motherland prosperity!

I sincerely wish Ordos a better tomorrow!

Sincerely wish the people of the city and friends from all walks of life happiness and health!

Source: Ordos Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government

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