
Night Rain 丨 Luo Zhaolun: The New Year is a door

Night Rain 丨 Luo Zhaolun: The New Year is a door

New Year is a door

Luo Zhaolun

I have heard the saying that the New Year is like a door, as long as you gently push it open, the fresh air will blow in, soothing, light, fresh. That's right, as soon as the door of the New Year is opened, everywhere you see is a translucent brilliance, everywhere is a brilliant smile, and everywhere is full of vitality and vitality.

New Year, New Weather; New Year, New Landscape; New Year, New Opportunity. Bathed in the sun of the New Year, we smile like flowers, raise the ideal sails, sing the joy of the festival; we are radiant, dancing the dance of the festival, moving towards a new future; we are full of pride, letting go of new hopes, and drawing a picture of the New Year.

Standing at the beginning of the new year, the light and shadow of last year's years are always unforgettable and unforgettable. In this moment of alternating looking back and looking forward, Ren's thoughts gallop through time and space, and his heart is filled with indescribable sighs and longings. Oh, yes! In the past year, every day and night, there have been both joy and sadness; both wonderful and bleak, both flowers and regrets. The past days, bit by bit, come to mind one by one. But whether it is gained, lost, honored or humiliated, these will become the past, and everything will no longer matter. It is important that in the new year, standing at a new starting point, we must forget the troubles and sorrows we have had, straighten out our thoughts, retain a vigorous and healthy attitude, and start with a smile and vision. Calmly look at all the gains and losses of fame and fortune, look into the distance, and fix your eyes on the starting line of a new life.

Stepping into the threshold of the New Year, a brand new calendar has opened a new page in life for each of us, opening a door to hope. The flowers are similar from year to year, but different from year to year. The New Year is coming, the heavens and the earth are a thriving scene, spring has a hundred flowers, summer has grass and trees, autumn has the fragrance of fruit, winter has silver wrapped, those 365 brand new days are lined up, placed in front of us, waiting for us to write the most brilliant poems on it, depicting the most moving stories.

Listen! In the new year, the children giggled and said, I want to study hard and grow up quickly; the old people say joyfully, I pray for the wind and rain to be smooth, and lead the red-hot days to the heights of sesame blossoms; the young people cheerfully say that I plan to work hard for a beautiful love and a happy family, earn more money, and hope that everyone will be happy and happy, healthy, harmonious and beautiful, and happy. The fire tree and honeysuckle flowers bid farewell to the old age and greet the new year with glittering colors. Dressed in festive costumes, we congratulated the New Year in laughter and passed on New Year's greetings to each other.

Walk into the morning light of the New Year and look up at the bright sunshine of the New Year, the New Year is amorous, she loves everyone who loves it. As long as you are willing to work hard towards a new life, she will pick a bouquet of fragrant garlands, wear them on your chest, add charm and hope to your life, bring magic and vitality, and the days will emit more and more beautiful light day by day; it will also let us learn to give up, know how to pursue, learn to be grateful, and harvest beauty regardless of good times or adversity. In the new year, cheer and cheer for yourself, full of confidence, full of spirit, down-to-earth to meet every day.

The New Year is a door, and while the old year is going, the new year is beginning. Quietly open the door of the New Year, the rings of the years will rotate in the footsteps, and life will be sublimated in one hurry after another. In the new year, we will be more proud, wise and mature, and live a new life full of vitality and excitement.

In the new year, it is up to us to paint beautiful and colorful pictures. Let us muster up the courage, hold our energy, and bravely walk on the sun-filled avenue!

(Author Affilications:Wansheng Economic Development Zone Cultural and Tourism Committee)

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