
Elf Dream Leaf Rolly Season 9: What happens when "Mo Fan" sees Wang Mo ren set collapse?

Elf Dream Leaf Rolly Season 9: What happens when "Mo Fan" sees Wang Mo ren set collapse?

Friends who have watched the anime "Elf Dream Leaf Lori" know that although the Ice Princess is known as the screenwriter's "pro-girlfriend", she has the best resources, the appearance is also the highest, and she is also called "the first beauty of wonderland" by fans, but in terms of popularity, she has always been inferior to the heroine Wang Mo. Everyone likes Wang Mo not because of her heroine aura, but really likes this role.

Elf Dream Leaf Rolly Season 9: What happens when "Mo Fan" sees Wang Mo ren set collapse?

Who can not love such a King Mo?

For the human child Wang Mo, she looks average, does not study well, and has poor family conditions, but she is very filial, obviously likes Luo Li dolls, but still wants to save pocket money to buy gifts for her mother. Wang Mo is also a very loving girl, she is sincere to her friends, friendly to her classmates, even if it is a stranger, Wang Mo will not hesitate to help them when encountering difficulties.

Elf Dream Leaf Rolly Season 9: What happens when "Mo Fan" sees Wang Mo ren set collapse?

After Wang Mo became a Warrior of Ye Luoli, he was more confident and beautiful, and he did not forget his original intention, and has been fighting for the human world. Because the temperature rise caused by human destruction of the environment, the Ye Luoli Wonderland was also endangered, which directly triggered the dissatisfaction of the fairies and wanted to take revenge on humans. But Wang Mo is the most human child, and he wants to guard the human world no matter what. Even in the face of a Saint Grade Immortal who was many times higher than his own magic, Wang Mo never flinched.

Elf Dream Leaf Rolly Season 9: What happens when "Mo Fan" sees Wang Mo ren set collapse?

How did Wang Mo's perfect human set collapse?

Such a brave girl, who can not love? All when a lot of black powder comes to black king mo, "mo powder" will vigorously resist. However, what happens when "Mo Fan" sees Wang Moren's collapse with his own eyes? I don't know if you remember, when Wang Mo first went to Ye Luoli Doll Shop, he broke the vase in the shop, this vase was very valuable at first glance, although it was finally repaired by Xin Ling, but Wang Mo's behavior directly overturned the previous perfect human design.

Elf Dream Leaf Rolly Season 9: What happens when "Mo Fan" sees Wang Mo ren set collapse?

Wang Mo's first reaction after breaking the vase at that time was not to apologize and compensate, although his family was not well-off, but he should take an attitude when he did something wrong, rather than escaping from reality as if he did not see it. We can learn from Wang Mo's good qualities, but we should also criticize them for their bad deeds. As "silent fans", seeing her behavior of "human collapse", will you still love her as always?

Elf Dream Leaf Rolly Season 9: What happens when "Mo Fan" sees Wang Mo ren set collapse?

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