
After Cixi's death, Empress Longyu found a "secret chamber" in her bedchamber, which was surprising

As the actual controller of the late Qing Dynasty, Cixi did not contribute to the dynasty in the slightest, but blocked the progress of the dynasty and the development of the times.

In the face of the crisis of the Qing Dynasty, Cixi did not think of making progress, continued to practice decadent rule, let the country suffer disasters, and made the people miserable, all these sins were caused by her own hands, she was forever nailed to the pillar of historical shame, became the object of eternal scorn of the world, and left a stink for thousands of years.

After Cixi's death, Empress Longyu found a "secret chamber" in her bedchamber, which was surprising

Cixi's life before she was born was very luxurious, and she never had to do her own bathing, but the palace ladies helped her wash it. Every day,d'êt meals were of great variety, but he only took a few bites, and then the rest withdrew.

From food, clothing, shelter and transportation to eating and drinking Lazar is unimaginable to ordinary people, if it were not for the narration of the eunuchs in the palace, the world may never know what the real Cixi really looked like.

After Cixi's death, Empress Longyu found a "secret chamber" in her bedchamber, which was surprising

At this time, the Qing Dynasty was already in turmoil, and coupled with Cixi's tossing and turning, the result accelerated the pace of the Qing Dynasty's demise. In 1908, Cixi died and completed her life.

She was accompanied by the fall of the Qing Dynasty, which was waging its final struggles. After Cixi's death, Puyi succeeded to the throne and was put under the government by Empress Dowager Longyu. Unlike Cixi, Empress Dowager Longyu did not have control over power because she was a gentle person.

After Cixi's death, Empress Longyu found a "secret chamber" in her bedchamber, which was surprising

After Cixi's death, the eunuchs began to tidy up her palace and clean up the relevant things. However, just as the eunuchs were cleaning the room, they accidentally found a secret room. When Cixi was alive, no one dared to examine the room, and after her death, the secret room was exposed.

The eunuchs did not dare to make their own decisions, so they called Empress Longyu here. She was also very curious about what was inside the secret room, so she asked people to open the room.

After Cixi's death, Empress Longyu found a "secret chamber" in her bedchamber, which was surprising

When the room was opened, the contents were very unsightly, only to see that the room was full of gold and silver jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings. Empress Yulong blushed when she saw it, she did not expect that Cixi was so greedy for money, and gathered all the treasures in her room.

The Qing Dynasty under Cixi's rule was in ruins and desperately needed money to sustain itself, but Cixi took it for herself and did not care at all about how the country developed.

After Cixi's death, Empress Longyu found a "secret chamber" in her bedchamber, which was surprising

Before he died, he not only collected wealth, but also buried the treasure in his mausoleum after death, and Cixi's life was really obsessed with money. However, the money she had accumulated in her life was stolen by Sun Dianying, which was lamentable. When she was born with unlimited scenery, she never thought that her body would be brutally trampled after her death!

References: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Biography of Cixi, Record of the Qing Dynasty, etc

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