
The covenant of the headlines, thanksgiving to meet

author:Maxim bj

The most beautiful to meet! Regardless of the mountains and rivers, not sooner or later, not biased, looking at each other and smiling, we met each other.

An encounter, a lifetime to remember. I have gone through ups and downs, experienced ups and downs, just to meet you on the way forward. Let us have a tacit understanding of not changing our hearts at first sight.

The sky of fate is pure, like the endless emotions of the Fanghua years, beautiful and far away. Sweet makes people want to cry, and happiness makes people intoxicated.

The covenant of the headlines, thanksgiving to meet

One encounter after another, our hearts find a confidant, we gain happiness, and we are no longer alone. I like such a light and lasting affection, and I am obsessed with such a warm and long-term confession.

Therefore, the heart is soft, grateful, grateful for everyone who appears in life, life is generous, life is generous, and there is a lot of indescribable warmth, surging in the heart.

The most beautiful encounters, never missed, the warmth of those hearts and minds, in the days of thin water and long flow, soft into a warm touch, never missed a glance of the spirit and the spirit of the heart, as if you and I had just met for the first time.

The covenant of the headlines, thanksgiving to meet

May you still stand there with open arms and say softly, just one word, I'm still here.

Then use the ink of the heart, the book is read for the first time, write a warm word, and a touch of warmth is revealed between the lines, and it is long missed.

Flowing water is unintentional, the pen has a god, the poem is full of flowers, the warm words are fragrant, those wasted time lost in the fingertips, barren and scrawled, lonely and helpless, let the tenderness scattered on the fingertips fall into the wisps of thoughts.

Because of the encounter, we finally know that the most beautiful expectation can be seen at a glance for thousands of years, and the most real communication can be talked about without talking.

The covenant of the headlines, thanksgiving to meet

Know each other like a mirror, rely on each other every year, the heart has been idle, waiting for the flow of years, in this world, there is always joy, moving people's hearts; there is always an encounter, always as the first sight; there is always a person, understand each other, do not speak the deepest...

Perhaps, the destined person will eventually meet, you are here, I happen to be there, just the right encounter, is the most beautiful encounter.

All the thrills of the encounter, all the sentimental sorrows of the missed, just for a more beautiful encounter, with a pure white attachment that knows how to warm up.

The covenant of the headlines, thanksgiving to meet

Thanks for having you this year! Gratitude meets friends with headlines and becomes best friends in each other's words. Under the shadow of the pen, in the quiet text, thank you for the warm praise you have ordered one after another! Thank you for writing every word and every sentence of your wonderful message! And I know very well that all of these possessions come from our obsession with words that cannot be changed.

On the road of life, there are always countless encounters that will be stationed in the heart; whether it is within reach or the end of the world, I have understood, why say more!

May all the friends who meet, in the upcoming 2022, have the company of their confidants and move forward gracefully; there are also beautiful encounters, warm as ever!

#Winter Life Punch Card Season##2021 City Affairs ##我在头条看世界 #

The covenant of the headlines, thanksgiving to meet

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