
Happy New Year

author:Three brother essay SLdE

It is said that you should have the IQ of a five-year-old

I said you were my big baby

Intelligent and calm, naughty and well-behaved

I don't know which one is you and which one is you

Take a nap with my arm bent

Hold my two feet to hug

Stick out your tongue and lick your feet, my fingers

Drill into the takeaway box to hide the cat


alas! Your dexterous little claws

Your clever little eyes

Your sticky "meow" is petite

You heal the little purr of the department

Let me only love you and spoil you like a child

My little Rifle

It is a blessing from God

It is the grace of nature

It is a happy additive in ordinary life

It's a small blessing for us to have three plus one

Bring blessings

What is taken away is all unhappiness

Listen to your happy cries

The new year is coming happily again

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