
The Ming Dynasty lost much more land than the Qing Dynasty, so why did it generally belittle the Qing Dynasty and respect the Ming Dynasty?

The reverse shore rocks the boat on the water, and the breeze comes to meet the coolness. Every day a paddle a boat people, clear lake bottom is also happy. "Hidden Head Poem"

As the last dynasty ruled by the Han Chinese, the Ming Dynasty was very loved by many people. The Son of Heaven guards the gates of the kingdom, and the Death Society of the King tells the rise and fall of this dynasty. Therefore, among the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, most of them are very backbone, born proud and untamed, which makes people very liked.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the interval between the Ming and Qing dynasties was very close, so many people would take the two dynasties together to make a comparison to see what similarities or contradictions there were between the two dynasties. So in that era, some people clamored to restore the Qing Dynasty, while others were content with the status quo.

The Ming Dynasty lost much more land than the Qing Dynasty, so why did it generally belittle the Qing Dynasty and respect the Ming Dynasty?

If we take the political achievements, the monarchs of the Ming Dynasty and the monarchs of the Qing Dynasty have remarkable places. But what makes people very confused is that the overall land area of the Ming Dynasty period was not very large, and the land area of the Qing Dynasty was very large, so why did the world respect the Ming Dynasty and demean the Qing Dynasty? In fact, there are three main reasons for this, let's explain it carefully to you below.

The social context is not the same

First of all, the social background between the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty was not the same. We all know that since the beginning of Chinese civilization, we have all been based on an agrarian society. Therefore, every king in the past dynasties who came to power would first publicize the yellow calendar to the world, so that the peasants would know what the festival was on that day.

The Ming Dynasty lost much more land than the Qing Dynasty, so why did it generally belittle the Qing Dynasty and respect the Ming Dynasty?

From another point of view, what China has always advocated is that "the people take food as the sky". What the emperor often called "sheji" was inextricably linked to grain and crops. Therefore, from the perspective of this social background, since the beginning of the Chinese civilization, eating is a very important part.

Eat well and drink well, for this goal of survival, the main thing we have to master is farming technology, only in this way can we eat enough and wear warmly, and the people's life will be better, which is the goal of the people. Therefore, in the territory, all the people will yearn to live in a place where the land is more fertile, so that the mass production of grain will be high.

The Ming Dynasty lost much more land than the Qing Dynasty, so why did it generally belittle the Qing Dynasty and respect the Ming Dynasty?

In the Qing Dynasty, we all know that it was a country on horseback, and their ancestors had been hunting for a living for generations, so riding and shooting was the basis of their survival. If you are among the nomads, you can't actually ride and shoot, then it is actually quite humiliating to say it, and it is easy to starve yourself.

Driven by such instincts, nomads themselves like to fight with their prey, so that their own sense of exploration will be very strong. Let's take Genghis Khan, the Mongol army has fought in Europe in those years, that terrible fighting power, who is not afraid of it?

The Ming Dynasty lost much more land than the Qing Dynasty, so why did it generally belittle the Qing Dynasty and respect the Ming Dynasty?

The biggest difference between the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty is precisely this, from the nature of the bones, the people of the agrarian society do not need too large territory, only need fertile land, so that they can normal autumn harvest and sowing. In contrast, in the Qing Dynasty, they had to fight constantly to get prey, and if there was no prey in this grassland, then they needed another place to hunt. Under this nature, we can understand that the territory of the Ming Dynasty is not as big as that of the Qing Dynasty.

The transformation of empire and sovereignty

In the five thousand years of our country's history, from slave society, feudal dynasties to the last system we have now, this social process has been progressive. There is no doubt that in different eras, we have continued and developed our civilization with different systems.

During the Ming Dynasty, we don't need to say more, the Ming Dynasty as a feudal empire and the early Qing Dynasty era background is completely consistent, so no matter from which aspect, there is not much gap between the two. During the imperial era, both the Ming and Qing dynasties were constantly expanding their order (that is, territory).

The Ming Dynasty lost much more land than the Qing Dynasty, so why did it generally belittle the Qing Dynasty and respect the Ming Dynasty?

The only difference between the two is that on the sea, our country's fear of unfamiliar civilizations has led to the emergence of sea bans and closed countries, which makes us look forward to those Western countries of the same era. In the grasslands, because we are an agrarian nation, there is a natural gap in combat effectiveness. In the land of the Central Plains, the Ming Dynasty has done quite well.

Compared with the Qing Dynasty, the early Qing Dynasty was also an imperial era, but in terms of land area, it was stronger than the Ming Dynasty. This is first of all due to the natural combat effectiveness of the nomadic people, which laid a vast land for China, so the achievements of the early Qing Dynasty were very high. In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, due to the transformation of the system, the contradiction between the feudal dynasty and the republic became more and more intense. Coupled with the various reasons why we are closed to the outside world, the gap in military and economic strength between us and The United Kingdom, the United States and other European countries has become wider and wider, which has ultimately led to the humiliation of Our country's modern history.

The Ming Dynasty lost much more land than the Qing Dynasty, so why did it generally belittle the Qing Dynasty and respect the Ming Dynasty?

According to the above, this is why there was such a large territorial gap between the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty during the Imperial Period in Our Country. Fundamentally speaking, it is not that the system is different, but the main reason is that the social order and the habits of the nation are very different. But why does everyone respect the Ming Dynasty instead of the Qing Dynasty?

A history of humiliation in recent times

There are two most critical reasons for not admiring the Qing Dynasty, the first point is that in the five-thousand-year history of our country, only two dynasties were ethnic minorities who ruled the Han nationality. We will not say more about the Yuan Dynasty, just like a cloud of smoke, and it will soon be replaced by the Ming Dynasty. So in that society at that time, the Han chinese were still dominant.

The Ming Dynasty lost much more land than the Qing Dynasty, so why did it generally belittle the Qing Dynasty and respect the Ming Dynasty?

Even after the Qing government came to power, for a long time, they were integrated into the Han culture, so in the late Qing Dynasty, the Manchus had almost nomadic livelihoods. It can be seen from here that China's history and culture are still dominated by Central Plains culture. After that, everyone slowly accepted the Qing Dynasty, after all, as long as it was beneficial to the people, in fact, the emperor was the same. But it was also at this time that foreigners opened the door to China with opium. In the modern external struggle, we have lost even more.

The closure of the country made it impossible for China to catch up with the Pace of the West, and soon there was a torrent of opposition to the Qing government again. Finally, when the Qing Dynasty fell, we can refer to the well-known emperors of the Ming Dynasty, who were almost all proud of "the Son of Heaven guarding the gate of the country, and the king died in the society", but the Qing Dynasty did not.

The Ming Dynasty lost much more land than the Qing Dynasty, so why did it generally belittle the Qing Dynasty and respect the Ming Dynasty?

The Qing Dynasty did bring us too many surprises, it expanded our territory and left valuable geopolitical wealth for future generations. But in terms of bloodiness, there is still too much difference, but it has to be said that every era has the historical mission of each era, so on the issue of the Qing Dynasty, I think we should look at it objectively.


In fact, there are many people who are constantly belittling the Ming Dynasty and feel that the Ming Dynasty killed too much. But in every era they have their own historical grievances. In other words, as a child of China, everyone does not want our modern history to be humiliating, but the process of history is constantly advancing, and China cannot stay on the feudal system forever.

Look at the problem objectively and fairly. The Ming Dynasty brought us the civilization of the sea, and under Zheng He's continuous exploration of the sea, we came into contact with many other cultures. The Qing Dynasty made indelible contributions to expanding our territory and to the modern construction of the motherland and the gathering of resources.

References: History of the Ming Dynasty, Tibetan Head Poems

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