
Where there's a will there's a way

The road to success is bound to be thorny. How can the spirit of not perseverance cut through the thorns, overcome many difficulties, and finally succeed?" The stories of dripping water through stones and iron pestles grinding into embroidery needles are well known, but only those who truly understand the spirit of perseverance contained in these stories can succeed.

Where there's a will there's a way

In the famous Helen Keller, her tenacious belief is well reflected:

Helen Keller is a well-known American writer and philanthropist who was deprived of her sight and hearing shortly after birth due to illness, and she has established many charities dedicated to the benefit of people with disabilities.

When Helen was more than a year old, because of a high fever, her brain was hurt, and from then on, her eyes could not see, her ears could not hear, and later, even unable to speak, she grew up groping in the dark. When she was seven years old, her family hired a tutor for her, sullivan teacher who influenced Helen's life.

Under her hard guidance, Helen learned sign language by touching her hands, learned to read by touching a braille card, and later touched someone else's lips with her hand, and finally learned to speak. In order to get Helen close to nature, Mr. Sullivan let her roll on the grass, run and jump in the fields, and took her to touch the newborn piglet and also go to the river to play in the water.

Under the loving care of her teacher, Helen overcame the obstacles of blindness and deafness, completed her university studies, and won the praise and respect of people around the world.

Helen Keller's experience taught me to have a self-motivated heart, and I made never being discouraged as a principle in my heart. As Xie Kunshan said, "Don't see what you don't have, just see what you have." This means that we should not give up on ourselves because of a momentary setback. Life is not satisfactory. Nine times out of ten, we must not let every small failure be defeated, so we must learn a stronger spirit in the setbacks, so that we have the opportunity to create another beautiful life.

Where there's a will there's a way

So what do we do to make ourselves such people?

1, insist on doing a good job, that is, do not retreat when encountering things, do not encounter a little thing or trouble that affects yourself, in the case of not wanting to do it, ask yourself what else can I do, whether it is from the pressure of life or the root of work This is the only way, build my self-confidence I can do, I can complete, believe in myself, everything will become bright.

2, before doing things, you must have a deep understanding of yourself What things can be done or do what you can, do not blindly do. Don't do it beyond your reach.

3, before doing things, we can divide it into several parts to do, such as how much to complete today, how much to complete tomorrow, do things step by step, not to do it at once, there must be a process, in the process, try everything to improve it, do a good job. Once this thing is done well, you will have a sense of accomplishment, and the sense of accomplishment will rise, and self-confidence will rise with the tide.

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