
Incarnate as the decent Titim Inheritance Machine, Titim Gundam Knight Type

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Model Maker |@Soratako224

Kit | HGBD: R 1/144 Titim

tag | Model modification, painting, creativity, and appreciation of masterpieces

This body is based on the HGBDR series of Titim Gundam modification, the goal is to create a decent image, but also the titim's orthodox successor machine, holding a sword and shield, platinum main color color matching is very in line with the style of the battle knight, after changing the backpack weapon looks more handsome.

Incarnate as the decent Titim Inheritance Machine, Titim Gundam Knight Type
Incarnate as the decent Titim Inheritance Machine, Titim Gundam Knight Type
Incarnate as the decent Titim Inheritance Machine, Titim Gundam Knight Type

Details are shaped by carved lines on the shields and swords, with many metallic colors and diamond effects embedded in them, making the nobility of the royal knights unobstructed.

Incarnate as the decent Titim Inheritance Machine, Titim Gundam Knight Type
Incarnate as the decent Titim Inheritance Machine, Titim Gundam Knight Type
Incarnate as the decent Titim Inheritance Machine, Titim Gundam Knight Type

The unfolding effect of the back weapon equipment

Incarnate as the decent Titim Inheritance Machine, Titim Gundam Knight Type
Incarnate as the decent Titim Inheritance Machine, Titim Gundam Knight Type

The fuselage and weapons are often used with anti-nail stickers, which are quite in line with the theme.

Incarnate as the decent Titim Inheritance Machine, Titim Gundam Knight Type

This is the uncoated effect after the modification of the body

Incarnate as the decent Titim Inheritance Machine, Titim Gundam Knight Type

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