
Anime OP skip on it? Multi-faceted tells you the fun that comes with the OP

"Since ancient OP ninety seconds, from left to right is just right", is a lot of fans often used to jump OP spit. So, for the audience, the OP of an anime work is really useless, is it a chicken rib-like existence? Anime OP skip on it?

Although the OP of some anime works does not have any characteristics, it is easy to ignore, but there are also some special works that will make the audience feel a different kind of fun in the short OP. It's not just beautiful music and cool graphics. Let's take a look at the fun involved in the OP in many ways!

Anime OP skip on it? Multi-faceted tells you the fun that comes with the OP

The first point: the deceptive OP increases the surprise of the work. Take the anime work "Blue Sea" as an example, the OP of the work depicts the story of the blue sea and the blue sky, many young girls and the sea. It looks as if it is a work depicting the sea.

However, after really contacting the content of the positive film, you will find that the OP is deceptive, and the content of the positive film is able to make people laugh endlessly, not as serious as the OP. And this OP gives people a preconceived impression, and the comparison with the content of the film can be said to increase the surprise of the work.

Anime OP skip on it? Multi-faceted tells you the fun that comes with the OP

The second point: the magical action in the OP, the source of all evil. There are some OP works, some magical actions in it, and they will also be played wildly by fans. Like in "Secondary Two Diseases Also Want to Fall in Love", there is a small bird swimming six flowers to change hands, if edited separately, it can be described as full of magic, can be infinitely looped. This is undoubtedly also a presence that transcends the pleasure of the work itself.

Anime OP skip on it? Multi-faceted tells you the fun that comes with the OP

As for the OP of Lucky Star, it is composed of a dance, which is also very magical. Of course, there is also a full version of this dance in the main film, which can be said to add a lot of fun to the chase.

The third point: hide spoilers, detail modifications, let people call out too powerful! There are some anime works, which can be said to have put a lot of pain into the OP. It will hide the follow-up plot of the work in the OP through the details, and this hiding is still not a specific plot, which is difficult to detect.

Anime OP skip on it? Multi-faceted tells you the fun that comes with the OP

Not only that, as the plot advances, the OP of such works will also change in details, and the subsequent plot unfolding will be well integrated into the OP screen. The most representative is undoubtedly the OP of the "JOJO series", which is full of details and cannot be ignored.

Anime OP skip on it? Multi-faceted tells you the fun that comes with the OP

Fourth point: The similar movements of many works are impressive. In the OP of some anime works, similar actions will also appear. The works of Fangwenshe are often based on cute beautiful girls, and in the anime OP about it, there will often be beautiful girls jumping up. Due to the multiple appearances of this action, also known as "Fangwen Jump", it also increases the fun of the work.

Anime OP skip on it? Multi-faceted tells you the fun that comes with the OP

Speaking of similar actions in different works, it is also reminiscent of the "minori" game OP. Although the production is a galgame game, the OP of many of its works is amazing, and even often uses a 360-degree rotating perspective screen, especially when there is money, it is a bit crazy, especially the OP rotation screen of "supipara", which is even more impressive. However, it can only be missed, of course, this is not an anime, but also a digression.

In addition, some OP songs are also suitable for playing "empty ears", and some OP pictures have a lot of showmanship fights. In short, for the OP of an anime, don't underestimate it! It may sometimes seem inconspicuous and easy to ignore, but it is also uniquely fun in many ways.

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