
Why is Sun Yingsha likable? Who paid attention to her actions at the airport, Liu Guoliang was ashamed

Female table tennis after 00 little devil - Sun Yingsha, speaking of appearance, Sun Yingsha is not the most eye-catching female table tennis, when it comes to the performance of 2021, she is not the best, after all, she has encountered three major competitions of Sanlianya, but when it comes to popularity and the degree of popularity, among the national table tennis, Sun Yingsha is definitely the only one in existence, and Sun Yingsha after 00 is not only the team pet of national table tennis, but also the group pet in the eyes of fans.

Why is Sun Yingsha likable? Who paid attention to her actions at the airport, Liu Guoliang was ashamed

Why does Sun Yingsha attract people?? Perhaps the answer can also be given from the scene at the airport when Sun Yingsha returned to Beijing after the end of the national table tennis quarantine. After ending the isolation of Weihai in Shandong Province, Wang Nan specially held a party for the national table tennis, and then the national table tennis returned to Beijing to disband on the spot, and the players also ushered in a short holiday.

Why is Sun Yingsha likable? Who paid attention to her actions at the airport, Liu Guoliang was ashamed

When waiting for the pick-up at the airport, Sun Yingsha wearing a new down jacket still has a lot of changes in appearance, and the longer bangs make Sun Yingsha look more cute. When waiting for her family at the airport, there were not many national table tennis players on the spot, perhaps because of thirst, Sun Yingsha ran to buy water, at this time Sun Yingsha carefully cleared the number of teammates before leaving, not long, Sun Yingsha returned with a few bottles of drinks to give to her teammates.

Why is Sun Yingsha likable? Who paid attention to her actions at the airport, Liu Guoliang was ashamed

Yes, although this is only a small move, but the so-called details see the character, it can be seen that Sun Yingsha's heart will still think of teammates, think of others, and go back to care for others. For example, at the previous Houston World Table Tennis Championships, when the athletes and referees left the field after the game, Sun Yingsha would always silently put the mineral water bottles left behind in the field into the trash can, which was indeed not a big deal, but Sun Yingsha understood that her actions could reduce the burden on the on-site staff.

Why is Sun Yingsha likable? Who paid attention to her actions at the airport, Liu Guoliang was ashamed

Dare to fight on the field, off-field gratitude will take care of others, after 00 Sun Yingsha is too good in this regard, it is no wonder that she will become the darling of national table tennis. However, when the post-00s Sun Yingsha will take care of people like this, as the head of the national table tennis, Liu Guoliang has always let Sun Yingsha be in a state of being released, no one takes care of the state, Liu Guoliang is not ashamed?

Why is Sun Yingsha likable? Who paid attention to her actions at the airport, Liu Guoliang was ashamed

After this short break, the national table tennis will also usher in the first WTT China Macau competition in 2022, and we also expect that Sun Yingsha, who has been taking care of others, can be sounded by Liu Guoliang early, whether it is Kong Linghui or Chen Xuan, please give Sasha a coach in charge, don't waste Sasha's time.

Why is Sun Yingsha likable? Who paid attention to her actions at the airport, Liu Guoliang was ashamed

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