
After the ancient officials resigned, why did they tell the old people to return to their hometowns and stay in the capital to enjoy their old age?

During the feudal rule of our country, the emperor was the political core, and what he said was what he said, but he himself also knew very well that it was certainly not possible to govern the country on his own. As early as the pre-Qin period, the selection of talents was hereditary, this person had merit when he founded the country, and his descendants would continue his glory after his death, but the disadvantage was that if the children and grandchildren did not become instruments, it would bring disasters to the king and the country.

Later, in the Han Dynasty, it was changed to rely mainly on recommendation to select talents, but the Han Dynasty took filial piety as the main criterion for selecting talents, and filial piety could become an official, which must also have drawbacks, and in the Sui Dynasty, the imperial examination system was established.

After the ancient officials resigned, why did they tell the old people to return to their hometowns and stay in the capital to enjoy their old age?

Such an election system was both fair and allowed to select talents nationwide, so until the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the imperial examination system was still in use. This has led to a problem, that is, the local people will slowly move closer to the national center, then these people will leave their hometowns and go to the capital to work hard. Today's society is convenient for transportation, but in the past, it was basically walking, and it may take several months to return home.

In ancient China, there was a situation in which ancient officials returned to their hometowns after retirement, and people who had studied history would have this question. It is also a glorious thing to be an official in the DPRK, no matter how big or small, located in the political core of the country, earning a lot, living environment and level is also high, why do you have to return to your hometown after retirement?

After the ancient officials resigned, why did they tell the old people to return to their hometowns and stay in the capital to enjoy their old age?

First, the fallen leaves return to the roots

In ancient China, the roots were still very concerned about the roots, which were the places of birth, or the place where the family was born. My ancestors have lived here, and sacrifices such as ancestral halls and ancestral graves at home will be held here. When capable people leave their hometowns to become officials, no matter how far away their homes are here, their roots are also here.

The implementation of the examination system will enable more people to choose the path of career, and those who have the ability will go to the political core of the country through their own efforts. These people will not reach the peak of politics at the beginning, but will certainly climb up step by step from low positions, a process that will take at least ten years, and the age is exactly thirty or forty years old.

After the ancient officials resigned, why did they tell the old people to return to their hometowns and stay in the capital to enjoy their old age?

People reach middle age, their careers are successful, but they are not over, people always want a better life, so they must continue to be stable or climb higher. The process of this effort was another ten years, and the age came to about fifty years old. The average age of ancient people was relatively low, so some people reached the age of retirement in the process.

Having worked hard for a lifetime for his career, and now relaxing, the first thing he thinks of is to go home and return to the place where he was born, where there are parents and grandparents, there are family descendants. Falling leaves return to the roots and raise the age of heaven, and it is most appropriate to describe these retired officials. After a lifetime of running, I began to live from the beginning of returning to my homeland.

After the ancient officials resigned, why did they tell the old people to return to their hometowns and stay in the capital to enjoy their old age?

Second, Mingzhe protects himself

Everyone knows that during the period of feudal rule, the central authority was centralized, and everyone was doing things for the emperor, and he alone had the final say. The political core will certainly be bloody, some people say that accompanying the king is like accompanying the tiger, the emperor's joy and sorrow completely determine the life and death of the civil and military subjects, down to the life and death of the people of Li Min, when people who have experienced this, how can they still stay with the tiger after retirement.

People who often watch historical dramas must not be strangers, in order to compete for the throne, the prince pulls together gangs and factions, frames each other, and the decisive role is played by the ministers of the DPRK and the Central Government, they also take sides, in the battle for the throne, they will definitely offend many people, and if the prince wins, he will follow the light, if he loses, it is not easy to save his life.

After the ancient officials resigned, why did they tell the old people to return to their hometowns and stay in the capital to enjoy their old age?

People who save their lives, it is difficult to survive to retirement, do not leave this place of right and wrong quickly, but also choose to retire in the local area, that is not old and confused! They must have arranged everything to go home before they retired, and when the leadership approved, they hurried back to their hometowns, away from the storm of the political core.

Because of the election of the imperial examination system, the ministers' hometowns will be far away from the imperial city, and returning to their hometowns for the elderly can also evade the calculations of their opponents. First of all, I will show that I am old and do not participate in your struggle, and in order to reassure you, I will not even want my home, and move to a small place far away from you, please let me go. In the face of such a sincere request, I believe that the enemy will no longer kill them all.

After the ancient officials resigned, why did they tell the old people to return to their hometowns and stay in the capital to enjoy their old age?

Third, return home

The talents elected through the imperial examination system must have been knowledgeable people at that time, who were far away from home, working for the emperor, and participating in the construction and development of the country. This kind of person is not only respected by the locals, but also the pride of the old people. When you choose to return to your hometown when you retire, you will definitely be worshipped by the people and proud of him.

The allusion to Yijin's return to his hometown comes from Xiang Yu, who was obviously the first to enter Xianyang, but did not seize the opportunity to become king, and later did not kill Liu Bang at the Hongmen banquet, and finally was surrounded by Liu Bang on all sides. When Xiang Yu faced the burned-to-the-ground Xianyang City, he said, "Rich and noble do not return to their homeland, like the night of clothing, who knows." ”

After the ancient officials resigned, why did they tell the old people to return to their hometowns and stay in the capital to enjoy their old age?

Xiang Yu means to return to his hometown after becoming rich, just like walking in the night in good clothes, who will know? Slowly, people summed up the return of clothes to their hometowns, and this habit has always been used, and when people who are officials in the DPRK and China retire, most of them will choose to return to their hometowns, which is a symbol of a successful person.

After returning to my hometown, I was faced with the admiration of my fellow countrymen and felt that I should do something. Just think of doing something to benefit the local people, make your image more magnificent, and accumulate blessings for future generations. It seems that it is indeed a good thing to return home, not only can you enjoy your old age, but also help others, why not enjoy it?

After the ancient officials resigned, why did they tell the old people to return to their hometowns and stay in the capital to enjoy their old age?

After the ancient officials retired, why should they tell the old to return to their hometowns, and it is not good to stay in the local area for the elderly? After analyzing a lot, the conclusion is that it is not good. In ancient China, transportation was not as developed as it is now, and there were not so many roads, they basically walked and horse-drawn carriages, and it may be decades apart between going out of their hometown and returning to their hometown.

Because of the distance and distance, they can't always go home. The longing for hometown and family is always on the tip of the heart, and there have been many poets in our country who have created many famous poems in order to express homesickness. The recognition of these poems by the public also confirms from the other hand that both ordinary people and ministers of the DPRK have a strong sense of homesickness in their hearts.

After the ancient officials resigned, why did they tell the old people to return to their hometowns and stay in the capital to enjoy their old age?

In fact, the society we live in now is not the same. Every year, there will be a big action of hundreds of millions of people, that is, the Spring Festival. People who work all over the country will choose to return home during the Spring Festival in order to be reunited with their families for a few days. The fallen leaves that we have inherited from our ancestors are rooted in the bones of every Chinese.

Now we can understand why ancient officials chose to return to their hometowns, age is a reason, life and political environment is a reason, the most important thing is that no matter where they are, they must eventually fall like leaves at the roots of trees. No matter how good the local conditions are, that is, temporary residences, it is truly deserved to return to the hometown.

After the ancient officials resigned, why did they tell the old people to return to their hometowns and stay in the capital to enjoy their old age?

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