
The comeback is coming! Irving returned with 3 bold predictions: Harden gave way to it, and the Nets won the first championship in team history

Trapped by injuries and the epidemic, the Nets, which had previously insisted on not letting Irving return as a part-time player, also had to bow to reality, accepted that Irving would not be vaccinated, and played away games only for the team as a part-time player.

Looking at the situation of the league's teams, it can only be said that the Nets' choice this time is a wise change, seemingly making concessions on the issue of principle, but it is expected to improve the team in terms of actual records.

Perkins, who has always been known for his sharp speech, also supported the Nets' decision in the show "First Take", believing that Irving's return, even if it will destroy a certain chemical reaction, can share the pressure of Durant and Harden.

The comeback is coming! Irving returned with 3 bold predictions: Harden gave way to it, and the Nets won the first championship in team history

After more than 3 months, The European text also returned to the Nets training ground and completed a team-wide training with Durant and other basketball teammates.

As can be seen from the video released on the spot, Irving enjoyed training with his teammates, with a smile on his face the whole time, and his personal form was excellent, and his body shape remained good.

After training, Owen also said in an interview that although he was absent for a while, he had been playing wild ball during his absence and had not stopped maintaining his stature.

The comeback is coming! Irving returned with 3 bold predictions: Harden gave way to it, and the Nets won the first championship in team history

Teammate Bemburi also praised Irving's performance after training, saying bluntly that Irving was still the same.

Bembry said he was very happy to see Irving return, his mental state is very good and he knows that he wants to be with the team and help the team win the championship.

In addition, I also saw Irving running around in training, without the slightest sense of fatigue, and Irving certainly did not stop training during his absence.

The comeback is coming! Irving returned with 3 bold predictions: Harden gave way to it, and the Nets won the first championship in team history

Although Irving can only play away games, from the available information, Irving remains in good shape and is expected to quickly provide the Nets with huge help.

Among them, the US media "clutchpoints" made 3 bold predictions around Irving's return, believing that Harden would make way for Orne and the Nets were expected to win the first championship in team history.

The comeback is coming! Irving returned with 3 bold predictions: Harden gave way to it, and the Nets won the first championship in team history
The comeback is coming! Irving returned with 3 bold predictions: Harden gave way to it, and the Nets won the first championship in team history

Prediction 1: At least 24 points in the first game of the comeback

With Irving only playing on the road, his debut won't be possible until at least Jan. 6 (against the Pacers), plus coach Nash said Irving's return is not urgent, and it could be pushed to Jan. 13 (against the Bulls).

Irving's performance is something to look forward to no matter which team he plays against, and as mentioned above, Bembry said Irving is in the same state as before.

So last season Irving averaged 26.9 points per game, and even if his debut is a bit down, 24 points is not difficult for healthy Irving.

The comeback is coming! Irving returned with 3 bold predictions: Harden gave way to it, and the Nets won the first championship in team history

Prediction two: Become the nets' second boss

Regardless of Whether Irving returns or not, the Nets' big boss is None other than Durant, and according to his personal status, Durant is also the nets' best player so far in the season, and he is the best player in the league, which is a reasonable contender for MVP.

But in terms of the selection of the second boss, Irving is fully capable of fighting Harden, especially this season Harden's state has fluctuated, if Irving can quickly get back to form, he is obviously more likely to become the second boss.

Harden can also play a three-man role next to Irving and Durant, as he did last season, providing more tandem and assists than individual offense.

The comeback is coming! Irving returned with 3 bold predictions: Harden gave way to it, and the Nets won the first championship in team history

Prediction three: The Nets won the first championship in team history

The Nets have never won a championship before, but with Irving back, the team will be the title contending team in the first gear.

In fact, before Irving returned, the Nets had already secured the first position in the East and were a reasonable contender for the championship.

Therefore, with the return of Irving, the overall strength and risk resistance of the Nets will inevitably increase significantly, and the probability of winning the championship will also double.

The comeback is coming! Irving returned with 3 bold predictions: Harden gave way to it, and the Nets won the first championship in team history

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