
Manchester City win 1-0! Who pays attention to the expression of Gua Shuai after the goal is blown: helpless and confident

In the early morning of Beijing time this morning, the 20th round of the Premier League staged a focus battle, and the leader Manchester City challenged Brentford away. In this game, midfielder De Bruyne returned to play bravely, and it was his brilliant assist in the first half that helped Foden score and score the only valid goal of the game. In the second half, De Bruyne also shot at the post from a distance and Laporte's header was blown away. In the end, Manchester City won 1-0 Brentford in a 10-game winning streak. City are currently away from 2nd place by 8 points with 50 points.

Manchester City win 1-0! Who pays attention to the expression of Gua Shuai after the goal is blown: helpless and confident

In the 16th minute of this morning's game, De Bruyne sent a precise diagonal pass at a 45-degree angle, Anden easily pushed in front of the goal, and through the VAR, the referee signaled that the goal was valid. This is de Bruyne's first assist in the Premier League this season, and the former Manchester City + Premier League assist king finally "broke the assist drought" this morning.

Manchester City win 1-0! Who pays attention to the expression of Gua Shuai after the goal is blown: helpless and confident

In the 86th minute, De Bruyne took a free kick and Laporte nodded the ball to break the goal, but this time the break was due to VAR intervention, and the referee signaled that the offside was invalid in the first goal. De Bruyne's second assist was also lost. But Tintin seems to have found the feeling of an assist, and after the game, he was named the highest score of the game and the best player of the game.

Manchester City win 1-0! Who pays attention to the expression of Gua Shuai after the goal is blown: helpless and confident

The offside was really in the millisecond, and both Laporte and Guardiola had already celebrated the goal that sealed the win, but in the end it was blown away. Before the bowed head and clapped violently, The expression seemed to be a little helpless and embarrassed, and he deliberately used the cute expression of squeezing his eyes + extending his tongue to try to resolve this helplessness and embarrassment.

Manchester City win 1-0! Who pays attention to the expression of Gua Shuai after the goal is blown: helpless and confident

Through Guardiola's post-game voice, fans know that Guardiola's expression is actually supported by strong self-confidence. 'After 23 minutes of the game, people thought we could score four goals. It is true that Manchester City's data on all sides of this game is completely dominant, but 1-0 is a realistic result.

Manchester City win 1-0! Who pays attention to the expression of Gua Shuai after the goal is blown: helpless and confident

Guardiola also analyzed the next winning situation, with a special reminder: "We still have 54 points to fight for. In December, no one is a champion. We're going to lose some games. In the next three games, our opponents are Arsenal, Chelsea and Southampton, which is what I need to consider now. ”

Manchester City win 1-0! Who pays attention to the expression of Gua Shuai after the goal is blown: helpless and confident

Many fans particularly appreciated Guardiola's low-key remarks. "Guardiola probably doesn't look at his opponents every season, he just works on 100 points – as long as I get enough points, you can do whatever you want." This is a joke, but it is also a fact. City have 18 games left in the Premier League this season, so Guardiola will have to hit the target of 54 points, and if he wants to score 100 points, he can only lose 1 or draw 2.

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