
Meiko Review 2021: Scout is also a hero for EDG

EDG support player Meiko was recently interviewed by the media "Star Stand ThePlayersTribune", recalling the moment of winning the championship in 2021, and also mentioning his gratitude to his old teammates and new teammates. The following is a snippet of the article.

Meiko Review 2021: Scout is also a hero for EDG

After I "died", the moment we won, I had already raised my hands above my head. Listening to the cheers of our teammates in the headphones, I was really proud of us. I've been at EDG for 7 years, and 7 years is really not short for our industry. Looking back at the MSI in 2015, although I don't remember exactly how I felt at the time, I just thought that Deft, PawN, Clearlove and Koro1 sitting on the right were very good, and I just thought that I could not make mistakes. We have come a long way from that time to now. Thinking of every player who wore the EDG team uniform before, they also paid a lot.

So in Iceland, this time I'm sitting on the right side of Viper, Scout, Jiejie and Flandre, maybe we're not just winning this title for the five of us, but for every EDG player before us. Because it was really not easy, and it took a long time, so it was also for them, for everyone who had worked hard for this team.

Meiko Review 2021: Scout is also a hero for EDG

When Viper first joined, it took a little time to get to know each other, and after a while, I felt that we could be a good partner. He is a very strong person, and he is a person who is willing to express himself, and he will discuss everything with us and share the idea of cooperation in the next way. No matter what heroes we need him to take, he can play well, not to mention when we need him to use the Epheric carry team. He is without a doubt one of the most powerful ADCs in the world.

The addition of him and The Holy Gun Brother has made our team not look down on the middle and lower roads. Brother Holy Gun is a very interesting person, he sometimes says that the other party's single is very strong, he may not be able to beat and so on, and as a result, he can completely kill the other party in the game. He is very demanding of himself, but he always jokes with us and talks the opposite, and I know that he actually has it in his heart, and he should have it, and he does not lose the confidence of any single in the world. The fifth set against DK was a good example, although he used the flash very early, but the toughness was very strong. How many of his performances in that innings can he do?

Meiko Review 2021: Scout is also a hero for EDG

His old partner, Scout, has finally proven himself to people. From 2016 to now, he and I have been through a lot at EDG. In fact, he has not changed much in the past few years, he has really been very serious about the game, he is a very stubborn person, and there are not many people who are more eager to win the game than him. Although he sometimes spoke lightly, when he raised the Summoner Trophy, everyone could see in his eyes what it meant to him. I know that when it comes to EDG, many people will think of me and Ming Kai, in fact, Scout is also a hero of EDG.

Now in the League of Legends, it is very important to have a strong fighting field. DK's Canyon is probably one of the best players in the world. But in the most important game, Jiejie beat him. Although he is the youngest of the five of us, his performance at this World Championship is obvious to everyone. He is actually a very introverted person, if he does not take the initiative to ask him, he will not say a lot of inner words, but he is thinking, it is not easy to play wild in EDG, before he may face important games will be a little nervous. This year Jiejie has also made a lot of changes and grown a lot to shine in Iceland.

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