
Japan's biggest accomplice in the war of aggression against China once sent 240,000 troops to invade China, but unexpectedly became a victim country after the war

History is the memory of things that have been said and done. —Carl Baker

Speaking of Japan, I believe that many people have a certain degree of hostility, because the war of aggression launched by Japan against our country in that year caused our country to suffer for more than ten years, and although the relations between our country and Japan have improved now, our people will never forget the crimes committed by Japan in those years, and japan is still unwilling to apologize for the events of that year.

Japan's biggest accomplice in the war of aggression against China once sent 240,000 troops to invade China, but unexpectedly became a victim country after the war

Japan is an island country, and there are only so many people in the country, but during World War II, The Japanese soldiers can be said to be endless, so where did Japan get so many soldiers? In fact, Japan did not fight alone during World War II, they also had helpers, but later covered up by history. Japan's biggest accomplice in the war of aggression against China, sending 240,000 troops to invade China, became a victim country after the war.

Japan's biggest accomplice in the war of aggression against China once sent 240,000 troops to invade China, but unexpectedly became a victim country after the war

At the time of the war of aggression against China, Japan had a very big helper, and this country was South Korea, when South Korea sent 240,000 people to help Japan in the war. Some survivors of the Nanjing Massacre have personally told that among the soldiers of the Japanese massacre in Nanjing, there were Koreans, and they were even more ferocious than the Japanese. But south Korea was not punished after Japan's defeat, but became a victim country.

Japan's biggest accomplice in the war of aggression against China once sent 240,000 troops to invade China, but unexpectedly became a victim country after the war

To be honest, South Korea can also be said to be a victim country, in fact, there is a reason for the poor relations between Japan and South Korea today. At that time, Japan had occupied the Korean Peninsula before the war of aggression against China began, and they were very repulsive to the Japanese at the beginning, but over time they were brainwashed by the Japanese emperor culture and were very loyal to Japan.

Japan's biggest accomplice in the war of aggression against China once sent 240,000 troops to invade China, but unexpectedly became a victim country after the war

After Japan's defeat, nearly 100,000 Koreans committed suicide because of this, and even the Japanese themselves were not so crazy. What everyone did not expect was that when the countries divided japan's compensation, South Korea suddenly woke up and said that it was also a victim, and in the end they did get a lot of compensation.

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