
【Alan Wenyuan】The day of the online class

Internet class days

Days of online lessons

Text/Wang Haixia

【Alan Wenyuan】The day of the online class

Online classes have been around for some time. In the midst of busyness, I occasionally pay attention to my daughter's studies. In the days of online classes, I am often touched by some things.

At this moment, it was late at night, and the surroundings were quiet. I am used to going to bed every night, using the free time before going to bed to look through the circle of friends, pay attention to the information and articles related to the epidemic, is to relax, but also to find a touch again and again, with this positive energy to nourish themselves, to gain the confidence and strength to continue to work hard tomorrow.

【Alan Wenyuan】The day of the online class

When I saw that Shi Yi's father's circle of friends sent a message with no new cases in Manchuria, I immediately commented: "Great! "My first feeling was that Shi Yi was just around the corner when she saw her parents. Then I saw a video sent by Shi Yi's mother, the picture was warm and inspiring, and my eyes were moist again.

After reading a few more articles, with joy and anticipation, I turned off the lights and lay down, but my mood could not be calmed, and tears slipped silently down the pillow. So, get up and pick up the mobile phone, lean on the head of the bed, let the tide of thoughts fluctuate, fingertips tapping, is deeply moved...

When the online class was auditioned that day, Xiao Shiyi told me in a childish and proud voice: "Mom and Dad have gone to fight the virus!" "That cute little look is heart-wrenching.

【Alan Wenyuan】The day of the online class

I remember that day in the video I said to the child, "Mom and Dad are awesome, go to the front line of the fight against the epidemic, you are more powerful", my eyes were moist, my voice was a little choked, I could not say more, worried that my tears would arouse Xiao Shiyi's miss of her parents. I was touched by Xiao Shiyi's young parents giving up their small homes to take care of everyone, and I was even more touched by Xiao Shiyi's strength, she had a good online class at home, so that the front-line parents could put into work with peace of mind. I don't remember what I said later.

Since the online teaching, I will look at Xiao Shiyi more in class every day, pay attention to her mental state, whether her mood fluctuates, sometimes, it is her uncle who is accompanying, sometimes, grandparents are paying attention, today she is in class, reading so seriously, sitting so upright, writing so standardized. On her little face, what I saw was still innocent and happy, and my eyes were still full of love and longing, but I still didn't dare to stay longer, talk more, and worry that I couldn't control my tears.

【Alan Wenyuan】The day of the online class

At present, a few simple and true feelings only want to convey a sense of peace of mind and encouragement to the parents of Xiao Shiyi, who works in the quarantine hotel. I know that in fact, they also want to accompany their daughter who has just read the first online class in the first grade, and they also want to give her a hug when their daughter is bored and monotonous at home, and they also want to guard their small family during this special period, but they still choose to give up the "small family" for "everyone", choose to charge forward, and let go of their worries.

I would like to say that I am grateful to Xiao Shiyi's parents for undertaking the mission of the times and retrograde medical personnel and people's police, thank you for building safety protection for us at the same time, but also light a bright light in our hearts; grateful to Xiao Shiyi and the family behind the retrograde, it is your understanding and support, let us know that doing a good job of not adding chaos is the best performance to help fight the epidemic.

【Alan Wenyuan】The day of the online class

I also want to say to parents, please cherish every moment that you can accompany your children to class, how precious it is for many people on the front line of the fight against the epidemic; I want to say to the big children and young children, do yourself well, everything you are enjoying is because there are uncles and aunts who are resisting risks, there are teachers and parents who silently pay in the rear to hold up a piece of the sky for you, and to take every lesson seriously is to contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic, that is, to cheer for Manchuria, to cheer for Hulunbuir, to cheer for China!

Source: Arong Qirong Media Center

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