
This highly rated god anime on the whole network, with a score of 9.6, after reading it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it

This highly rated god anime on the whole network, with a score of 9.6, after reading it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it

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Long gone, today is a rare Narita Ryogo group portrait channel! When it comes to group portrait drama, perhaps many people are still very unfamiliar with this term, group portrait drama refers to the general term for a type of work in which multiple protagonists intersperse and interleave different stories to advance the plot together.

And the "Tale of the Headless Horseman" that we want to talk about today can be described as the pinnacle of the generation of group portrait drama anime, and it is also one of the most representative works of Narita Ryogo, which fully demonstrates his unique narrative style.

This highly rated god anime on the whole network, with a score of 9.6, after reading it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it

Let's first take a look at the Douban and B station ratings of this anime, the two ratings are as high as 8.8 points and 9.6 points, respectively, it can be said that it is a relatively good score, I roughly looked at the main reason for the bad reviews, generally because I can't understand the bad reviews given by this anime.

This highly rated god anime on the whole network, with a score of 9.6, after reading it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it

In fact, this anime may be the first time to see the timeline will indeed have some chaos, but generally as long as you are willing to watch the second time, I guarantee that you will give a thumbs up and say that this is a god work!

Because this anime is a group portrait drama, the characters of each character are very individual, and each character has very distinct characteristics, because this often means to completely shape multiple story lines, a little careless, the whole work will be messy, so when I watch this anime, I really want to see what the author's brain is really structured, can sort out the story line so reasonably.

This highly rated god anime on the whole network, with a score of 9.6, after reading it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it

Next, let's sort out the plot of this anime together, as a reference for people who have not seen it or have seen it but have not understood it much.

The main story tells that the protagonist, Teijin Ryunoho, accepts the invitation of his good friend Masatoshi Kita and comes down from his hometown to the metropolis of Tokyo Ikebukuro to study (it is estimated that many people also learned about Tokyo Ikebukuro because of this anime).

This highly rated god anime on the whole network, with a score of 9.6, after reading it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it

In Ikebukuro, there are two groups of people who are best not to get involved, one is Shizuo Hiradojima, who is known as the "strongest", who is feared by people, but his nature is extremely simple. Usually lazy and weak, but the boiling point is extremely low and it is easy to be irritable. Possesses a strange body, and if he is mad, he will throw out the vending machine.

This highly rated god anime on the whole network, with a score of 9.6, after reading it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it

The other group is the head of the intelligence group, Orihara Rinya, who has an extremely outstanding intelligence gathering ability, so many of the content lines of the story intersect with him.

This highly rated god anime on the whole network, with a score of 9.6, after reading it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it

However, the Emperor eventually intersected with these two people and was targeted by them, and the Emperor also witnessed the headless knight Serti who was talked about as an urban legend.

This highly rated god anime on the whole network, with a score of 9.6, after reading it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it
This highly rated god anime on the whole network, with a score of 9.6, after reading it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it

In this way, the chaotic situation began to unfold gradually.

Since this is a relatively slow-burning anime, after experiencing the first episode of the tongue-in-cheek, most people directly surrendered their weapons.

But it is really a second before the dawn, the story from the third episode from the slow lane into the fast lane, the plot of the story also began to focus on the core circle, fold also "laughing while stepping on the mobile phone", grumpy old brother Hei and Shizuo Shima's "bare hand holding up vending machine" and other performances, wonderful enough to go out of the circle.

This highly rated god anime on the whole network, with a score of 9.6, after reading it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it
This highly rated god anime on the whole network, with a score of 9.6, after reading it, the more you look at it, the more you look at it

Especially when the story enters the back and the cards that are buckled are turned over, it seems that a cloud of fog has been blown away, and the feeling may only be described as enjoyable.

In my impression, I have watched this anime at least 5 times, and because of this, the various plots in it are almost clear, and every time I watch it, it is more interesting.

Please friends who have not yet seen it must accept this Amway, it is very worth seeing, but also must have more patience, missed it is really a pity.

Well, not much more, I think this anime is still good friends go to make up for it, believe me, will not be wrong to pay.

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