
Dalgona coffee internet celebrity 400 times coffee reversed snow top coffee

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Dalgona coffee internet celebrity 400 times coffee reversed snow top coffee

By Kitchen Righteousness


Freeze-dried ground coffee 10 g

Boiling water 10 g

White sugar 10

Condensed Milk Ice Balls 2 balls

Milk to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Dalgona coffee internet celebrity 400 times coffee reversed snow top coffee

1: Put freeze-dried coffee powder and granulated sugar into a large deep cup.

Dalgona coffee internet celebrity 400 times coffee reversed snow top coffee

2. Boil water.

Dalgona coffee internet celebrity 400 times coffee reversed snow top coffee

3: Pour boiling water into a deep cup with ground coffee and whisk at high speed on the whisk.

Dalgona coffee internet celebrity 400 times coffee reversed snow top coffee

4. Whipping.

Dalgona coffee internet celebrity 400 times coffee reversed snow top coffee

5: Whisk until dry foaming.

Dalgona coffee internet celebrity 400 times coffee reversed snow top coffee

6. Put the previously frozen condensed milk ice balls in the coffee cup, which can also be replaced by ice cubes or not put.

Dalgona coffee internet celebrity 400 times coffee reversed snow top coffee

7: Pour in the milk and gently scrape the coffee foam into the coffee cup.

Dalgona coffee internet celebrity 400 times coffee reversed snow top coffee

8. Insert the straw.

Dalgona coffee internet celebrity 400 times coffee reversed snow top coffee

9: Stir well and drink.

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