
Red braised meat, how to make fat but not greasy, thin and not chai, let me tell you

author:Panda life home

Almost the New Year, although now is not like the first few years, concentrated consumption, meat mountain wine sea, but in the festival, big fish and big meat or everything, although it is also eaten on weekdays, but the mood is definitely different, usually there is no such festive atmosphere, there is not so much time, the main thing is that the family is busy with work, or for life, there is no time together, only the New Year, without any nagging, you can eat and drink wholeheartedly.

At the Time of the New Year's Festival, the family ingredients are rich, there are many dishes that can be made, and the general family has a certain level of cooking, and can also do some home-cooked dishes, but some dishes look simple, and there are many tutorials on the Internet, which is also very easy to understand, but it is, a look will be, and it will be wasted. Improving the level of cooking is not an overnight thing, it requires a long day of practice, not that you can make a good dish with your skillful mind, he must accumulate experience, practice on ordinary days, and love for his family.

Why some people stir-fry delicious, some people stir-fry in general, I think it is their mentality, and their attitude towards their families, their feelings for diners, if the feelings are not in place, want to get the recognition of diners, it is more difficult than ascending to the sky!

Today to introduce you to a [red stewed meat method]

Red braised meat, how to make fat but not greasy, thin and not chai, let me tell you

This is a very popular popular popular dish, many people will do, but very few people do it well, not to say too tired, is that the fire is not mastered well, seriously, this dish, is really not very good to do, want to achieve rosy oil bright, the entrance is melting, fat but not greasy, thin and not chai, but also really difficult!

This dish should be made of pork with a variety of layers, the piglets of the year were the best, the pork sold in the market was barely OK, and if it was a pig raised in the countryside, it was the most ideal. If it is pork bought in the market, it is best to have a slightly thicker meat belly, and the skin of the meat is too thin to buy.

Red braised meat, how to make fat but not greasy, thin and not chai, let me tell you

This kind of meat is the most ideal, and the red stewed meat made is also the best, if you can't buy this meat, you'd rather not do it. 、

There are many methods of red stewed meat, but they are not far from their origins, and the final effect is similar,

I did this, first, by cutting the pork belly into three centimeters thick slices, and then changing it to three centimeters square strips.

Cut some green onion and ginger, prepare some large ingredients, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate,

Boil the water, add some cooking wine, after the water boils, put the cut meat into the boiling water, after the water boils, beat off the foam, blanch for another five minutes, and then fish out,

Then raise the pot, put the bottom oil, add sugar to him to fry, this time, be sure to low heat, watch the sugar in the pot slowly change color, the beginning is light yellow, then dark yellow, and then light red, began to foam, and then began to flower, this time is the best time, put the meat in, stir-fry. When the color of the meat is evenly hung, you can release the water, the water should not pass the meat, and then add various spices

Red braised meat, how to make fat but not greasy, thin and not chai, let me tell you

Ingredients, spices, boiling over high heat, turning to a small heat to stew one, at this time, the flesh is red and bright, a piece of meat is picked up, trembling, the meat is fragrant, and then it is done.

The secret of this dish is Su Dongpo's "Less water, slow fire, when the fire is enough, he is beautiful"

On the other hand, sugar color is also the key, the fire is not enough color is not enough, overheated, bitter, affecting the quality of the finished product!