
Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task

Zhao Liying (Yingbao), a 34-year-old mainland "85 flower" who has been synonymous with "inspiration" for many years, has successfully entered the ranks of the first-line Huadan through hard work and dedicated filming, and is keen on doing charity and public welfare, which has a good reputation from the audience. However, while becoming famous, it is naturally indispensable to online violence, and the outside world is rumored to be questioned by her negative voices such as "forced marriage with the ball (Feng Shaofeng)", "Chaoyang V sister", "fraudulent donation to build roads", "lying essence", etc., which makes Zhao Liying miserable and angry!

Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task

At 00:00 on December 28, the Beijing Internet Court announced the latest notice of the "First Instance Civil Judgment on the Online Infringement Liability Dispute between Zhao Liying and Zhu Nan", officially returning Zhao Liying's innocence. Judging from the exposed documents, the plaintiff Zhao Liying and the defendant Zhu Nan and the defendant Weimeng Company's network infringement (reputation right) dispute case was filed and tried on February 23, 2021, and after 10 months, the case was concluded. The plaintiff Zhao Liying sent an agent to participate in the online lawsuit with the defendant Zhu Nan, and the defendant Weimeng Company could not refuse the summons!

Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task
Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task

According to the content, this "black powder" named Zhu Nan has continued to publish a number of blog posts against Zhao Liying under the nickname of V Bo from March 2019 to November 2020, with the nickname of "Black Yang Mi's Sima Today", and the main text and pictures contain a large number of insulting and slanderous remarks, such as "split fork J", "Zhao J", "J girl", "Zhao Liying Langfang old chicken" and other indecent words; also include false remarks such as zhao Liying", "forced marriage with a ball", "stand-in road construction fork cutting, bundled and stepped on marketing", which seriously infringed on the reputation of the other party.

Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task
Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task

After hearing the rumors, Zhao Liying filed a lawsuit with the court to defend her rights, demanding that the defendant immediately stop the continuous infringement, delete the relevant untrue blog posts and pictures, and demand that the other party publicly apologize in the name of being insulted and defamatory, and compensate 250,000 yuan for mental losses. The defendant, Zhu Nan, argued that "because of his youth and ignorance, he joined a group just to complete the forwarding task distributed by the group"; the implication was that There was already a premeditated plan behind Zhao Liying's overwhelming black draft, and Zhu Nan was just a "tool man" to take money to do things!

Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task
Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task

However, after the trial and ruling of the Beijing Internet Court, the defendant Zhu Nan was subjectively obviously at fault and could not shirk his responsibility, and that zhao Liying's verbal abuse and slander of her "forced marriage with balls, fraudulent donations to build roads, and miss clubhouses" were all false rumors. In the end, the court ruled that Zhu Nan should compensate Zhao Liying for 30,000 yuan in mental damages and publish a public apology letter for not less than 15 days on the internet platform and authoritative newspaper. As for Weimeng Company, as a network service provider, it does not need to bear tort liability because all the blog posts involved in the case were deleted!

Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task
Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task

In fact, as early as late September this year, Zhu Nan had handwritten a sincere apology letter, saying that his family was in financial difficulties and hoped to exempt him from financial compensation. In view of the fact that Yingbao had an example of a "deductible" in February last year (2020) (only requiring the defendant to publicly apologize and bear the legal fee), I wonder whether Zhu Nan's 30,000 yuan rumor-mongering fee this time will be waived? I don't know! At the beginning of last month (November), Zhao Liying just won a rights defense lawsuit, and the defendant compensated her for 15,000 yuan in mental damages!

Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task
Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task

In recent years, with the vigorous development of the Internet, many anonymity effects have been derived in the network to "do whatever you want", but the Internet is not an extralegal place, you need to be careful in words and deeds, and it is illegal to spread rumors! (Picture source network, infringement must be deleted)

Court Judgment Papers! Yingbao sued for forced marriage and V sister rumors, and the defendant argued that it was only to complete the task

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