
Zhou Zhuang: There is always a feeling that touches your heart

Text | Zhan Enhua

The Zhouzhuang mentioned here is not Zhouzhuang in Jiangnan Water Township, but a natural village in Hongfanchi Town, Pingyin County. Jiangnan Zhouzhuang is well-known, and the name of Pingyin Zhouzhuang is not known.

Zhouzhuang is located 3.5 km south of the hongfanchi town government headquarters. The village is small, covering an area of only 0.83 square kilometers. The population is very small, with less than 100 households and only 200 people.

Zhouzhuang Ming Dynasty village. During the Hongwu period, there was a Surname Li who moved here to settle down, so his name was Li Zhuang. There is also a saying of Shangzhuang. The reason why it is called Shangzhuang is because there was once a village called Xiazhuang under the cliff outside Zhouzhuang Village. Xiazhuang has an alias called Youzhuang.

Legend has it that the goblins are born in the demon village. Whenever it rains and fogs, there will be goblins, which specialize in sucking the spirits of babies, causing panic in all the neighbors, and many people flee their homeland.

According to legend, in the last year of the Ming Dynasty, there was a zhou surnamed warrior, who was a descendant of Zhou Bo, the Marquis of Weiwu during the Western Han Dynasty, and when he heard that there were goblins doing evil here, he swore to get rid of the demon Anmin. One day in the fog, the goblins emerged from an ancient tomb, opening their teeth and dancing their claws, which was very frightening. The Zhou samurai had no fear, and he slashed with his sword. The cold light flashed, and the goblin fell to the ground, revealing its original form: it turned out to be a skin (fox) essence that had been cultivating for a thousand years. In order to be grateful to the Zhou warriors, the people changed the name of the village to Zhou Zhuang.

Zhou Samurai settled in Uemura and had two sons, a Zhou Shukong and a Zhou Shikong. Zhou Wushi himself has no culture, but he always hopes that the children can have both culture and martial arts, in order to realize their political ideals of "wen can rule the country and martial arts can secure the country".

Zhou Zhuang: There is always a feeling that touches your heart

In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Su clan moved to Zhouzhuang. According to the "Tombstone of the Emperor Qing Virgin Su Cemetery", Su Gong was famous and good, and was originally after Su Yisheng, the founding hero of the Western Zhou Dynasty. The Su clan, "the teachings of Taigong and Uncle Kang, there are Zhou and Kong relics." "The descendants of Su Gong are many prominent figures such as Jinshi, Juren, Taisheng, and Xiangqin Dabin.

There is a stele in the village that reads "Zhou Zhuang Rebuilds the Seven Holy Churches and the Niangniang Hall Monument", which says, "Zizhuang used to have seven holy temples, with the school on the left and the Taoist temple on the right." From this point of view, this Zhou Zhuang not only reveres Confucianism, but also respects Taoism; he is not only martial, but also revered.

According to Mr. Wan Zhaoping, a famous local cultural artist, the Seven Holy Churches still existed until the beginning of liberation. The abbot of the temple was Sun Guyuan, a disciple of Yuan Wanshan, a disciple of yuan Wanshan, a disciple of the Nantianguan Daoist from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China. Sun is very good and loved by the people of Zhuang. He died in 1958 and was buried in Zhouzhuang.

In the village, near the qiangou cliff, there was originally an ancient temple dedicated to the Queen Mother of Yaochi, commonly known as the "Grandma Temple". In front of the temple, there is a Yang Lian said that "Heavenly Immortal Induction Bao Chitose Qiankun consolidation, Our Lady of The Spirit blessing ten thousand years of society Ji Ji prosperous." "The stone carvings in the temple are very exquisite, among which the Eight Immortals pattern is meticulously carved and the image is vivid, with a typical Song Dynasty style.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, wars were still frequent, and the Zhou clan, in coordination with his surname, built a village. The polder is nearly 300 meters long from north to south and 200 meters wide from east to west. The whole Zhuangzi lay quietly in the polder, like a city. There are three gates in the east, west and south of the polder wall, and the east gate is built with a gatehouse, known as the sentinel gate. In order to facilitate businessmen's external transactions, there are two small doors for east and west. Among them, the East Xiaomen was opened for the liquor business of the ancestors of Mr. Zhou Maiquan, who is now 80 years old. The courtyards of the zhou families are often very large, and their palatial position is almost like a royal palace. Most of these buildings are large courtyards and small courtyards, and the gates are connected to small doors, which is very exquisite. During the Xianfeng period, there were long-haired (Taiping army) to attack, after entering Zhouzhuang, seeing the intricate layout of Zhuangzi, they timidly withdrew from Zhuangzi, and did not commit any crime against Zhouzhuang.

Zhou Zhuang: There is always a feeling that touches your heart

The Zhou Shi family originally had the genes of shangwu, so Xiao zhouzhuang became the "dojo" of martial arts. According to the "Chronicle of Dong'a County", in the Qing Dynasty alone, Dong'a County had 11 wujinshi and 69 wuju. Among them, there are 6 people surnamed Zhou Wuju. They were: Zhou Ding, Gengzi Ke Kangxi Fifty-Nine Mid-Year Lift; Zhou Nai (zi) C Wu Ke Yongzheng Four-Year Lift; Zhou Jilong, Peng Wu Ke Qianlong Three-Year Lift; Zhou Daofeng, Gengwu Branch Qianlong Fifteen Year Lift; Zhou Daoyuan, Yi Unitary Branch Qianlong Thirty Year Lift; Zhou Fengchang, Penzi Branch Daoguang Eight-Year Lift.

In the Ming Dynasty, it was necessary to pass three levels: the first test horse shooting, the second test rifle shooting, and the three trial strategies together. Examinations in the Qing Dynasty increased. The township and the guild will try twice, and in addition to the horse, step, and arrow, try to open the bow, dance the knife, and throw stones. Those who can lift up are naturally people who are out of their class and outstanding in their deeds. There is no denying that during the Qing Dynasty, Dong'a County produced so many martial artists and martial artists, and the Zhou family of Zhou Zhuang made great contributions.

The author personally visited Zhouzhuang for a field trip. To the southwest and south of the village is the old forest of the Zhou family. Most of the old forests are stone monuments from the time of Qing Jiaqing and Daoguang.

Zhou Zhuang: There is always a feeling that touches your heart

The Zhou clan of Zhou Zhuang regarded Zhou Shukong as their ancestor. Zhou Shukong had two sons: Zhou Wen and Zhou Li. Zhou Wen had two sons: Zhou Daofeng and Zhou Daoyuan. Zhou Daofeng was a Qianlong Gengzi Keju. Zhou Daoyuan was a Qianlong Yike. The brothers lifted up two people, and their fame was shocked. Zhou Daofeng's eldest son, Zhou Fengxiang, was a wusheng( Wu Kusheng); the second son, Zhou Fengchang, was appointed as the garrison of Guizhou (in charge of general affairs of the army, equivalent to the commander of the Guizhou Military Region, Zheng Wupin). Because of his meritorious service in office, he was promoted to the commander of the Anshun Dusi (equivalent to the commander of the Grand Military Region). Unfortunately, he died young and failed to fulfill his ambitions. The Zhou family was repeatedly knighted by the emperor, and even their women could enjoy the treatment of "knight lieutenant" (正六品), whose status was even higher than that of the county order.

Regarding the death of Zhou Fengchang, the clan has such a legend. When Zhou Fengchang was serving as the capital of Anshun, Guizhou, the local officials gave a python to Zhou. As a northerner, Zhou Fengchang had never seen a python, and he was shocked, he shook his head and waved his hand to resolutely refuse. Zhou Fengchang did not accept it, first, he had always been incorruptible, and second, because he was afraid, but the magistrate mistakenly thought that he was too thin, and the next day he sent a huge python. Zhou Fengchang was so frightened that he fell ill, so he returned home and died soon after.

When Zhou Fengchang returned home from Guizhou, he brought back two chopstick trees (large golden catalpa trees), which were named because the seeds resemble chopsticks. More than a dozen plants have been bred, and in 2013, Su Benxiang, secretary of the village branch, transferred 10 plants to Longchi Park.

The Kang, Yong, and Qian periods were the heyday of the Zhou family. At present, Zhou Zhuang is in ruins. The original polders, which collapsed in the 1960s, can only see the square and huge cornerstones. At that time, the Brick and Wood Structure Glass Building of the Zhou Family, with its roof covered with tiles and five ridges and six beasts, was very spectacular, but unfortunately, now it has collapsed, and only the front door of the Zhou Family Compound in the three-entry mode is still independent. Around the Seven Holy Churches, there were originally three large trees, more than 15 meters high and more than 1 meter in diameter. In the 1970s, due to the lack of funds to connect high-voltage wires, they killed trees and sold money to pull high-voltage wires. The most emblematic flagpole seat, which is the most imposing and emblematic, was dismantled in 2010 and the flagpole stone seat still lies in the weeds.

In the village, there is an old house that is at least four hundred years old and is still well preserved, and it houses an old woman who is ninety years old. Her face full of vicissitudes makes people still faintly see her handsome appearance when she was young.

Zhou Zhuang: There is always a feeling that touches your heart

The old man still clearly retains many memories of the period of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. In 1937, the Japanese invaded China in an all-round way. In 1941, Japan entered the town of Hong Fan Chi. They found that Zhouzhuang was located at the junction of Pingyin, Dong'a, and Dongping counties, and had great military value. Therefore, in the southeast corner outside Zhouzhuang Village, the masses were forced to build a turret for them and pull up the courtyard wall. The entire camp covers an area of more than ten acres. Large trenches were dug around the courtyard, water was poured in, and suspension bridges were pulled up. In peacetime, the turrets and camps were garrisoned by at least 4 to 6 Japanese soldiers and more than 20 traitors.

The Japanese do nothing wrong. Su Shushun's grandfather, Su Zhongfeng, had a cellar in his home, which contained many goods from trading. After the devils secretly detected it, they came to rob it. Su Zhongfeng tried to stop it, and the devil killed his donkey. When Su Zhongfeng resisted, the devils pushed him into the cellar and dropped poison gas bombs. Su Benyu, a close relative, covered his nose with a wet hand towel and entered the cellar to rescue Su Zhongfeng, but failed to do so, and Su Zhongfeng was poisoned and died. He himself was dying of poisoning, and thanks to the timely rescue of him, he was saved from death.

In 1944, the Eighth Route Army took the enemy's artillery tower, captured the Japanese soldiers and the traitor team, and took them all to Dongping County, where these executioners, stained with the blood of the Chinese, were finally tried by the people.

During the Liberation War, the Eighth Route Army fought a battle with the Kuomintang army. The Eighth Route Army won victory with fewer victories. But two Soldiers of the Eighth Route Army died heroically. Two martyrs are buried near Zhou Jialin. Later, the bones of a warrior were moved back to his hometown by his family. There was another warrior who did not leave any information. This incident was seen by Zhou Shukong's tenth grandson, Zhou Maiquan, and remembered in his heart. From 1978 to 1990, he worked for Taian Timber Company for 12 years. During this period, he repeatedly searched for the families of the martyrs. Although I tried my best, I couldn't do it in the end. Therefore, every time he returned home, he would burn incense for the martyrs to comfort the martyrs' spirits in heaven.

Zhou Zhuang: There is always a feeling that touches your heart

(Zhou Ancestral God Axis)

At present, Zhouzhuang, like other villages, is gradually getting old. Maybe one day, it will completely disappear from this world. Fortunately, there is a young man named Zhou Zhenyu, who is also a descendant of Zhou Shukong, who pays attention to Zhou Zhuang with special feelings, and pays attention to the stories that happen in Zhou Zhuang that will make people feel excited when they are told. He wanted to do his best to protect Zhou Zhuang and tell the story of Zhou Zhuang well, so that those who came after him could continue Zhou Zhuang's unique spiritual genes from generation to generation.

In my eyes, although Zhou Zhuang is small, it is a heavy book. Flip it over and you'll have an emotion that touches your heart. Even a light touch will bring you a feeling that is difficult to let go.

Zhou Zhuang: There is always a feeling that touches your heart

(The first from the right is the author of this article)

About author:Zhan Enhua is a member of Shandong Writers Association. He has published a number of works, including the collection of essays "The Watch of the Spiritual Homeland", "The Long Talk of Caolu", and "The Feast of Life"; the poetry collection "Pingyin Yinzan"; the long-form reportage "The Earth as a Guide", "The Witness of Qiangshan Mountain", and "Casting Dreams"; the reportage collection "Questioning the Earth"; and the long novel "The Old Affairs of Meizhuang". The novel "The Past Affair of Meizhuang" won the 8th "Literary and Art Quality Project" Award of Jinan City and the 9th "Literature and Art Quality Project" Award of Shandong Province. Long-form reportage "The Land is a Mirror" (co-authored) Shandong Province's Ninth "Literary and Art Excellence Project" Award.

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