
Bad debut! The main driver of the Guangdong team, Du Feng hand-picked the starter, and Yao Ming handed in the white roll in 3 minutes

In the focus battle of the 14th round of the CBA regular season, Guangdong lost to Guangsha 86-98 and lost the first game of the second stage. In the eyes of everyone, Guangdong team rookie Xu Xin ushered in the debut, the first game was arranged by Du Feng to start the game, it can be seen how the team has a lot of expectations for this 2 meter 26 center forward, as a key training object, Yi Jianlian, Zhou Peng escorted him, and there were Zhao Rui and Weems on the outside.

I believe that Du Feng originally wanted Xu Xin to feel the strength of the Guangdong team's league overlord, let the main force all play, and take Xu Xin to enjoy the taste of victory. Unexpectedly, after the addition of foreign aid Jones, the Guangsha team's strength increased to a higher level, but on their side, all the players were cold. Xu Xin had not yet felt the taste of the game score, guangdong team was played a 7-0, less than 2 minutes, Du Feng made the first substitution adjustment, with Zhang Haojia replaced Xu Xin.

Bad debut! The main driver of the Guangdong team, Du Feng hand-picked the starter, and Yao Ming handed in the white roll in 3 minutes

After that, the Guangdong team fell into a bitter battle, against the Guangsha team with the same record as themselves, this game is a card position war, both sides are more important, Du Feng saw that the score was behind, he changed people one after another, found an offensive rhythm, and improved the intensity of defense. The strength of the Guangsha team is too strong, the fast attack counterattack is very fast, Xu Xin's speed is slow, the confrontation ability is insufficient, and it is difficult to adapt to such a high-intensity game, so until the last 1 minute of garbage time, Du Feng did not arrange Xu Xin to play.

Bad debut! The main driver of the Guangdong team, Du Feng hand-picked the starter, and Yao Ming handed in the white roll in 3 minutes

In the whole game, Xu Xin only played for 3 minutes, did not score, and received 1 rebound, which was not treated as it should be. Xu Xin's debut can be said to be terrible, the team played passively to lose, not to mention, his performance is like sleepwalking, completely unprepared to play the game, compared to the rookie Yu Jiahao of the same age, Xu Xin is not only weight. Both have the title of Xiao YaoMing, in the height of more than 2 meters 20 center forwards, Yu Jiahao is the most promising, although the technology needs to be improved, but the performance of the first stage is very eye-catching.

Bad debut! The main driver of the Guangdong team, Du Feng hand-picked the starter, and Yao Ming handed in the white roll in 3 minutes

Xu Xin was stuck because of his age, and he did not meet the playing conditions until the second stage, and he who has an advantage in height should play more confidently, strive to improve the skills and shooting level under the basket, and really can play a piece of the sky like Yao Ming by relying on the middle shot and the foot of the basket. Even if it is difficult to reach yao Ming's level, as long as he is willing to work hard, he can still become the successor of Yi Jianlian and become the pillar of the Guangdong team after Yi Jianlian retired. What we have to do now is to cherish every opportunity to play, try to improve ourselves, and adapt to the intensity of the CBA's confrontation.

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